RELIGION? From Sue? Well, not exactly, but...

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Saying prayers, swinging chickens, and sending love and light to you and Mini-Sue.

Thanks, MsVee. It IS hard to watch and wait. We went over the chronology today.

Earlier in June, BF’s boss decided he had the flu. ”Nothing serious.” But he kind of stopped eating/drinking.
6/10–BF complained that the meat at dinner tasted like boiled cardboard.
6/12-BF’s boss went to ER, diagnosed w/pneumonia, then COVID-19.
6/12-MiniSue, BF and his daughter got tested.
6/13-BF had lost any sense of smell or taste.
6/14-BF test ret’d positive; “girls” needed retesting, so off they went. MiniSue developed low grade fever.
6/16-MiniSue’s test ret’d positive, dtr was negative and so she went to her Mom’s.
And then they both just felt lousy, low grade fevers, no sense of taste or smell, fatigue for another week.
6/23-MiniSue’s cough began.
(Meanwhile, BF’s boss was admitted then discharged from the hospital three times.)
6/26-MiniSue had TeleHealth visit. PCP wrote Rx for prednisone for cough, but only if she felt she needed it.
6/28-MiniSue had another TeleHealth visit with a doctor at a place called for a second opinion re the steroids...which might close down the cough but also might impact her immune system. Second doctor agreed that they are all learning and doing their best with zero experience, but that he would go along with the prednisone since the cough has not subsided.
And that’s where we are.
So, that’s rwo weeks in the life of a COVID-19 patient who has a very mild case. And her family. Two weeks during which I’ve lost all sense time and gained about eight pounds.
“Little Bits” has been quarantined at her mommy’s house for two weeks tomorrow, so the two of them will go get retested and maybe un-quarantine themselves.

oh! And the boss is a bit of a moron...stopped eating/drinking...ended up perforating his stomach, so emergency surgery for him and currently recovering in the COVID Ward of the hospital.
You can perforate your stomach from not eating??

Whew! Something I can check off my bingo card of 2020 things to worry about.
There may be more to the boss's story. Just not eating shouldn't cause a perforated stomach. Makes me wonder if he had an ulcer or some other issue. You will probably never get the whole story, but there is a story there that goes beyond just not eating.
Is she improving now?

I have a friend who is now about 60 days covid free. I think she had a worse case than your daughter. Just in the past week she has finally started feeling pretty 'normal'.
You can perforate your stomach from not eating??

Whew! Something I can check off my bingo card of 2020 things to worry about.
I got this fourth-hand and asked a similar question. He probably wasn’t eating because he had perforated his stomach and it hurt.

But he wasn’t even staying hydrated. Boss’ son gave him a LARGE water bottle, watched him take pills and left the water. Hours later, son returned and his dad had not touched the water.
There may be more to the boss's story. Just not eating shouldn't cause a perforated stomach. Makes me wonder if he had an ulcer or some other issue. You will probably never get the whole story, but there is a story there that goes beyond just not eating.
Yes. I should have prefaced the details about the boss with a disclaimer. I asked after the fact and the reply was, “Mom! This is the best I can do, with the third-hand info I got.” So I passed it on, and it’s now 4th hand!
My kid wrote this yesterday:

As of today, I have met the criteria to be considered "recovered" from COVID-19 (ten days with no new symptoms and at least three days without a fever). It is strange to think of leaving my bubble...of going back into the world...even though I'm probably safer now than I have been in months (at least for a little while).
I am aware of how unbelievably lucky we've been with our symptoms - but I still wouldn't wish this illness on my worst enemy. The mental anguish, alone, is paralyzing. Although my COVID-19 symptoms are mostly (hopefully) behind me, my sense of smell isn't 100% and I have been left with a lingering case of bronchitis. I can't help but wonder if this is temporary...or if I'll be one of the people with permanent damage of some kind. The endless possibilities are maddening. I try not to think about them, but it's hard when you're sucking steroids into your lungs.
(I'm very thankful for [BF’s] nebulizer today - my lungs are definitely feeling the **** in the air after last night's fireworks insanity)

But...she’s crazy. I ask if she is coming over to swim. She doesn’t want to because she wants both parents and herself in masks. She offered to help me with my hair when she was “off quarantine.” Now she doesn’t think we should be that close.

I realize that PART of it is because she’s watched me almost die a few times... but I suspect the’s a bit over the edge right now.

ETA: She needs better enemies. I can think of a few people I would wish COVID-19 on.
As of today, I have met the criteria to be considered "recovered" from COVID-19 (ten days with no new symptoms and at least three days without a fever)
I'm glad she is recovered but only 3 days without a fever surprises me. I so hope she recovers completely. :060:

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