Coping with PMS/PMT


Taking a long scenic route!
Jan 23, 2014
New Mexico USA
I want Ben and Jerrys like nothing else in this world. I have excellent will power 3 weeks of the month, but there is one week when I want it ALL (I want it all, and I want it now...)

My coping thus far is just stuffing myself with quest bars (filling, kinda sweet and protein).

Lucky for me, there is no ice cream or chocolate to be found in this house and mike is still away so no sending him out and I still am not cleared to no sneaky ice creams for Roo today.

I suffer with serious pms, like the psychosis kind...think it is called PMDD or some such. And my appetite is out of this world and the craving are mental.

How does one cope?

But I'm down to thats something :) It's not b&j's in mah belleh, but it's still awesome :)
I don't know the answer but I wish I did. I'd be RICH!! hopefully, someone else will have suggestions.

I am again struggling with this! I'm menopausal (um, probably) but I still have cravings that come and go. some times you have to "urge surf" where you just ride them til they dissipate...
I feel ya sista! I had a total hysterectomy in 2008 so, no PMS however; I still swing (mood wise). I have been craving carbs lately! I have stuck to complex but, oh, I want chips, pretzels, bread, cookies and potatoes! Sometimes we are just along for the ride.

Can you send someone to get you a 1/2 cup of yummy frozen yogurt? That helps me.
nope, no one to send out :( The one thing I know is that simple carbs don't do much to me...I fart and thats it. But if I try complex stuff, like oats, omfg, I pray to die. I just had two protein bars in the past couple of hours and Im nursing a Dr Pepper Zero and the urge has mostly gone :) But it will be always comes back!

I suffer like crazy. I become a psychotic bitch...a different person...maybe it will ease now that I upped my antid. I hope so, for my poor hubz sake lol.
I feel like shit when I give in to cravings or laziness. It is just another thing to beat myself up about. I am going to go walk down by the river in a minute. That will take my mind off of bad things to eat and make me feel better. :)
I feel guilty about just sitting around too, but not much I can do :( My hips are a nightmare and Im still not able to stand up straight! ugh!!! Will I ever stop moaning? Probably not lol At least once my wound is healed, (in the next decade!) I can get into the pool and build some muscle back that I lost in hospital and being mostly immobile.
60 lbs, 'roo???? SIXTY POUNDS???? Holy guacamole, girl. SSSSIIIIXXXTTTTYYYYYYYY POUNDS! Talk about rocking that DS. And, I don't care when or how you lost it....259 lbs lost is absolutely amazing. Hugs and props to you. You rock.

aww thanks. I don't feel like I'm quite rockin it yet. Now when I can go out and enjoy life, then I will be rockin it :) The good news is, I'm finally starting to feel and see little differences in my body :) Still haven't had one second of regret and am looking forward to the near future when Im all healed up :)

How are YOU doin? (said in my best Joey voice haha)
I know the "riding the wave" feeling. I quit smoking, almost a year ago, and I still get cravings! That is a wave!

Oh girl, I feel you! This happens to me every single month. Sometimes I beat down the cravings, sometimes I have a small treat and it goes away, this Minh I turned I to a psycho carb beast for 3 days. It sucks to not feel in control of myself. Most of the time, constant nibbling on protein helps, like every half hour to an hour.
Hi. I haven't been on this forum for quite a while, but i want to respond to your original question. I had the DS open on 4/12/99. I guess I was a pioneer of sorts...I started at 391, stablized at 160-180 while having two more kids during that time, and now I'm at 220. But this post is not about weight. It's about PMDD. I am very far out. 15 years. but I had such horrendous PMDD that I was severely depressed, moody, couldn't function, slept constantly, was diagnosed with severe depression and literally felt mentally ill during that period. Food cravings ? That was the least of my worries. It was, and still is, dehabilitating. I took prozac just to combat those 5-6 days a month, and lots of other strategies. Finally, I did a lot of research and realized I needed to stop ovulating to make sure it was truly PMDD. When I finally divorced my abusive ex last August is when I truly tracked the depression and craziness, and it was truly coordinating with specific dates. So i went to OB GYN and asked for a three month lupron depot injection. He prescribed it, saying it'd cost me 1200 bucks, but I was desperate, I'm a single mom of 4 with full custody and my own business. Because I pick up the shot myself, it was 40 dollars through insurance.

Lupron is controversial, but it has solved my problem, to a point. one, you aren't supposed to take it more than two years because it causes bone loss. Two, i've had timing issues with the injections. Last month I could feel the PMDD coming on even after only 2 months post injection, so I ignored it, then requested to go to the office for the injection 2 weeks early, but I missed the window. I spent 6 days in HELL again 6 weeks ago, and during that time committed myself to actually having surgery to have my ovaries out. I see the surgeon on Weds this week to discuss, but I'm actually seeing Dr John Rabkin for a follow up for the first time in 5 years finally on Monday, June 2. in two days.

Lupron sent me into chemical menopause. I'm taking estrogen bioidential gel supplements, for hot flashes, horrible insomnia, etc. I've gained 25 pounds and I am feeling very heavy, as I really only feel like myself physically at less than 200 pounds. My thyroid is screwed up too because I went off thyroid suddenly a year ago. Filing for divorce and custody was extremely stressful...but I'm back in the saddle again. And i again have to thank Diana Cox for her undying support, though I haven't been in touch with her lately...

I would HIGHLY recommend Lupron if you truly have PMDD. pmdd really leads me to be a completely different person. And I can't afford that week of the month to be that person. However, at 48, I do not want to have a hysterectomy, with a tummy tuck, open DS, hernia repair with a mesh, and 4 csections of adhesions under my belt now I have enough adhesional pain to begin with. The timing of the shot is tricky, and you'd have to fight and educate doctors to have it prescribed, plus I injected myself once, and that time it didn't work as effectively so I go to the doctors office to do this, but if you have more than just food cravings but are really suffering from this, where people really have committed suicide from pmdd when it was severe I suggest looking into Lupron. Most people responding to this thread haven't directly addressed this, so I had to. I don't like the weight gain but the alternative of PMDD is unbearable.


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