My stupid discovery...calcium.

Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
Well, I was remiss in ordering calcium and am almost I wandered by Sprouts and the Solgar lady was there and I decided to try their liquid calcium. (I hate the horse pills and generally use Bariatric Advantage lozenges.)

So, it tasted okay and I thought it would be an okay product to use pending arrival of my regular stuff. While chatting with the Solgar lady, I glanced at tbe gluten, no sugar alcohols, 1000 mg per tablespoon...I figured I'd need six half-tablespoon doses...I bought the strawberry and the orange.

Came home, tried it...not bad. Next day, I took all 3000 mg via liquid calcium...saving the remaining lozenges for when I was out. And I awakened at 3:00 a.m. and was NOT able to get to a toilet in time. Shat (that's past tense, you know) my guts out. And could not figure out why.

And it happened again...although my timing was better the second night.

This morning, I looked at the label to make SURE there were no sugar alcohols. There were not. What there WAS, in big letters front and back, was mag citrate. You know, like the stuff that used to be the standard for pre-op bowel prep? And I was cleverly taking 225% of the RDA for supplementation. (In addition to the small amount of mag citrate I routinely take as a supplement.)

The take away? Do not talk to anyone while reading labels.

And...maybe try this stuff if you have constipation issues?!?!

PS--hey! Smart people! Why would Solgar call for 1000 mg "servings?" Can we absorb 1000 mg at once?
I seriously doubt that we can absorb 1000 mg of calcium at once. However, we are SUPPOSED to take MgCit with our calcium. How much MgCit was in the dose (and try splitting it next time, at least in two)? I take 150 mg magnesium (as citrate) with each dose of 630 mg of calcium (as citrate).

If it's this stuff, then a single dose has:

Serving Size 2 TABLESPOON
Servings Per Container 16
.................................... Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
CALORIES ..............................40 .................... N/A*
TOTAL CARBOHYDRATE ...........4 Gm ................. 1%
SUGARS ................................3 Gm ................. N/A*
..........................................1000 IU ................ 250%
...........................................1200 Mg .............. 120%
.............................................600 Mg .............. 150%

*Daily value not established​

NOTED from above:
  • That IS a lot of Mg anyway.
  • If you took that all (6 tablespoons) in one dose, it was 1800 mg or 1.8 g. The amount of magnesium in a bottle of MgCit that is used as a pre-colonoscopy laxative is 2 g.
  • Some of the calcium is ascorbate - kidney stone formers should avoid too much ascorbic acid (AKA vitamin C), as it is processed into oxalate
  • Taking 3000 mg of calcium at once likely means more than 2000 mg went straight through you too.
"Bottom" line - bad idea.
Why does Dr. K say not to take the mag citrate with calcium? His blog said to take it separately.
I seriously doubt that we can absorb 1000 mg of calcium at once. However, we are SUPPOSED to take MgCit with our calcium. How much MgCit was in the dose (and try splitting it next time, at least in two)? I take 150 mg magnesium (as citrate) with each dose of 630 mg of calcium (as citrate).

If it's this stuff, then a single dose has:

Serving Size 2 TABLESPOON
Servings Per Container 16
.................................... Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
CALORIES ..............................40 .................... N/A*
TOTAL CARBOHYDRATE ...........4 Gm ................. 1%
SUGARS ................................3 Gm ................. N/A*
..........................................1000 IU ................ 250%
...........................................1200 Mg .............. 120%
.............................................600 Mg .............. 150%

*Daily value not established​

NOTED from above:
  • That IS a lot of Mg anyway.
  • If you took that all (6 tablespoons) in one dose, it was 1800 mg or 1.8 g. The amount of magnesium in a bottle of MgCit that is used as a pre-colonoscopy laxative is 2 g.
  • Some of the calcium is ascorbate - kidney stone formers should avoid too much ascorbic acid (AKA vitamin C), as it is processed into oxalate
  • Taking 3000 mg of calcium at once likely means more than 2000 mg went straight through you too.
"Bottom" line - bad idea.

NO...Not all at six doses, at least two hours apart. I took a little, all day. And my bottle shows a serving is 1 TBSP = 600 mg calcium. (I must be drunk.). So I took 1800 mg for the day...I thought it was more.

HOWEVER, per the bottle, I took 300 mg x 3 of mag citrate, not all at once but in one day, plus my "regular" little dose of mag citrate...which brings the total to about 1.0 gram...or maybe a bit more. was too much for me. And, had I taken as much calcium as I MEANT to take...the mag citrate dose could have been really unfortunate.
I take, and have since I had my original DS, 1,000 mg of Calhoun citrate at a time and my calcium has never been low.
OK, now you figure out MY problem.

I had not one but TWO middle of the night accidents last night/early this morning, with extended sit-downs in both cases. I have NO idea why. I ate nothing out of the ordinary that I have not eaten over the last few weeks:
  • Breakfast was two fried eggs with Tapatio and hash browns
  • Unjury protein soup
  • A bowl of lobster bisque (had the same amount the day before with no untoward effects)
  • A red bell pepper with salad dressing (I've eaten a bell pepper a day several times over the last few weeks)
  • A bowl of rice noodle Pho-type pork soup (I've eaten this several times over the last few weeks too)
  • Leftover filet mignon, mushroom risotto and less than 1/4 cup of creamed spinach (same thing I ate for dinner the previous 3 nights - we went out for a very expensive dinner for our 18th anniversary dinner and in part due to how upset we were that night about my dad, we took most of our steaks, risotto and spinach home, and got a total of about 10 small meals out of it)
  • A small bowl of BBQ potato chips
  • A tiny cheesecake bite
  • A small bowl of dry Rice Chex as a snack
  • Of course my usual morning and evening vitamins and supplements
Yes, quite a few carbs, but not out of the ordinary for me, and not wheat-based. A goodly amount of fat too, but nothing unusual for me either. I am sensitive to spinach, but it was a VERY small portion, maybe 3 tablespoons.

Sometimes, shit happens. Thank goodness it was at home.
Yeah I am embarrassed to say it but a couple weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night having to crap, which is not unusual for me at all, however; I smelled something and sure enough I had leaked. I have no recollection of having to go or farting earlier, so I have been sleeping with a towel on top of the sheets on my side of the bed. Nothing since then but dammit I hate that happened because it was completely while I was asleep and not me trusting a fart.
Diana: maybe it wasn't so much of what you ate, but rather what was eating you. That was quite a scare you had with your dad and I sometimes think we underestimate what emotions can do to us physically.

(How the hell did you take half a Lunesta? They're so tiny! Even a whole one didn't work on me, but I just gave up on Rx and am seeking non-medicinal ways. I haven't found the answer, but I am hopeful. Either that or I'll just fall asleep from sheer exhaustion from my research.)
I second the stress as likely cause. I had a particularly tough week last week and ended up commando at LGA, which while neither comfortable nor disastrous, must have been noticed by the TSA agent giving me my standard pat down.

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