The state of education.....Warning, long grumpy ramble.

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Sigh. One of my now former students bitched to the boss about my teaching style. Real problem? The **** showed up at our session 48 hours before the test, having not blinked at the work, and expecting ,e to dictate to her the answers to the pre assigned test questions. **** that ****.

Mr. What Is a Syllabus is scheduled with me for next week. Give me strength.
Ya know, @Elizabeth N. , listening to whining kids like you're dealing with is one of the reasons I got so depressed about nursing school that I quit. Well, that AND the fact that my local college's math department sucked. The kids in my biology lab sat there and copied my work while I did the tests. Then when taking the final, I caught two of them looking over my shoulder. **** that ****, indeed. And they were RE-TAKING the course. I got an A+. They had their classes paid for.

I was going to obtain my IBCLC degree, but stopped when I discovered that I wouldn't be able to just latch nursing babies on, I'd have to do "nursey stuff" as well. All I really want to do in life is help breastfeeding mothers from birth. I don't want to fix problems after they crop up, I want to PREVENT them in the first place. The only way to do that is education prenatally and in the birthing room.
seriously, I don't know how anyone can stand going into teaching these day but bless them if they do.

I mean, we NEED teachers - good ones! - so badly. they need to be high quality and then paid well and treated with respect.

don't see that happening any time soon. :(
Tomorrow's lineup:
2 mediocre trying-hard-and-just-getting-by youngsters
1 remaining wanted-answers-dictated youngster, who has apologized both by text and email for her roomie's/fellow student's ****** behavior.
Mr. What is a Syllabus.

Beware, some rather drunken posting might follow.
It seems to me that these students are sill in a high school mindset ie. doing the minimum to pass exams, but not studying/reading more than absolutely necessary, because they're just not interested. Perhaps they've chosen the wrong course of study if the subject holds so little interest for them. It must be great to tutor those who really are interested in the subject, though, and willing to put in the effort to succeed!
It seems to me that these students are sill in a high school mindset ie. doing the minimum to pass exams, but not studying/reading more than absolutely necessary, because they're just not interested. Perhaps they've chosen the wrong course of study if the subject holds so little interest for them. It must be great to tutor those who really are interested in the subject, though, and willing to put in the effort to succeed!

Yes, they are indeed still in a high school mindset for the most part. They are a product of our lovely "no child left behind/teach to the test" ******** that has been foisted on teachers from first grade forward. So they come from years and years of generally having been given a list of stuff to cram for a test, only to forget about it all and move on.

This is a gen ed course, so there's no way around it. EVERYONE at our institution takes one philosophy, one religious studies, one women's issues and one ethics course.

I cannot imagine having such a low level of reading ability, having been raised on books. What a hell of a challenge such folks face in getting through so much of life :-(.
:faints: Shocked and stunned, three out of the four cancelled on me. (Day before Easter break starts.) So I called Mr. What is a Syllabus and told him we'd have to reschedule. HA!
I hope those people aren't getting scholarships and such. in fact, how do these folks pay for college? seems like it would be a problem.
I hope those people aren't getting scholarships and such. in fact, how do these folks pay for college? seems like it would be a problem.

Read it and weep. Though to be fair, this program helps a LOT of youngsters. Even these fine young people who are making me depressed are relatively likely to graduate, and a bachelor's degree of any kind will improve their employability.

As one of my psych profs points out, their brains aren't even done growing. There's still lots of room for improvement. *sigh*
When my daughter started college I literally told her she had to go over an hour away from home. I wanted somewhere that she was close enough to come home for visits, but too far to make it a daily drive. She was very dependent on me. Most was my fault, her dad is (let's just say ********, to be nice). I spent quite a bit of time, money and spoiling her because I felt guilty that he wasn't around, like in making plans not showing up or canceling last minute not around. Anywhoo she would call me in tears weekly, sometimes daily because she couldn't do it, didn't know how to do it, etc. She told me one time "I didn't know you where just going to push me out into the world by myself". Now mind you she was in a dorm, with way more snacks, schools supplies and such than anyone would need for a year much less this first month. She also had a little card she swiped at the cafeteria because her meals were included in dorm fee. Oh and she was always needing $5-$10 put in her account, if I could please. Fast forward a few years. She is 22 years old, graduating in less than 3 weeks, has been waitressing at a respectable restaurant, living off campus with some friends and paying her share of rent, gas, water and etc. She is doing it all on her own. She swears when she is a "big girl" she will pay her own car insurance, but has asked if I will continue to pay her cellphone bill (since she's on our plan anyway). So my long winded point @Elizabeth N. is there is probably hope for your youngens as well.

Did I mention ******** who has not even given her a dime for this college education just canceled going to the graduation. It's not a travel/money issue either. So guess who was looking for a little something extra to give her as a graduation gift. Did I mention the guilt I have for the jerk being her dad. Of course her stepdad has been there everystep of the way for the last 16 years. Sorry to take over, thanks for listening to me. I think I needed to vent that.
@Terri That BLOWS :-(. I'm sorry the sperm donor is such an *******.

I do have hope for these kids. It just boggles my mind no end that so many youngsters come out of high school with so woefully little knowledge about much of ANYTHING, practical or otherwise.
pray for me or send beer, or both. I have six of these kids tomorrow, including mr. what is a syllabus. more ranting to follow when I have a real keyboard.

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