Recovery reading…for navygrrl

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Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
Hey, navygrrl You might like this. I’m going through REAMS of paper…

Back in 1963, I graduated from HS. Our “big” all night grad party was at the local bowling alley. We were on lock down. The event included “dinner” and “breakfast.“ We had to arrive by 10:30 pm and could not leave until 5:00 am.

The coffee shop became the dining area. The bowling lanes were open all night long. The bar (no booze) had dancing and live entertainment. Mind you, this was in a working class and lower middle class neighborhood. Few rich kids here. We got the entertainment we could afford. You MIGHT recognize some names, but that second group hadn’t yet had their first hit record, nobody had heard of them and didn’t know how to spell their name…so it might take a minute! LOL

(Unless I’m the only one here old enough to know ANY of them…)

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I recognize* Bob Eubanks (game show host!) and Jan and Dean, oh, and the Righeous Brothers?!! what a lineup!

that sounds like an awesome party!

*even though I was only 2 years old at the time, lol
I recognize* Bob Eubanks (game show host!) and Jan and Dean, oh, and the Righeous Brothers?!! what a lineup!

that sounds like an awesome party!

*even though I was only 2 years old at the time, lol

Kathy Young did “A Thousand Stars.”

Righteous Brothers were JUST starting out. The week before graduation, “Little Latin Lupe Lu” hit the Billboard Top 100 at #49. And you have to love the background dancers! OMG.

Jan and Dean were already making hit records. But the song that became a HUGE hit and is the reason that Huntington Beach, California, is legally (there was recent litigation) Surf City, USA, was released a month before our graduation was

Pastel 6, I didn’t recall, but their biggie sounded familiar. OTOH, most songs sounded alike…lol. I recently, about two minutes ago, learned that Bob Eubanks owned a CHAIN of clubs named Cinnamon Cinder that hosted many who later became BIG names. And probably even more who never did? Anyway,

The Sentinals? aka The Sentinels? Well, okay.
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I thought Shelly Fabares was there, too. Might have been. She had already ”hit it big” with
“Johnny Angel.”
Okay, I graduated in 1969, BUT, my BFF's dad owned and serviced all the juke boxes in town. We spent literally hours in her basement lip syncing to all the 45s. V A C A T I O N by Connie Frances was a frequent play. I know very few artists beyond the 60's and early to mid 70's.

(He had all the candy and cigarette vending machines, too. It was easy to snatch cigarettes when we decided we were going to be cool.)

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