After some frustrating searching, I found the threads:@DianaCox
I don't know if you remember but a woman @sheila stillwell posted about 6 months ago about a doctor in the St Louis County area that did her DS. i am pretty sure she was a revIsion from a band. I have been checking and they have finally updated their web-site to include the DS and also revision surgery's. Wouldn't it be nice to have another surgeon in the mid-west on our list of surgeons. Dr. Scott did her DS and I have seen him years ago for repeated dilations after my VBG. Sheila gave you some statistics in another thread but I couldn't find it and I have accidently deleted her e-mails to me. I hope this info helps. If you are reading this Sheila I hope things are going great for you!
Thanks Barb - this surgeon is now included in this thread, which will be used to generate a list of DS surgeons to contact. Anyone have an email address for Scott?