Sunday Weigh In (7/9/2017)


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
Well, last week did not get on the scale so claimed 140.
This week 143 (AND this is why I don't count odd weighings)
Yes, I did see 139 this past week but most of the week I was off my feed with a head cold. My appetite is back and has been since Friday.
LW: 160
TW: 162

Up 2 pounds. Instead of stressing about the scale, I'm going to focus on the fact that I am 11 months out this week and at 89% EWL.
Psyching up for hernia surgery in 9 days. Pre-op testing tomorrow.
LW: 160
TW: 162

Up 2 pounds. Instead of stressing about the scale, I'm going to focus on the fact that I am 11 months out this week and at 89% EWL.
Psyching up for hernia surgery in 9 days. Pre-op testing tomorrow.
Good idea...look ahead...and for a few weeks after your hernia surgery, stay away from the scale. Remember they will pump you full of fluids and that won't help your healing to see the numbers rise.
Well, last week did not get on the scale so claimed 140.
This week 143 (AND this is why I don't count odd weighings)
Yes, I did see 139 this past week but most of the week I was off my feed with a head cold. My appetite is back and has been since Friday.

Glad you're feeling better. Thanks for pointing out that odd weighings should be discarded.
LW: 261
TW: 260

3 week stall? I guess that puts me exactly where I should be at this point lol.
Exactly. And as long as you are still losing, even a lb or inches, it's not a stall. For some reason, the body tends to lose lbs or inches, not both, LOL

LW: 182.9
TW: 178.1 (down 4.8 lbs)

Today is 4 months since surgery. I am down a total of 50.1 lbs since that day. That is 50% of my excess. And I feel human. And I eat normal foods (minus the sugar and flour...usually.). Today I am thankful.
Good for you.

LW 157
TW 158

Bouncing around with 3-5 lbs all week. Just trying to focus on the necessities-- protein and vitamins.
Yeap, protein vitamins and enough fat to grease the shoot
Didn't weigh this week as I was out of town, and now officially on summer break from school (though not from work!).

I had my review of my annual labs with my PCP this week, and have a call with Dr Gagner this week (he had to reschedule). Everything looks good, and I got my regular Vit D shot. The best part is that my blood pressure has gone from high to borderline low (though still in 'ideal'). My PCP doesn't see a lot of bariatric surgery patients, because it's Asia, and every time I go is astounded at my progress. He also is a dream to work with, in that we work as peers and he's not the least bit a condescending doctor.
Didn't weigh this week as I was out of town, and now officially on summer break from school (though not from work!).

I had my review of my annual labs with my PCP this week, and have a call with Dr Gagner this week (he had to reschedule). Everything looks good, and I got my regular Vit D shot. The best part is that my blood pressure has gone from high to borderline low (though still in 'ideal'). My PCP doesn't see a lot of bariatric surgery patients, because it's Asia, and every time I go is astounded at my progress. He also is a dream to work with, in that we work as peers and he's not the least bit a condescending doctor.
Glad to hear it.

153, same as last week
Good for you.
We drove to Memphis yesterday to meet and pickup our 5 grandkids for a couple of weeks. We spent the night and drove home today with a stop in Nashville to tour the Parthenon and museum. Needless to say I did not weigh this morning. I weighed Saturday morning so I'm using it.

Last week 138
This week. 137.5

We went to a rib joint in Memphis last night and I ordered a half rack. They were delicious and I ate most of it, except for some I gave my hubs. I really didn't know whether to feel proud I was able to eat well or scared!

It was funny when the grandkids saw me. None of them said a thing but I could see a look on their faces. It felt really good and also keeping up with them more easily is a huge plus.
I'm unable to weigh this week as we're on vacation, which is a good thing because I'm having a carb extravaganza. But I'm also walking way more than I do in real life, so we'll see how the scale reacts when I get home.
Have a great week, everyone!

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