Pannilectomy and Abdominoplasty

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En, I'm in firm possession of BOTH the headlights and taillights of someone twice my height and half my weight (maybe I'm exaggerating a liiiitle... think instead of Betty Boop over-filled with helium... ok, now you're getting it). Yes, at 5'5' with peaches and cream can't-get-a-tan if you pay me skin, I'm built more like a big black woman. Figuring out what size accoutrements to order will have a lot to do with where I land on the scale and what that proportion looks like. Even at my low weight of 200 (post RNY), they reduction was going to be to a DD.

Thanks for the reminder that it MIGHT actually be possible to shop off the rack in something other than knits. (Hard to believe I'm 21 months out, I know.) Thanks for the reminder.
The only **** part I want is to get rid of the SIDE **** know, all that extra that makes you have to wear a WIDE side panel on a bra? While getting rid of some would be lovely, I figure if I can get rid of that AND the middle above my waist line that poofs over my belt, I'll be fine.
The only **** part I want is to get rid of the SIDE **** know, all that extra that makes you have to wear a WIDE side panel on a bra? While getting rid of some would be lovely, I figure if I can get rid of that AND the middle above my waist line that poofs over my belt, I'll be fine.

Wishing you a 2014 that sees you giving your side ****s the skin that poofs over your belt to charity... or science!
Christina, your doc did a great job on your surgery. There are so many options for plastics these days. I will try to did out my plastic pics from a few years back. After getting no insurance coverage in the states I went to Brazil to Dr Kuster. He is amazing. Being I am POA for my Dad I broke it up into 3 trips as I had a ton of frequent flyer miles. I would encourage anyone who thinks they can't get plastics in the states to start saving frequent flyer miles for out of the country. It really helped reduce the cost for me, especially since I went 3 times. One of the times hubby went with when the LBL was done as I had about 20-25 pounds of skin removed. I know there are other out of the country docs, but my experience was wonderful with Dr Kuster. Good luck to all of you seeking plastics in the New Year.
Ginger, just saw your stats and gotta ask... you had three DS'es?! I find your this so encouraging! Were you revising to make your DS more effective (lose more) or less effective (stop losing) or something else entirely? Very interested to know more about your Brazil experience. Perhaps you'll write it up for us (I know, I don't ask for much)?!

Liz, I envision a world for you with more appliances and less skin. :D
Hi Cello,
I am surprised you are not at goal with Dr Keshishian. He is a fabulous revision doc. Have you spoke to him about it or is it extra skin etc ?
Yes, I have had 3 DS's, trying to get it right and I think it's right at last. First one in 2003, by a non vetted DS doc, only to regain a large amount about 14-16 months later. Had a revision by a vetted DS doc, who was not really highly experience in revisions, but was in DS's, and only lost 20 pounds. So this past June I flew out to Dr Rabkin, who revised a second time, found a large hiatal hernia, a fistula gone wild, shortened my cc to 80 cm which was 125 cm but reported as 100 cm in the last OR report, also adjusted the bilio limb, and then also re-did the stomach with plication to improve the improper shape from previous surgeries. Dr Rabkin said he has never seen a fistula like I had, but he took it down and repaired/removed it. I am praying another one does not form. It is like my body was trying to correct the DS as it did not like it as the fistula reconnected the cc and the bilio limb. Weird indeed, but that is me. I am wondering what your name was on other boards as I am trying to place you and your story as I see you are a revision as well. I have been fortunate enough the insurance has paid for all 3 WLS surgeries as I always qualified. I know others are not as fortunate. I did not have to fight hard once things were submitted. Insurance guy at Rabkin's was shocked it was approved on first application. So total I have kept off I think it's about 135-140 pounds now. I would like to lose some more as well. I am hoping more will come off as I can get back to swimming soon I hope in the New Year. Needless to say, my case is certainly not a typical one at all. But through all the surgeries, I only had significant complications after the first one.

So onto Brazil. I went in 2005 and twice in 2007. First trip I went with a another DS'er and had face and arms done, I was only there about 10 days. Oh, I also had varicose veins with another doc while there, he did them at the same time that Dr Kuster did the upper body work. Can't think of his name at the moment, but he was reasonable and they have not returned. Did the varicose veins in prep for the later thigh work. Since they were bad, they wanted time in between the procedures. Of course, this varies by each persons needs. In 2007 I went for LBL, some touch ups and first thigh lipo. I have tons of cellulite in my thighs, like the weight has settled downward as I lost. Dr Kuster is extremely cautious about safety. Hubby went with me for the first trip and we toured some as well.

Second trip was tighten up the thighs from the lipo. Dr Kuster wants to do more to the thighs, but my Dad is too unstable to go and I need more frequent flyer miles as well as their rules keep changing. From the first time I went to Brazil until now a lot has changed. There were other people helping Dr Kuster and they had to be watched carefully for honesty, now a nurse named Vanessa is his nurse for out of the country patients. She speaks english and is VERY honest. I wish I could go back this year, maybe next year though. I need my Dad more stable to leave the country.

I am more than happy to share more but I do not know how much more you want to know.

There are a couple of yahoo groups on Dr Kuster.... they are here... is a general forum and here are a few before and after pics... ... and I have pics from my trip here these links show the area where you go...and not necessarily plastics stuff as many people have no idea why I was there ! LOL...!i=51100260&k=r9Zn36g and!i=167635850&k=CdB8pSm is when my hubby went. Dr Kuster is a christian and my husband is a pastor. We attended his church while there and hubby had the chance to preach and teach with an interpreter . This meant part of the trip was a tax deduction. We got creative ! LOL..

then the third time I went is here!i=208080382&k=5mg2FZL .

I loved the fact that you recovered across from the beach, could walk about anywhere and there was a lot of cultural experiences while recovering. There is an awesome bakery behind the hotel where it's best to stay.

Since plastics is so common in Brazil, it's no big deal to have a big hat on etc while in the sun afterwards. I have tons of stories I could tell, how much do you want to know? Like the movie theatre has english movies with portuguese sub titles. I also have personal plastic pics, which I will not link here, but if you are really interested you can email me and tell me who you are and I will share as long as they are for your reference and not for web presence.

I want to add that since I work as a Travel Consultant, I will assist people if they want when they go to Dr Kuster. They are not required to use me, but if they choose to, I am happy to help. It is satisfying to help others in this manner. I do not remember which trip it was when I was there, but Dr Kuster wanted to go on a cruise and the Travel agents there could not find a cruise for him and his family, and so he asked me to check.... well I booked them on a cruise and they had a wonderful time. That was a little bonus that I could help him in some way. Dr Kuster does charity plastics for needy children in Brazil as well. He fixes cleft pallate and other issues. He goes to the country side a few times a year to do this. He is also a new daddy too... has a precious little girl to start the new year.

My personal email if you want to see my pics is [email protected] ... be sure and put a comment in the subject line that I know what it is regarding. I also want people to know that I am not out hunting to help people go there, but if you do your research and want to go, I am happy to help. I would not hesitate to recommend him, but I am not shoving him down anyone's throat either, just sharing my experience as others have. I have always told Vanessa I will help anyone who wants the help in going, so she might drop my name if you email her thru the group. Vanessa is very thorough who works as a nurse and an english teacher .
Hi Cello,
I am surprised you are not at goal with Dr Keshishian. He is a fabulous revision doc. Have you spoke to him about it or is it extra skin etc ?
Yes, I have had 3 DS's, trying to get it right and I think it's right at last. First one in 2003, by a non vetted DS doc, only to regain a large amount about 14-16 months later. Had a revision by a vetted DS doc, who was not really highly experience in revisions, but was in DS's, and only lost 20 pounds. So this past June I flew out to Dr Rabkin, who revised a second time, found a large hiatal hernia, a fistula gone wild, shortened my cc to 80 cm which was 125 cm but reported as 100 cm in the last OR report, also adjusted the bilio limb, and then also re-did the stomach with plication to improve the improper shape from previous surgeries. Dr Rabkin said he has never seen a fistula like I had, but he took it down and repaired/removed it. I am praying another one does not form. It is like my body was trying to correct the DS as it did not like it as the fistula reconnected the cc and the bilio limb. Weird indeed, but that is me. I am wondering what your name was on other boards as I am trying to place you and your story as I see you are a revision as well. I have been fortunate enough the insurance has paid for all 3 WLS surgeries as I always qualified. I know others are not as fortunate. I did not have to fight hard once things were submitted. Insurance guy at Rabkin's was shocked it was approved on first application. So total I have kept off I think it's about 135-140 pounds now. I would like to lose some more as well. I am hoping more will come off as I can get back to swimming soon I hope in the New Year. Needless to say, my case is certainly not a typical one at all. But through all the surgeries, I only had significant complications after the first one.

So onto Brazil. I went in 2005 and twice in 2007. First trip I went with a another DS'er and had face and arms done, I was only there about 10 days. Oh, I also had varicose veins with another doc while there, he did them at the same time that Dr Kuster did the upper body work. Can't think of his name at the moment, but he was reasonable and they have not returned. Did the varicose veins in prep for the later thigh work. Since they were bad, they wanted time in between the procedures. Of course, this varies by each persons needs. In 2007 I went for LBL, some touch ups and first thigh lipo. I have tons of cellulite in my thighs, like the weight has settled downward as I lost. Dr Kuster is extremely cautious about safety. Hubby went with me for the first trip and we toured some as well.

Second trip was tighten up the thighs from the lipo. Dr Kuster wants to do more to the thighs, but my Dad is too unstable to go and I need more frequent flyer miles as well as their rules keep changing. From the first time I went to Brazil until now a lot has changed. There were other people helping Dr Kuster and they had to be watched carefully for honesty, now a nurse named Vanessa is his nurse for out of the country patients. She speaks english and is VERY honest. I wish I could go back this year, maybe next year though. I need my Dad more stable to leave the country.

I am more than happy to share more but I do not know how much more you want to know.

There are a couple of yahoo groups on Dr Kuster.... they are here... is a general forum and here are a few before and after pics... ... and I have pics from my trip here these links show the area where you go...and not necessarily plastics stuff as many people have no idea why I was there ! LOL...!i=51100260&k=r9Zn36g and!i=167635850&k=CdB8pSm is when my hubby went. Dr Kuster is a christian and my husband is a pastor. We attended his church while there and hubby had the chance to preach and teach with an interpreter . This meant part of the trip was a tax deduction. We got creative ! LOL..

then the third time I went is here!i=208080382&k=5mg2FZL .

I loved the fact that you recovered across from the beach, could walk about anywhere and there was a lot of cultural experiences while recovering. There is an awesome bakery behind the hotel where it's best to stay.

Since plastics is so common in Brazil, it's no big deal to have a big hat on etc while in the sun afterwards. I have tons of stories I could tell, how much do you want to know? Like the movie theatre has english movies with portuguese sub titles. I also have personal plastic pics, which I will not link here, but if you are really interested you can email me and tell me who you are and I will share as long as they are for your reference and not for web presence.

I want to add that since I work as a Travel Consultant, I will assist people if they want when they go to Dr Kuster. They are not required to use me, but if they choose to, I am happy to help. It is satisfying to help others in this manner. I do not remember which trip it was when I was there, but Dr Kuster wanted to go on a cruise and the Travel agents there could not find a cruise for him and his family, and so he asked me to check.... well I booked them on a cruise and they had a wonderful time. That was a little bonus that I could help him in some way. Dr Kuster does charity plastics for needy children in Brazil as well. He fixes cleft pallate and other issues. He goes to the country side a few times a year to do this. He is also a new daddy too... has a precious little girl to start the new year.

My personal email if you want to see my pics is [email protected] ... be sure and put a comment in the subject line that I know what it is regarding. I also want people to know that I am not out hunting to help people go there, but if you do your research and want to go, I am happy to help. I would not hesitate to recommend him, but I am not shoving him down anyone's throat either, just sharing my experience as others have. I have always told Vanessa I will help anyone who wants the help in going, so she might drop my name if you email her thru the group. Vanessa is very thorough who works as a nurse and an english teacher .
I'd love to see your pics. I would love plastics but I'd be self pay and there are other priorities like buying a house first.

Ill pm you my email. X
Thanks for that detailed reply, Ginger. So glad for you and will call on you as a resource down the road.

I'm Liria, went by MsCello on the other board. I don't know your story so am thinking our paths never crossed. I will actually post more about this on the revisions board but I've had complications throughout. It's not just the surgeon. He has to work with the raw material that is the patient, too. I've got a stricture that has made it hard to get (and keep) in solid food and have just been sluggish since surgery with one thing after another. Bottom line is this is where I am for now. I'll see Dr. K again for my two year and look at options but my intention is to see what is possible over 3 years. At that point if my overall health is strong and another revision doesn't feel like too much risk, that maybe where I'm headed. But not if I can finally use the DS tool as intended and improve my health in all respects that way. So that's me.
Wonderful results! Your before tummy looks very much like mine- though I think mine may be a bit worse.. my thighs for sure, I have scrotum pockets up on both, and would want the works if I ever get the balls/money/time off to do it- full LBL (back skin rolls as well) thighs, arms.. I'd like a BL without implants, as I like smaller, but not sure if there would be enough tissue to work with.. they look decent for a 40 something but could use to be a couple inches up on my chest.
I just can't seem to wrap my head around the pain (intolerant to narcotics, I've yet to find one that works well without turning me into a puking fool) and the time off/$$. My head I think would work better without the extra skin as it ***** with my self-perception, but my skin causes me no real medical issue.. so I just think about it way too often, and wear compression gear to keep things looking smooth and less floppy. But.. every time I see pics like this, it makes me think about doing it again.. I've considered Sauceda, just for the work I've seen, and the one-shot deal, but can't wrap my head around that much work at one time, and the massive recoup time/discomfort.
Hi there,
I had the same procedure done as the OP, but the pain on my end has been very manageable. I did take 4 weeks off of work though, and was careful to pretty much plant myself in bed or the recliner for the month. My doc just cleared me to start walking (woo hoo!) so I did an 70 minutes on the treadmill today- doesn't seem to have aggravated anything. I also still wear the garment and according to the doc I need to during the day for 1 more week, but may elect to not wear it at night. Honestly, feels a little safer with it on so I am in no rush to stop wearing it. I even bought a second one on my dime to help with the laundering. I was blessed, insurance covered the pannilectomy, and I had to shell out 2 grand for the vertical cut, muscle tightening, and a bit of lipo. They took about 5 pounds off. I am now completely intrigued about a response to the post- I normally have back pain when I walk for more than an hour and not even a hint today. Could it be the extra 5 pounds off down there made that much of a difference? I would love to think so! I will be able to tell when I return to work, but given I love to backpack this could really be a boon for me! For anyone considering the procedure it is totally worth it. My results are similar to the pics here- flat tummy, nice shape.... still swollen so not sure about the final product but even my current swollen state would be just fine- it is improved that much!
Wow! The pain sounds gruesome but the results are great! You look amazing. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I so hope I will someday have the money to get part of my leftovers removed.
LOL, Munchkin, l ove how you say your "leftovers removed" . I did not find it all that painful, uncomfy yes, but not super painful, first day or two are the worse, then walking carefully no problem.
The only **** part I want is to get rid of the SIDE **** know, all that extra that makes you have to wear a WIDE side panel on a bra? While getting rid of some would be lovely, I figure if I can get rid of that AND the middle above my waist line that poofs over my belt, I'll be fine.

Believe it or not, by PS got rid of side ****age with my arm lift. Basically my incision goes up my arm, through the arm pit, and down my torso to my bra line. No more side ****.

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