Well my dr Says I need to be off full time till June 14 then part time July 14 till August 14. My job says you have you azz at work TOMORROW or you are terminated. So im going back knowing full well physically I'm not ready! My job is a career and I'm 2 years away from retirement 8/18/18.
Then if that's not bad enough because I have been off without pay from payroll for 4 consecutive pay periods my benefits cancel at midnight. I can purchase Cobra but it takes 3 to 4 weeks to process. Even though I return tomorrow benefits won't be able to process my change for reinstatement for guess....3 to 4 weeks! WHAT THE ****???? YOU AZZHOLES do realize I'm off with serious medical issues? Stupid me to forget your a business AND you have no responsibility to give one Fuq about your employees. So my home health nurse for Tpn. Nope. Oh Tpn... nope. Oh oncologist visits.....nope.
Speaking of oncologist, I was supposed to get my results this morning. ....nope one of the 3 tests was not complete so now instead getting them tomorrow or this week I will have to wait till I get some insurance in 3 to 4 weeks.
I have always said with all the crap I've been through I have God's favor because I made it through it. Now I am kind of starting to think like
@DSRIGGS that God hates me.....
I have never felt more discouraged than I do right now.