Life sucks azz...but I'm still glad to have it! I think

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I have a stupid question. FMLA is 12 weeks of leave with job security right? Is that 12 weeks for life or 12 weeks per year? My hip is so damn Friggan painful and I'm limping like I'm about to fall on my face. I'm afraid if I go out on leave they'll just fire me.
I have a stupid question. FMLA is 12 weeks of leave with job security right? Is that 12 weeks for life or 12 weeks per year? My hip is so damn Friggan painful and I'm limping like I'm about to fall on my face. I'm afraid if I go out on leave they'll just fire me.

They have to give you some kind of warning before firing you...and that gives you time to change your ways or retaliate with paperwork of your own.
If files aren't reachable, someone else needs to fetch them. Anything that needs to be lifted is lifted by someone else. Ergonomic chair, and cushioned place to rest when needed. Parking spot closest to work location (and access to handicapped parking spot if they have one). Extra breaks to move around to prevent blood clots...

I forced an additional handicapped space...well, "forced it" because the Moron in Charge decided that I shouldn't take the only handicap space when poor Mrs Whoosits needed it. And she DID need it. But so did I. I hit him with a mmo explaining that the state issues handicapped parking plate/placards and has issued NO ONE the right to "assign" those spaces to "needier" drivers.

He must have been pissed because instead of painting the curb and putting up a sign, they painted the entire space "handicap blue" and put up a sign. Azzholes.
I think Spiky was talking about me. I'm just so freakin distracted about this **** right now!!! I had more cortisone shots into my hip on Tuesday and as of today it's more painful than it ever was before. The doc that did it has done the same procedure on that hip before and it was much easier and results were pretty quicker. I'm supposed to go to work tomorrow night but I may just have to go see my Ortho guy tomorrow. The doc doing the shots said there was more arthritis than before and I needed to talk replacement sooner rather than later. I was reading up on FMLA. If I change jobs I won't be covered for 12 months!! I need this done now. Anyone had this?? How long does it take to get organized and what about recovery??
I think Spiky was talking about me. I'm just so freakin distracted about this **** right now!!! I had more cortisone shots into my hip on Tuesday and as of today it's more painful than it ever was before. The doc that did it has done the same procedure on that hip before and it was much easier and results were pretty quicker. I'm supposed to go to work tomorrow night but I may just have to go see my Ortho guy tomorrow. The doc doing the shots said there was more arthritis than before and I needed to talk replacement sooner rather than later. I was reading up on FMLA. If I change jobs I won't be covered for 12 months!! I need this done now. Anyone had this?? How long does it take to get organized and what about recovery??
Sorry about all this. Hurting sucks. Pam @Bagaof4 is in process and mat have even gone in, but I know it was pretty quick for her. Hopefully she can chime in.
The guy I sat next to on my flight to LA had both of his hips replaced and even though one was more trouble than the other he said it was a piece of that is a small sample size but o do hear good things

Good luck and I hope your shot kicks in for you really soon.
@CaraOC , my sister had both hers replaced about 5 years ago. They did one and she did so well with her therapy and recovered so well they did the second one much sooner than they had planned. Second one went well too. She said one of the hardest things was not moving your leg a certain way which could do harm to it if you did. I think it was bending past a certain degree, or was it lifting leg beyond a certain degree? I'll ask her about it. She had been in excruciating pain thinking arthritis but turned out to be something else, part of the bone was dead I seem to recall. She was back to playing tennis before too long. Is it affecting your back also causing pain? I don't suppose chiropractic care might give you some relief if back could be affected due to your limping. I'm sorry you're hurting so.
Sorry I didn't respond I went home straight to sleep woke up 7am to do this **** All over again. The lady who handles benefits will be back today. The only reason I know I called and emailed her azz a thousand times to tell her hey I was off because I'm I'll and have serious medical problems so I need my benefits reinstated! But I will be calling her the minute 900am hits
Sorry you have to go through this nonsense, darling but stay on her ass hard about this. It is bull **** and they need to feel some of your pain before they buck their sorry ***** up and treat you right.

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