I have been getting confused in my research on this point as well! After SouthernLady mentioned Dr. Boyce in Knoxville I was reading on his website and found it VERY confusing. Under the tab "WLS options" it shows (if I am remembering correctly) BPD, BPD with DS and DS??? along with all the others. From reading on here from people who have had him as a surgeon, when they say DS it's the full DS with the sleeve stomach (that leaves pyloric intact) and shortened other stuff (that was technical, huh?). Why in the world would they keep the wording so confusing on the sight?
Also in my reading here of the back threads I saw someone wondering aloud if BLIS insurance covered DS anywhere. According to my reading on Boyce's site it sounds as if BLIS coverage is included in the $25,750.00 quoted there as a pre-pay amount. What I wasn't sure about was whether a program fee that I saw mentioned was something above and beyond this $25,750.00 or if it was included. I haven't made any calls to anyone's office yet as I'm still doing my own research to know what I do want and need to ask when I do talk to someone.
Other things I will find out are whether he uses the Hess method in determining length to use and if he'll consider me for DS. From the voices of experience here, I'm very interested in hearing if Hess method is best. If a surgeon does NOT use that method to determine length what does he use...a set one size does all, or take into account background history, lifestyle, etc? I started to say "his gut feeling" but decided not to"!
The ease of having a surgeon stateside, even within approximately 130 miles of home sounds really great, but the monetary aspect is huge too. I know Ungston is no longer doing the DS but it sounds like Dr. Esquerra is doing well and the difference would be at least 10k. Does anyone have any info to the contrary of Dr. Esquerra doing commendable work?
I've been trying to go through the back posts and find answers to questions and I do apologize if I'm asking things that have been asked a million times. I'm not the greatest at navigating the board yet. I do appreciate the expertise here and everyone's willingness to help.