I think this is BS, but ...

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This is so sad to have floating around out there for anyone with an agenda to cite without vetting. I think the reality is that we don't really know what to look for in a partner, how to foster a healthy and happy relationship, and how to work through the problems that arise in a constructive way. Hell, people have no idea how to do that with themselves, so put two incapable people together and watch the fireworks! We're not really taught this as children, we never seem to really pick up the lessons as we're working through them ("why are only creeps attracted to me?"), and everything on tv and movies is about whirlwind romances and sexual tension. What about the rest of the time?

With that said, there ARE people who are introspective enough to look and work through their own issues and make attempts to learn and communicate effectively with others. Took me a LOOONG time and OODLES of therapy, with a couple epiphanies, and I am FAR from having it figured out, but I know my partner loves me no matter my shape, and he knows I'm not going anywhere. I may get attention from other men, but he thinks of that as a compliment because I keep coming home to him. I really struggle with how I am going to teach my kid (and future kiddos) these kinds of lessons.
I've got to say my weight has never been a factor one way or the other in my marriage before or after DS. Our main causes of strife are mundane matters like leaving dirty dishes in the sink.
Back before I knew the truth of what we were left with after the weight is gone I did say I was afraid I would turn into a ****. It was all just wishful thinking though.
This is so sad to have floating around out there for anyone with an agenda to cite without vetting.

which is part of why I've been trying for awhile now to find something, anything solid to start with in figuring out what the actual number might be.

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