Moral Dilemma Time…or not

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Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
1–I really hate FedEx.
2–I ordered a $100 portable clothing rack, for our big closet, from Home Depot. It was $90, less military discount.
3–On delivery day, last Friday, it never showed. But FedEx said it was delivered to our garage. We don’t HAVE a garage. There IS underground parking which requires a key fob. AFAIK, they don’t have one and I don’t know whose parking space it would have been dropped off in.
4–I bitched and moaned accordingly. Home Deport called THAT missing order a “return,” and credited me the full price.
5-THEN Home Depot reordered my item, giving me the original price, less $20 for my trouble…to be delivered tomorrow (Wednesday). When tracking showed them close by, MrSue went to the lobby, sat on some big box that was there and FedEx never showed. MrMiniSue joined him. Then FedEx said today. So he, and MrMiniSue came back to our apartment. We sat here for hours, delivery window time expired which made map tracking unavailable. MrMiniSue went home, MrSue and I declared naptime.
6-While we were sleeping, FedEx, ignoring the instructions to call or text, delivered the Tues-Wed package this afternoon. This time it was placed in the lobby. MrSue said, “Wait! THIS is the new box. That one, the one I sat on this morning must be from last week!”
7-MrMiniSue absolutely believes I need to return the extra box or pay for it. I told him that Home Depot says it was RETURNED and the packing, transportation and bookkeeping details would be trauma-inducing. I’d rather just have TWO clothing racks and pretend none of this ever happened. But now I’m just a thief. I generally TRY to be honest…but now…

What do YOU think?

(I also kinda wonder where that first box has been hanging out for several days.)
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I actually had something similar happen a few years back, but with a smaller and much less expensive item - a music CD, to be specific. I had ordered it on eBay. It didn't show in a reasonable length of time, so I let them know. They asked for more time. I said ok. It still didn't show up. I let them know again, and they sent a second one, which did arrive.
Over a month after the initial order, the first one magically showed up. Who knows where it was all that time, definitely not at my home. I tried to contact the company to ask about returning one of them, and they said they were just some kind of secondary party that handles eBay sales for other people, and I should contact the original owner, or some such thing. Which I had no way to do. Honest! I would have returned it.
But returning a little bitty CD is a whole lot easier than a big clothing rack. I would say to give them a call and see if they have some easy, straight forward way for them to come and fetch this thing without any stress for you. If not, it's yours. And I disagree with MrMiniSue. You are not a thief, regardless of how this goes.
I'd give them a call. They likely won't want it back or will make arrangements that are easy, in which case your conscience will be clear and you won't be burdened by having to otherwise dispose of the extra rack. I've had similar circumstances (albeit from Amazon) and they told me to keep the bulky item. If you are stuck with it, might be good to donate to freebox or a charity that deals with clothing.
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Chris, at Home Depot Customer Service, said, “Merry Christmas! You may keep both clothing racks, no extra charges and you are NOT a thief.”

I already told MrMiniSue. I’m awaiting a smart ass response from him.

Thanks all for the input.
Might have to. I think we need to move…again.

And pay TWICE what we pay here. But I’m tired and this is simply an apartment. There’s this other place. It’s is simply a 55+ apartment. Wonderful, lush grounds…AND…
•a bit over 300 sq feet more than we have here
•someone comes in each morning and makes the bed and takes out the trash
•weekly there is more thorough housekeeping and they change bed linens and launder them. They have a DIY no-charge laundry room or someone will do our laundry for a per-load fee. (I think it’s $10.)
•breakfast, served in dining room from 7:00 - 9:30 am, is included in the price
•there is a $450 dining allowance for lunch and/or dinner. It is menu service. (Meals are priced individually and the $450 should cover 25-30 dinners…use it or lose it monthly, can’t carry extra credits to next month.)
•this means that even though there‘s a full kitchen, we’d probably only plan, shop and prepare lunch
•there IS underground parking, but they provide their own local (within 10 miles) shuttle
•there’s a pool and a spa and a ton of activities, including exercises we need. I’m not much of an activity person, but himself might be

And more on the Plus Side.

On the Minus Side…
•”rent” would amount to 80% of our gross income…crazy for rent, not as crazy for rent, utilities, breakfast and dinner, local transportation, pool, spa, exercise, housekeeping, etc.
•all that housekeeping likely means less privacy
•trek to MiniSue’s goes from 1.5 miles to 4.1 miles each way
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I think we need to move…again.
oh, boy, but you do what you have to.

I wonder if there is a way to know how happy and consistent the staff is there? the people who show up to help and are therefore giving up privacy for - if it was the same people over and over that is much better than if they constantly turn over.

a pool and spa, eh?

ETA: please sample their food before you sign up!
I hate moving but sometimes you have to.

Just make sure you’ve done a detailed pros/cons list you can live with
You are correct. Reading reviews, I see that someone felt her apt was too far from HER favored activities, but close to the pool, which she didn’t want. Meanwhile, someone else moved to be closer to the pool. Whatcha gonna do?!

I know walking is very difficult for me and I am supposed to do walking in a pool. There is some woman there who is the self-appointed greeter of all potential residents. I hope she’s busy elsewhere tomorrow. Just too freakin’ chipper! But I don’t imagine we’d have to keep hanging with her!
You are correct. Reading reviews, I see that someone felt her apt was too far from HER favored activities, but close to the pool, which she didn’t want. Meanwhile, someone else moved to be closer to the pool. Whatcha gonna do?!

I know walking is very difficult for me and I am supposed to do walking in a pool. There is some woman there who is the self-appointed greeter of all potential residents. I hope she’s busy elsewhere tomorrow. Just too freakin’ chipper! But I don’t imagine we’d have to keep hanging with her!
So it sounds like you might find one close to the pool be of use
Self appointed greeters can be seriously annoying. I have faith in your ability to avoid her.
I wish you all the best in this, Sue, it's not an easy thing to figure out. I mean, there is no perfect place and moving is hard, even if you pay someone else to do all the lifting (which I assume has to happen?) - plus what you need now vs in the future (how far?) well, it's a lot.


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