That Time of Year Again

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The girls are adorable. Resistance is futile with grandchildren that cute! They do have gluten free cookies now, right? Maybe those would be worth a try? I love samosa and thin mints. Unfortunately, they don't love me back.

I have recently purchased a Girl Scout cookie-inspired (carmel and coconut) Coffee-Mate creamer for my coffee that is very yummy and goes easy on the tummy.
I am delighted to report that my cookies were immediately brought to safety by the person at whose desk I left them :D. I am postponing opening the box of peanut butter patties, hoping against hope that tomorrow will be a snow day at school and that I'll be able to have some of the little devils (and confine the consequences to home). Otherwise it'll have to wait till the weekend and I'll have to hide them from Mr. EN.
(Don't feel sorry for him. I baked him his very own New York style coffee cake last night, the kind where the crumble is thicker than the cake.)
Love the sign the girls have, so bright and their smiles are adorable. This is such a fun time for them each year. We buy 2 boxes of thin mints every year. One for each of us and that is it... I try to make mine last a long time. I almost did not buy any this year, but we caved in as how do you say no to such a good cause !
Thin Mints were always our family favourite growing up. I'm not really much of a sweets eater but I still buy a box that lasts me a year. I put them in the freezer and when I have my rare dish of ice cream I like to crush two of them up for a topping (that way I don't need to eat the whole sleeve mindlessly!).
I do the same thing, tater. And for the same reason --- I could eat an entire box in a sitting without even realizing it and confess to sneaking one every now and then when I am craving chocolate. But I have never had one last a whole
I put it in the freezer out in my garage....tooootaly forget about the stuff in there! All evilness goes there!
Thin Mints! I can eat the whole box.

I totally resisted for the first 7 years. Then I bought one box, took out one sleeve and tried to give the other one away in the parking lot. No one would take it so I threw it away. People looked at me like I was nuts.

Then I resisted for the next 2 years. Wonder if I will manage to do it again this year?