Help from vets (health care or just accustom to which ICD-10 codes needed)


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
Breaking in a new PCP for this year here in Ohio. They don’t know what the DS is, and as a end of first year resident, he’s afraid to think out of the box. We gave him the lab slip with everything and two years worth of previous labs.

Anyway, need some ICD-10 codes for these items. Think our PCP fubar’ed them.
Vit D, 25-Hydoxy
CBC W/Diff
Iron Bind Capacity

And the code for malabsorption due to surgery.

We need to head this off at the pass. Got labs done this morning and got notice these weren’t “covered” which I happen to know is bull shit.
dammit, at least you knew to check it out and to get right on top of it.

Ohio, eh? how is it otherwise?
dammit, at least you knew to check it out and to get right on top of it.

Ohio, eh? how is it otherwise?
We are here because
  1. too hot down south
  2. the northeast (Duchess County, NY,) is still extremely limited
  3. due to the lockdown on campgrounds in the northeast, we came here to see hubby’s original neurosurgeon for his ventricular shunt. It’s either failing or gone wacky.

Ohio’s not bad. Too flat to suit me, always has been. But it’s doable til we get done with hubby’s appointment, any follow up (surgery or a tweaking). 4th of July and then heading to a rally in Elkhart toward the end of Aug.

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