Pissed as hell but thankful.

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First off, I am very sorry this crap happened Scott. Respecting of course your decision no matter what it would be, I’m going to have to say I agree with you. I apologize in advance for saying this if it offends anyone, BUT the reality is, most Cops could give a **** less anymore and view everyone as being crooks and would blame your son for being out there as well. Getting the “government” involved at any level never seems to make any situation any better anymore. It’s not all the Cops fault either. My Brother-in-law is a Sheriff and so are two nephews and they are overwhelmed, over worked and get no support anymore from the politicians running everything so they don’t really give a rats ass…NOT ALL of course, but a lot. This is not the same world as it used to be anymore….you can’t rely on just calling the Cops anymore like we used too.

My best wishes to you and your family in resolve, healing and moving forward and also a Happy New Year to you, your Family and everyone else as well.
Thanks my friend. My wishes to you and your family Rob for a wonderful New Year
I understand Scott - but I also want to suggest that (1) this attack may not have been an isolated incident that night; and (2) it might have been caught on videotape - which won't be seen without a police report.

I think you all should weigh the risk on him vs. those of their next victims.

Years ago, I was assaulted crossing the parking lot between dorms in downtown LA (I wasn't hurt) - I managed to run away, and get safely into the dorm. I told a couple of people in the dorm what happened, and they urged me to report it to the police. A few months later, I was subpoena'ed to testify at the indictment of a perp meeting the description of the guy who assaulted me. There were about 7 of us in the hallway as they walked him into the courtroom - he had assaulted several others that night and raped at least one of them. When he saw all of us standing there, he realized he was screwed, and pleaded guilty.
I understand Scott - but I also want to suggest that (1) this attack may not have been an isolated incident that night; and (2) it might have been caught on videotape - which won't be seen without a police report.

I think you all should weigh the risk on him vs. those of their next victims.

Years ago, I was assaulted crossing the parking lot between dorms in downtown LA (I wasn't hurt) - I managed to run away, and get safely into the dorm. I told a couple of people in the dorm what happened, and they urged me to report it to the police. A few months later, I was subpoena'ed to testify at the indictment of a perp meeting the description of the guy who assaulted me. There were about 7 of us in the hallway as they walked him into the courtroom - he had assaulted several others that night and raped at least one of them. When he saw all of us standing there, he realized he was screwed, and pleaded guilty.

I understand what you are saying and I know you appreciate where I am coming from. BTW, I am sorry for your assault years ago and I am glad those people were prosecuted.

There are a couple of things at play here.

First, these incidents happen at Bradley and are well known by all students. If this was an isolated incident we would report it. It wasn't. Additionally , i
it was very dark and he didn't get a good look at any of the guys because they jumped him and then ran, so he wouldn't be able to identify anybody.

Secondly, Collin is on court supervision because he wrecked a friends car and didn't report it to the police and some nosy son of a bitch called the police before we could get it towed that next morning (this happened early Sunday morning the same day we left for California for Cameron's surgery so our friend's very graciously were taking car of the towing and we were going to clean it up when getting home). That resulted in $1,500 of fines and legal fees (I hate the scumbag son of ******* that are Peoria County and state of Illinois legal extortion system....we paid a 10% fee for every $ over $40 on the fine and then all kinds of bull **** fees) as well as 12 months of court supervision where if he farts too loudly he can go to jail for a year, for leaving the scene of an accident. What a ******* joke and explains what is wrong with our system. Let's focus on innocent **** like wrecking a friend's car where no property damage or anybody was hurt so you take care of it between the two families, and let's fill our prisons with pot smokers who got caught.

You can call it copping out if you want, but we have had the **** kicked of us every god damn year since 2010 and we had a few very rough years before that due to a failed business that I started that wrecked us financially for a great while (and put a decent retirement in jeopardy). We are just worn down, beaten, tired, sick to our stomachs and sick of the ******* system so forgive me but we are letting this one go and not messing with what comes from reporting something like this. Collin is hurt, his ego bruised because that is how young men think, was already struggling with figuring out his next step academically/job wise and I don't want to make him go through anymore.
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I'm sorry you and your family are still going through so much. I hope Collin is recuperating from his injuries and that he'll sort out where he's going in life. And it seems to me, also, that though young and still maturing he is an adult under the law and it's really his decision whether or not to report this incident. If he doesn't feel up to it or doesn't see the point to it (given that he didn't get a good look at the perps), so be it.
So just remind him not to fart too loud til he gets off court supervision!
I'm sorry you and your family are still going through so much. I hope Collin is recuperating from his injuries and that he'll sort out where he's going in life. And it seems to me, also, that though young and still maturing he is an adult under the law and it's really his decision whether or not to report this incident. If he doesn't feel up to it or doesn't see the point to it (given that he didn't get a good look at the perps), so be it.
So just remind him not to fart too loud til he gets off court supervision!
Haha I love you and I am trying but you know how young and dumb tend to be synomous terms so I hold my breath a lot. :D
I'm glad your son walked away from the incident. I absolutely know what it feels like to be helpless and see one of your kids suffer. So for that I'm sorry for you guys and I hope things start getting better sooner rather than later. It sure sounds like you've had enough misfortune lately.
I'm glad your son walked away from the incident. I absolutely know what it feels like to be helpless and see one of your kids suffer. So for that I'm sorry for you guys and I hope things start getting better sooner rather than later. It sure sounds like you've had enough misfortune lately.
Thanks Joseph.... Yeah watching your kids hurts sucks. It is has been five years of that for our oldest. He's on the upswing so hope that he has better days ahead. Collin will be okay but we are very cognizant of all the attention we have had to give Cameron over the years. We try very hard to give him attention and make sure he feels not left out.... Of course he is the quiet and independent type so he acts like he doesn't want it but we do anyway.
Wow Scott you're like me you get it going and coming. Thank goodness it was nothing life altering
Thanks sweetheart. Yeah we have had our fair share. He is actually getting Crowns today as he had the root canals Two weeks ago. Nothing like being out of work and getting a $3,000 bill for fixing teeth. Who knows how much our dental will actually pay.
Thanks sweetheart. Yeah we have had our fair share. He is actually getting Crowns today as he had the root canals Two weeks ago. Nothing like being out of work and getting a $3,000 bill for fixing teeth. Who knows how much our dental will actually pay.

Oh my goodness Scott that's terrible. Hopefully soon yours and mines rain cloud will leave us and harrass Two other undeserving families.
Oh my goodness Scott that's terrible. Hopefully soon yours and mines rain cloud will leave us and harrass Two other undeserving families.
Haha that made me chuckle. Thanks for the early morning smile.
I am from Southern Illinois. Born and raised about 2.5 hours south of Peoria in a town you have never heard of. I have heard that Peoria has gotten bad, but I didn't know it had got that bad. I am sorry that this happened to your son.
I am from Southern Illinois. Born and raised about 2.5 hours south of Peoria in a town you have never heard of. I have heard that Peoria has gotten bad, but I didn't know it had got that bad. I am sorry that this happened to your son.
Thank you

Peoria is no different than any other city of any size that has been around for a while. Bradley is in an old neighborhood that has very nice areas but is right on the edge of the old and run down part of town that inevitably attracts drugs and gang violence. Some of that "riff raff" spills over to Bradley at times unfortunately.

Peoria overall is a very safe city, as is Chicago. Most people don't realize it but almost all of the gun violence you hear about in Chicago is in a few neighborhoods that were plagued by urban flight and now urban blight. Those without the means (economic, intellectual, disability, etc) to leave are now stuck in a nightmare as gangs and drugs have infiltrated those areas and violence comes with it. If you look at per capita gun and murder rates in chicago they aren't even top 10 in the country for murder (Great slogan eh)....and the rest of the city and suburbia around Chicago is very safe.

BTW, I bet I probably have heard of the small town you are from. We live in a tiny little town of 2,500 about 25-30 minutes West of Peoria. Collin was an all state track athlete & all conference defensive back in football who was in the IHSA state finals in Charleston every year of high school and in the state playoffs of football every year....so I am sure we have driven through or maybe even competed against your town's teams.
Scott - since there was an INJURY involved, you may have some other options under both medical AND dental - look at your Evidence of Coverage for both.

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