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I hope you are feeling better Roo. You are an encouraging example for me. A true example of if you get lemonade lemonade.
I hope you are feeling better Roo. You are an encouraging example for me. A true example of if you get lemonade lemonade.

I had a really rough night last night...wondering why Im alive if I have to deal with all this ****...and that's what it is...****.

But I woke up this morning a bit happier and hopeful. I'm terrified I'm going to be stuck with the numb hand forever and that stings as it will mean most of my dreams will not be realised. You never know how much you use both hands until you only have one. But hey-ho, Im lookin cute! Silver linings and all that jazz :)

Getting ready to go away for a couple of days for my MIL 60th birthday. It's going to be good to get out of the house but Im already embarrassed that everyone is going to see how disabled I am. Oh well. Fingers crossed someday it gets better. It's gloomy and rainy as heck today so that never helps ones mood, but at least today I am happy to be alive :) That is always helpful! :)
I had a really rough night last night...wondering why Im alive if I have to deal with all this ****...and that's what it is...****.

But I woke up this morning a bit happier and hopeful. I'm terrified I'm going to be stuck with the numb hand forever and that stings as it will mean most of my dreams will not be realised. You never know how much you use both hands until you only have one. But hey-ho, Im lookin cute! Silver linings and all that jazz :)

Getting ready to go away for a couple of days for my MIL 60th birthday. It's going to be good to get out of the house but Im already embarrassed that everyone is going to see how disabled I am. Oh well. Fingers crossed someday it gets better. It's gloomy and rainy as heck today so that never helps ones mood, but at least today I am happy to be alive :) That is always helpful! :)

You should not be embarrassed. You have come a long way. You had the courage to try and better your situation. I think people will be so impressed with your loss they won't even pay attention to your hand. Your awesome.
oh, Roo, all I have is hugs


Roo, I KNOW it's hard to deal with neurological issues...esp while they heal (the pins and needles)...and they heal SO BLASTED SLOW! But you have come so far, beat odds that many would not even attempt. And we are here for you!
Sending you sunshine and hugs from the East Coast of the US, 'Roo!
So THAT is where all the sunshine went today????
It is also sunny out here in Seattle too! Since our weather is not dissimilar to that of England in some cases I'll send you some sunny thoughts too! HUGS
I can only echo what everyone else has said. You are such a fighter. What ever is thrown at you you just keep chugging along! Love your new avatar picture and the one you posted in your progress! You are an absolutely amazing woman!
Time for a thankful post.

I just heard from one of my cellmates (nhs "rooms" are bays of 3+ people...she was one of 4) and she has C-Diff. I got out of hospital JUST.IN.TIME!!! Being on weapons grade anti-bs for sooooo long and just having intestinal surgery with a crapload of issues...the very LAST thing I would need is to contract C-Diff. Sooooo even with lame-o hand, my big arse wound and my little grumpy wound, I am soooo happy I am home safe, with no C-Diff and recovering.

Also, it is sunny (but sooo cold!) in England today...and that makes me happy too :)
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Roo, I'm not sure how long ago you had surgery but here is my "hand" story. 10 years ago I had surgery to repair a herniated disc in my back, after the surgery drugs wore off I realized my left hand wasn't right. Sometimes I would get shooting pain, sometimes tingling, but mostly it felt numb/weird. I was freaked out that they hit something during surgery but the surgeon assured me that it happened sometimes, especially to bigger patients, because of the position I was in during the surgery. Took about 6 months till it felt normal again. So stay positive and wait for those nerves to heal. I know how much it sucks, but soldier on !! :)
Why is it always the left hand?!?! So weird!!!!

I had my Op Feb in reality I'm not even 2 months post op yet. It seems the typical time frame for recovery is 6-12 months for surgical induced hand lameness. I try as hard as I can to use my hand but I usually have to call my right hand in back up :/ ugh.

Thanks for the encouragement. :)

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