I had a really rough night last night...wondering why Im alive if I have to deal with all this ****...and that's what it is...****.
But I woke up this morning a bit happier and hopeful. I'm terrified I'm going to be stuck with the numb hand forever and that stings as it will mean most of my dreams will not be realised. You never know how much you use both hands until you only have one. But hey-ho, Im lookin cute! Silver linings and all that jazz
Getting ready to go away for a couple of days for my MIL 60th birthday. It's going to be good to get out of the house but Im already embarrassed that everyone is going to see how disabled I am. Oh well. Fingers crossed someday it gets better. It's gloomy and rainy as heck today so that never helps ones mood, but at least today I am happy to be alive

That is always helpful!