I have Covid

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Haven't been here for a minute, so just now catching up. I'm so sorry you've been dealing with all of this. I'm glad you're on the mend, but just seething about your treatment with disclosure and pay.
Only 46 hours? That’s not even 6 days.

I know, but it added up right for me. I had had 1 day of vacation scheduled during that time, they had already paid me for the other half of the day I went home, and then I forget the rest.

did I mention the brain fog and the fatigue continue? today an RN told me I didn't have any sparkle in my eye and this was after having double the amount of caffiene normal for me. I'm OK albeit slow in the mornings and then really drag in the afternoon. but I assume it's just a matter of time.

I rarely get 8 hours a day, even between 2 buildings. I was averaging about 7.5 a day in the week before I got sick and they used that.

anyway, it's better than nothing.
Biden to require nursing homes get staff vaccinated or lose federal funds
finally! it's a no brainer, but my facilities are already freaking out because even using non vaxxed staff they don't have enough people.
Make sure they were allowed to make that choice for you. I believe they could be STEALING your leave, because they may be required to pay you for 2 weeks of time off for quarantining, IN ADDITION TO AND NOT TAKEN OUT OF YOUR PTO, if they are taking a tax credit for it. Call and check:

For additional information or to find out how to file a complaint, visit our Wage and Hour Division Website: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whdand/or call our toll-free information and helpline, available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in your time zone, 1-866-4USWAGE (1-866-487- 9243).

I think if I get the 46 hours promised I will be satisfied, but just FYI I talked to a nice lady at the US government I got to via Diana's link and she said the federal policy where they have to pay you for covid expired back in December 2020.

which seems like a bad idea to me. anyway, I told her what my situation was and she said it sounded like they were following the expired law anyway and if I had questions about OR law I should call 211. so I'll do that if I end up not getting the 46 hours.

in other news, I still lack vigor and an RN I like told me yesterday I am pale and don't have a sparkle in my eyes. :unsure:

I am drinking about twice as much coffee and caff. tea as usual and it doesn't do much for me. I'm sleeping a good 7 to 8 hours at night so that's good. unusual, though, with the caffeine intake!

so I'm hoping time will take care of everything. and my work hours are low and will be until that same facility starts taking rehab patients again so I should be using the extra time to look for a better job but I don't have that kind of energy.

I am VERY slowly going back to the unpacking from my move in June. it got sidetracked when I had a house guest.

life is hard and then you get older and then there is a pandemic. I will try to be grateful no earthquake!
in other news, I still lack vigor and an RN I like told me yesterday I am pale and don't have a sparkle in my eyes. :unsure:

I am drinking about twice as much coffee and caff. tea as usual and it doesn't do much for me. I'm sleeping a good 7 to 8 hours at night so that's good. unusual, though, with the caffeine intake!

so I'm hoping time will take care of everything. and my work hours are low and will be until that same facility starts taking rehab patients again so I should be using the extra time to look for a better job but I don't have that kind of energy.

I am VERY slowly going back to the unpacking from my move in June. it got sidetracked when I had a house guest.

life is hard and then you get older and then there is a pandemic. I will try to be grateful no earthquake!

I hope you feel 100% yourself soon, and maybe get a ride on Easy Street one of these days!
I hung out with a friend last night and her dog rolled in dead fish. this is how I discovered my sense of smell is gone again!

well, wait, it was last night and first thing this morning and now I CAN smell my lavendar spray.

so weird! did I tell you it takes 2 to 3 times the normal amount of caffeine to have the same effect?

so weird.
My relatives who survived COVID all say it took time to return to normal. One cousin is still dealing with fatigue. He had COVID early January otherwise he has recovered.

My brother’s friend has permanent lung and kidney damage from COVID-19. He is adjusting to a new normal. I am so glad that is NOT your experience.
I know, but it added up right for me. I had had 1 day of vacation scheduled during that time, they had already paid me for the other half of the day I went home, and then I forget the rest.

did I mention the brain fog and the fatigue continue? today an RN told me I didn't have any sparkle in my eye and this was after having double the amount of caffiene normal for me. I'm OK albeit slow in the mornings and then really drag in the afternoon. but I assume it's just a matter of time.

I rarely get 8 hours a day, even between 2 buildings. I was averaging about 7.5 a day in the week before I got sick and they used that.

anyway, it's better than nothing.

finally! it's a no brainer, but my facilities are already freaking out because even using non vaxxed staff they don't have enough people.
I talked to a friend this weekend who has Covid. She said her physical problems were just like a bad cold. Her first reaction when hearing her diagnosis was complete and utter shock. The emotional and mental statuses were a total mind ****. (My words, not hers. She said she couldn't find quite the right words. When she listed the problems, it sounded like a mind **** to me.) Hope you get out of that brain fog soon.
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yes, I was just posting about it in other thread. I guess thinking I was in this one.

well. I sleep good, anyway. 8 hours last night!
My grandson has Covid. Since he is only 9, he’s dependent on others to stay well. I just hope and pray it isn’t the delta variant. His mom and dad had Covid in April??, but he wasn’t tested as he didn’t have any symptoms. I’m hoping he did have it back then, as it would give him a small bit of protection now.
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Oh, no!!!

My heart goes out to you and yours.

I don't know for sure, but are they treating kids with monoclonal antibodies?

i can ask my cousin, the one with DMAT, because she was administering those infusions just a week ago.

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