Pannilectomy and Abdominoplasty

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Yup, it hurts like hell at first. I bounced back quickly but lived on pain killers for a few weeks. You have great results, thanks for sharing.
Believe it or not, by PS got rid of side ****age with my arm lift. Basically my incision goes up my arm, through the arm pit, and down my torso to my bra line. No more side ****.
Sounds like I need the arm lift...while I do have batwings, they aren't too bad considering.
As of today, I am 2 weeks post-op from hernia repair (size of a grapefruit) and abdominalplasty. My surgeon removed 8.5 lbs of tissue and so far, so good! I am very pleased with the results! I was expecting horrible pain, from all that I had read here and elsewhere, but it was actually very manageable. No regrets at all. I took baby norco (5-325's) every 5 hrs for about 6 days. I've spent these first 2 weeks in an electric recliner(don't want to use abs to get out of it) but am ready to sleep in my bed. I think the recovery (so far) is much easier than when I had the DS. I am able to get up and down, go to the bathroom, shower with no problem. I am taking it easy but feel fine fixing my meals, light shopping, etc. I sent my husband back to work on day 3.

I'm wearing a compression garment (girdle that zips up the side,) 24/7, but it feels good and I have no pain - if I take it off - after about 15-30 minutes (like when I shower) I can start feeling the suture lines. On it goes! Then I'm back to no pain and lovin life. I start back to work in 2 days and I'm not lifting anything but my phone. It's been awhile since this thread was active. I just thought I'd share my experience so far for anyone that might be thinking about it. :)
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As of today, I am 2 weeks post-op from hernia repair (size of a grapefruit) and abdominalplasty. My surgeon removed 8.5 lbs of tissue and so far, so good! I am very pleased with the results! I was expecting horrible pain, from all that I had read here and elsewhere, but it was actually very manageable. No regrets at all. I took baby norco (5-325's) every 5 hrs for about 6 days. I've spent these first 2 weeks in an electric recliner(don't want to use abs to get out of it) but am ready to sleep in my bed. I think the recovery (so far) is much easier than when I had the DS. I am able to get up and down, go to the bathroom, shower with no problem. I am taking it easy but feel fine fixing my meals, light shopping, etc. I sent my husband back to work on day 3.

I'm wear a compression garment (girdle that zips up the side,) 24/7, but it feels good and I have no pain - if I take it off - after about 15-30 minutes (like when I shower) I can start feeling the suture lines. On it goes! Then I'm back to no pain and lovin life. I start back to work in 2 days and I'm not lifting anything but my phone. It's been awhile since this thread was active. I just thought I'd share my experience so far for anyone that might be thinking about it. :)
Hi @Taterweight I actually need a hernia repair (3rd in 18 months) and Dr K has recommended components separation with abominoplasty or Panniulectomy. Did insurance cover the supposed "plastics" part? I am told the abominoplasty is important as it reconstructs the abdominal wall but Kristina is doubtful we will get approval for that part. I don't have any rash or anything like that to use as additional justification so I was just wondering if your A-plasty was covered and if so how did you get it approved?

Thanks and congrats.
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Hi @Taterweight I actually need a hernia repair (3rd in 18 months) and Dr K has recommended components separation with abominoplasty or Panniulectomy. Did insurance cover the supposed "plastics" part? I am told the abominoplasty is important as it reconstructs the abdominal wall but Kristina is doubtful we will get approval for that part. I don't have any rash or anything like that to use as additional justification so I was just wondering if your A-plasty was covered and if so how did you get it approved?

Thanks and congrats.

Sorry to hear that! :( I have Blue Cross of Idaho - and it sucks. I could have gotten the panniculectomy covered probably, but when the time was right to start getting the paperwork in, my hernia decided the time was NOW! So, I ended up self-pay for the abdominalplasty/panniculectomy portion. I also felt the abdominalplasty was the way to go (instead of just having the hernia and panniculectomy) after discussing with Dr. K and my local surgeon that I ended up using to better my chances of no more hernias! I hope your insurance is better!

Best of luck to you - I hope you can get it covered - Kristina is awesome! :)
Sorry to hear that! :( I have Blue Cross of Idaho - and it sucks. I could have gotten the panniculectomy covered probably, but when the time was right to start getting the paperwork in, my hernia decided the time was NOW! So, I ended up self-pay for the abdominalplasty/panniculectomy portion. I also felt the abdominalplasty was the way to go (instead of just having the hernia and panniculectomy) after discussing with Dr. K and my local surgeon that I ended up using to better my chances of no more hernias! I hope your insurance is better!

Best of luck to you - I hope you can get it covered - Kristina is awesome! :)
Thanks Hon. Yeah Kristina, Silva and Dr K are all awesome.

I asked for an out of pocket quote for the abdominplaaty so hopefully I can get a frequent patient discount wit Dr K. :D

Kristina didn't know for sure but threw a range that was like $5-$7 k I was hoping more like $2,000 since he will already have me in there for the components separation part. I have a pannus that has dropped down so looks like a fupa so I can see insurance denying that for non necessary but the the reconstruction bringing muscles together is absolutely necessary for hernia abatement but I fully expect a denial. I also need him to do a quick check to make sure the hernia and not something else is causing my guts to ache and bacterial overgrowth.

I gave Kristina Diana's documentation on getting abdominoplasry covered so I am hoping she can sort magic.

Thanks again and glad you are doing well
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@Taterweight congratulations. My abdominalplasty gave me the blues well over a year.

@DSRIGGS a hernia is the number one reason insurance will pay for a complete abdominalplasty. That's why me and my ex husband got them free. Just tell them to submit and see first. Kristina told me no way would insurance pays for a DS because my bmi was not 50 and cigna is firm about that requirement. So I asked her just try and see what they said, the worse that could happen is they would say no . She submitted within 48 hours they approved me and on to the next issue. Someone at the insurance company has a good day sometimes and are more generous than usual. Lol
@Taterweight congratulations. My abdominalplasty gave me the blues well over a year.

@DSRIGGS a hernia is the number one reason insurance will pay for a complete abdominalplasty. That's why me and my ex husband got them free. Just tell them to submit and see first. Kristina told me no way would insurance pays for a DS because my bmi was not 50 and cigna is firm about that requirement. So I asked her just try and see what they said, the worse that could happen is they would say no . She submitted within 48 hours they approved me and on to the next issue. Someone at the insurance company has a good day sometimes and are more generous than usual. Lol
@Charris yeah it is absolutely necessary so IMO they should cover the reconstruction part. I can see them denying the pannus/FUPA removal as that is more cosmetic but the abdominal muscle part SHOULD be covered....but we all know insurance. That being said, my insurance is usually good about these things so we shall see. My Father would probably pay if not covered or definitely loan me the money, but I don't want to have to ask him and I really don't want him to have to do that.

We shall see. Kristina has my referral and should be submitting today. I have asked her to expedite but they have been really busy so not happening as quickly as I want.

BTW, we got a bill a couple weeks ago from Verdugo Hills for Cameron's surgery (they didn't cover 3 days in hospital as they said wasn't medically necessary) for nearly $6,000. Apparently they provided no supporting documentation for the extra 3 days after the first one. LOL he had a hiatal hernia repaired for second time, Nissen Wrap redone for third time, an RnY put in to drain his stomach for his severe gastroparesis and they removed a meckel's diverticulum.....yeah I think those days that Dr K had him in the hospital were justified. Dr K wanted to keep him a couple extra days but Cameron wanted to try going back to the hotel (should have stayed, btw). They are resubmitting but sheesh it is crazy that they didn't do that right and that we don't get a bill until almost a year later.
We have a year from time of notice to appeal and the hospital was resubmitting with notes and justification so it should be approved. They simply didn't do their job the first time....imagine that.

These hospitals and Dr's office personnel like to talk about the big bad insurance companies and the insurance companies do suck, but I find more often than not if there is a problem it is due to the incompetence of the hospital/Dr office submitting for reimbursement.
I am in the middle of a Independent Medical Review with California Dept of Managed Health Care (DMHC). I have a 5-8 cm incisional hernia, and lots of extra pannus/skin. Kaiser Dr deemed an abdominoplasty cosmetic, and not medically indicated. So, I'm on my second appeal. My first was to get DS in the first place since my BMI was ONLY 48 and not 50 or higher that they required. Kaiser is so shady and sneaky in this process it makes me sick...

Be aware of your rights, and FIGHT!
So good to hear about your experiences! I see my surgeon 4/25 to see if I've lost enough weight for him to repair a large (I look 6 mos. pregnant!) ventral hernia. I'm down 45# from when he saw me last so fingers crossed. Most miserable thing ever. Can't bend, can't stretch, god forbid you sneeze or laugh. At the same time they need to go in and remove 2 large Fallopian cysts (think grapefruit). Doc says will be in the hospital for a week....oh goodie. From all of your comments I'll see if he can't tighten things up as well!
So good to hear about your experiences! I see my surgeon 4/25 to see if I've lost enough weight for him to repair a large (I look 6 mos. pregnant!) ventral hernia. I'm down 45# from when he saw me last so fingers crossed. Most miserable thing ever. Can't bend, can't stretch, god forbid you sneeze or laugh. At the same time they need to go in and remove 2 large Fallopian cysts (think grapefruit). Doc says will be in the hospital for a week....oh goodie. From all of your comments I'll see if he can't tighten things up as well!
I can so sympathize! I'm ever so grateful to have my "baby" gone! I'd had it well over a year, watching it grow...Dr. K kept telling me to hold off until it bothered me so I could continue losing weight and get some skin removed at the same time. I'd gotten so accustomed to that lump that it's really weird not having it there when I go to "pet the baby" ;). I wish you well!
I can so sympathize! I'm ever so grateful to have my "baby" gone! I'd had it well over a year, watching it grow...Dr. K kept telling me to hold off until it bothered me so I could continue losing weight and get some skin removed at the same time. I'd gotten so accustomed to that lump that it's really weird not having it there when I go to "pet the baby" ;). I wish you well!
I rub my belly that way too. My hernia is baseball to grapefruit size'sh and now has spread from the right side of my midline incision at the umbilicus, down and back below it to the left. Hopefully I get approved today or tomorrow.

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