Dark Chocolate - how dark?

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Jan 1, 2014
I have been eating and loving Lindt 70% cocoa chocolate for awhile now; I get a big bar and eat a little bit most days. have a handful of almonds at the same time for an excellent snack.

bought the 85% cocoa bar recently (how different could it be?) and :087: holy crap, I can't eat that. wonder if I could save it somehow? just melt and add sugar?

so do you eat chocolate and if so, how dark?
I have been eating and loving Lindt 70% cocoa chocolate for awhile now; I get a big bar and eat a little bit most days. have a handful of almonds at the same time for an excellent snack.

bought the 85% cocoa bar recently (how different could it be?) and :087: holy crap, I can't eat that. wonder if I could save it somehow? just melt and add sugar?

so do you eat chocolate and if so, how dark?
You could try melting and then allowing to set.
Ooh, add milk or heavy cream to it and that should help. I'm a wimp as the darkest I go is 65%.

I'll experiment with it. for awhile I was eating Hershey's then I looked it up and it's only 40% or something.

you can get your palate to adjust to less sweet. I know because sometimes I can do this! I got to 70% easily.

I know the higher the percentage the more health benefits. and the less sugar, I assume.

speaking of palate, I went to a wine tasting yesterday and liked 3 of the 4 wines and bought one bottle. I felt pretty smart since I knew to say "excellent bouquet" rather than, "nice smell" - well, really that I knew to pay attention and I noticed it was especially nice smelling!

the tastes are so varied and complex, I'm really glad I have cut down on the sweets so I could enjoy off-dry wine.

I think I want to end up a wine snob! you could offer me a donut and I'll turn up my nose at it. sorry, I'll say, too sweet. :angel4:
Oh my, I just can't drink wine... well maybe a little low alcohol Lambrusco, some Asti Spumante or Bailey's - you get the idea that it has to be sweet.

Good for you on the 'excellent bouquet' I'm gonna have to remember that one - it really does sound so much smarter!! :biggrin:
I can't do 85% or higher either, blech. I tried the 90% and felt like I had put a spoon of firmed up cocoa powder in my mouth. Straight to the trash that bar went.
I hate dark chocolate. It taste burnt to me. I dont know what type of health benefits it has but I will pass. I have a coworker who loves it and every time is see her eating it, it just grosses me out!
I bed it would make an amazing ganache! Chop it up, put it in a bowl and pour hot (not boiling) heavy cream over the top. Let it sit for a minute then whisk it up and let it set up in the fridge. Then I'd eat it with a spoon :110:

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