I STARTED with the Vitalady list but once I got post op labs, I started adjusting to what MY labs said I needed.I 've been looking at the supplements many of you are posting as well as vitalady's recommendations. Are you taking supplements 'as needed' or, are you following a daily supermen regimen? Thanks all!
One thing...vitamins are needed forever but which ones and how many you need depend on your own personal lab work. Start with a good set of pre-op labs, fix issues ahead of surgery...like I was low on D so I added the D. Then the first year, 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, and year labs are ideal. Get hard copies of your own labs and track them on a spreadsheet so you can spot trends of either high (not many of us get this) or low.
Example, my ferritin trended down thru years 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 so that by the summer of 2014 (year 3 1/2), I needed iron infusions. I don't need A, E, or any of the B's BUT that is me.