Lab feedback requested


Jul 29, 2015
Eleven year DS vet here who hasn't been as compliant on tracking labs as I should have been.... Taking charge and trying to get on track. Been struggling with getting the correct labs ordered from my PCP. Do have an appointment with an endo next week so hoping between the two I'll have better coverage and understanding. After 7 years with the same PCP my chart still reads "gastric bypass"--UGH! Ok, that mini-vent is over.

Requesting feedback on my recent labs. I've put together what labs I have over the years to track my trends (attached). What tests am I missing? What should I be looking at here and what looks like it needs additional supplements? Appreciate input along with the requisite thunk upside the head.


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Need you to list what you are currently taking, brands AND amounts.

But right off the top of my head:

B12, while in range is dropping. Add some.

Your PTH is excellent. in spite of a very low D. You need to get your D as close to 100 as possible.

You need iron infusions. your ferritin is in the tank. That will also help your iron sat %.

B6 is missing, K is missing,

Some links that will help:
If you think that is bad, try having on an pelvic/abdominal u/s that the person saw a gastric bypass. I do not have a bypass technically.

That's an ultrasound. Radiology. I'm still shaking my head in disbelief.
Need you to list what you are currently taking, brands AND amounts.

But right off the top of my head:

B12, while in range is dropping. Add some.

Your PTH is excellent. in spite of a very low D. You need to get your D as close to 100 as possible.

You need iron infusions. your ferritin is in the tank. That will also help your iron sat %.

B6 is missing, K is missing,

Some links that will help:
Ok...So I had to start somewhere until I got the results of my labs in. Been using One A Day Women's Multi Petites, 2 tabs 2x per day; Citrical (Calcium Citrate + magnesium, zine, copper and manganese), 2 tabs 2x per day; Biotech D3-50, 1 capsule a day [this was after the PCP prescribed that green pill--at least I knew enough not to rely on that!]. Oral iron never worked for me so I gave up. Did have infusions when it tanked to a 2 back in 2009 (that was after an unplanned pregnancy). Will consult with the endo next week to see if they'll write an order for me to start again. Or find a new PCP who understands and will listen...

Outside of missing the B6 and K tests, along with the beta carotene that the lab screwed up.... any suggestions for changing up supplements? You suggested adding B12--recommended dose to start?

And thanks for the links--I'll check them out as well as continuing to read other posts here and on Fakebook. Thanks again!
Biotech D3-50, 1 capsule a day [this was after the PCP prescribed that green pill--at least I knew enough not to rely on that!].

Try adding more. I take 50,000 M-F and 100,000 on S & S. However, until I got mine up, I was taking 100,000. Then overshot up to 130's. So I dropped back down to 1 every day. Ended up back in the 60's. Adding 4 extra a week overshot me again. It took time to figure out my schedule...yes, I still come in around 110 but if I drop JUST one, I end up back in the 80's.
You suggested adding B12--recommended dose to start?
Start with a sublingual and take the recommended daily dose for now.
Good for you getting back on track--can't change the past! I am too new to offer any concrete advice about your labs. I would say, though, that it is clear from everything i have read on this board that you should have LOW expectations of your doctors and plan to be your own advocate and decision maker regarding your vitamins. Not to say you shouldn't try to find physicians who "get it", but i wouldn't wait for their advice to act, nor would i go against what is said here just because someone with an MD told you to do otherwise. I couldn't tell from your original post how much you were planning to depend on your endocrinologist.
Good for you getting back on track--can't change the past! I am too new to offer any concrete advice about your labs. I would say, though, that it is clear from everything i have read on this board that you should have LOW expectations of your doctors and plan to be your own advocate and decision maker regarding your vitamins. Not to say you shouldn't try to find physicians who "get it", but i wouldn't wait for their advice to act, nor would i go against what is said here just because someone with an MD told you to do otherwise. I couldn't tell from your original post how much you were planning to depend on your endocrinologist.
@DBmom23 -- I'm hoping to get a good picture of my thyroid as it stands now. I've been on the same dosage of Synthroid for 9 years now (I've been on it for over 12 years). I have Hashimoto's but all my labs always come back in "normal" ranges. I finally pushed back at a former PCP (pre-DS) when she threw that back at me with "What if I'm just not in 'normal' ranges??" Thankfully, she took a chance and put me on a low dose of Synthroid. It was like the skies opened and a choir of angels started singing--I felt SOOO much better! She was always good at adjusted my dosages based on how I was feeling and not just relying on the labs. Unfortunately, I moved 2 hours away from her so it's not exactly convenient, but that is the kind of dr I want to work with--one that doesn't just rely on what the "norms" should be. I'm hoping this new endo will be able to take this issue as well as the malabsorption issues into consideration. As well as maybe ordering all the labs that I need all the time!
@DBmom23 -- I'm hoping to get a good picture of my thyroid as it stands now. I've been on the same dosage of Synthroid for 9 years now (I've been on it for over 12 years). I have Hashimoto's but all my labs always come back in "normal" ranges. I finally pushed back at a former PCP (pre-DS) when she threw that back at me with "What if I'm just not in 'normal' ranges??" Thankfully, she took a chance and put me on a low dose of Synthroid. It was like the skies opened and a choir of angels started singing--I felt SOOO much better! She was always good at adjusted my dosages based on how I was feeling and not just relying on the labs. Unfortunately, I moved 2 hours away from her so it's not exactly convenient, but that is the kind of dr I want to work with--one that doesn't just rely on what the "norms" should be. I'm hoping this new endo will be able to take this issue as well as the malabsorption issues into consideration. As well as maybe ordering all the labs that I need all the time!
My thyroid tanked in 2007. Yes, got put on Synthroid...but it wasn't helping much. My PCP at the time agreed to run a full panel and not just the common test. Turns out I also needed Cytomel. Getting on both helped. My dosage hasn't changed since and what helps ME is to take them during a middle of the night potty run.

I had one doc ask me why I was on Cytomel if my test indicated I was in normal range...well, is in normal range BECAUSE I take Cytomel! BTW, he is NOT my doctor.