Monday weekly weigh in 03/11/2024

Bariatric & Weight Loss Surgery Forum

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2024

I saw @southernlady do this, and I absolutely love the idea, therefore I hope you don't mind ma'am 🤍 I'm borrowing your idea for my weekly weigh in.

I'm sort of new (February 2024) and I found this site from the DS group on FB.

Since this is my first post, I'll tell a little bit about myself and of course, if y'all have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

I'm currently pre-op as of September 2023, My insurance requires 6 months of diet and dietician visits (too bad they won't cover the dietician 😐) I'm a nervous wreck, but that's literally who I am as a person 😂 I need to know things in advance and if possible, an outcome, to feel at ease.

I'm trying to come up with a list of questions that I can ask my Surgeon, that I haven't already asked. The dietician and I just went over vitamins and protein, and fat on our last visit. (After reading thr Facebook group, I took that I should only take her advice on the protein. She was pushing the typical Celebrate ADEK (when I'm already Anemic and low in Vitamin D ) I already supplement my vitamin D and K, as well as Iron and C, among others.

She said I have to purchase the Celebrate vitamins and get her approval and then she can clear me for surgery. She basically wants proof that I bought them, I assume. The fact remains, they will never be enough for me, even on a good day.

She also said I can't have more than 3g of fat per serving (of the food I choose) Which is really confusing after reading tonight.

I have MULTIPLE co morbidities and 2 autoimmune conditions, as well as Lymphedema and lipedema. All diagnosed in 2023 (with the exception of vasovagal syncope 2015) Hence I'm trying to learn everything, all at once. Or at least as much as I can.

Nice to meet everyone! 😊

I saw @southernlady do this, and I absolutely love the idea, therefore I hope you don't mind ma'am 🤍 I'm borrowing your idea for my weekly weigh in.

I'm sort of new (February 2024) and I found this site from the DS group on FB.

Since this is my first post, I'll tell a little bit about myself and of course, if y'all have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

I'm currently pre-op as of September 2023, My insurance requires 6 months of diet and dietician visits (too bad they won't cover the dietician 😐) I'm a nervous wreck, but that's literally who I am as a person 😂 I need to know things in advance and if possible, an outcome, to feel at ease.

I'm trying to come up with a list of questions that I can ask my Surgeon, that I haven't already asked. The dietician and I just went over vitamins and protein, and fat on our last visit. (After reading thr Facebook group, I took that I should only take her advice on the protein. She was pushing the typical Celebrate ADEK (when I'm already Anemic and low in Vitamin D ) I already supplement my vitamin D and K, as well as Iron and C, among others.

She said I have to purchase the Celebrate vitamins and get her approval and then she can clear me for surgery. She basically wants proof that I bought them, I assume. The fact remains, they will never be enough for me, even on a good day.

She also said I can't have more than 3g of fat per serving (of the food I choose) Which is really confusing after reading tonight.

I have MULTIPLE co morbidities and 2 autoimmune conditions, as well as Lymphedema and lipedema. All diagnosed in 2023 (with the exception of vasovagal syncope 2015) Hence I'm trying to learn everything, all at once. Or at least as much as I can.

Nice to meet everyone! 😊
Welcome! Play their games, get your surgery and do what you need to do. I can’t believe they’re still requiring such long pre-requirements, such BS!
My office required me to buy their vitamins through them for the first 1-2 months and we had to bring them on our last nutritional group meeting to prove we'd done it so we could be approved. Once I got through those, I started on the Vitalady regimen. When I meet with my NUT now, I just tell her what she wants to hear. I adjust my vitamins depending on blood work (and with the help of vets). Sometimes you just have to play the game to get to where you want to be. Sadly, this also applies to my job, but that's another story.

And welcome!
Hi Sara! :welcome1:

I'm am guessing that's what we should call you by your signature, but please let me know if you'd rather be called something else. I'm also guessing you have a dog and 2 cats. ;)

I'm a nervous wreck, but that's literally who I am as a person

I have enough anxiety I'm sometimes surprised my hair isn't on fire so I understand. Do whatever makes you feel better about the surgery: I found it helpful to have a will and an advanced directive but whatever you need.

this is the perfect place to ask questions and the more we know about you and your specifics the better we can answer them.
Hi Sara! :welcome1:

I'm am guessing that's what we should call you by your signature, but please let me know if you'd rather be called something else. I'm also guessing you have a dog and 2 cats. ;)

I have enough anxiety I'm sometimes surprised my hair isn't on fire so I understand. Do whatever makes you feel better about the surgery: I found it helpful to have a will and an advanced directive but whatever you need.

this is the perfect place to ask questions and the more we know about you and your specifics the better we can answer them.
Haha how could you tell? 🤣🤣🤣 3 little spoiled brats is more like it 🤣

Yes, my name is Sara. It's nice to meet you.
You can also join us over on the Sunday weigh in threads!

For pre op, follow their advice. Post op, their advice is hogwash cause they don’t take malabsorption into account.
Thank you for the invite 🙂 I'm still trying to get used to the threads. (I'm using this one the phone) I think I'll try the computer soon.

I just ordered the stuff they told me "you're required to order the Celebrate and I'll send you a link. Then I'll need to verify it and then I can approve you for the surgery"

I ordered 2 months is all, she didn't say I was required more than that.
My office required me to buy their vitamins through them for the first 1-2 months and we had to bring them on our last nutritional group meeting to prove we'd done it so we could be approved. Once I got through those, I started on the Vitalady regimen. When I meet with my NUT now, I just tell her what she wants to hear. I adjust my vitamins depending on blood work (and with the help of vets). Sometimes you just have to play the game to get to where you want to be. Sadly, this also applies to my job, but that's another story.

And welcome!
It's a big ridiculous we have to play their game 😐 but afterwards the benefit is worth the annoyance. I just found the Vitalady regimen last night amd bookmarked the page so I can take a more in dept look and write everything down another day.

This is so exciting (and a little nerve wracking lol)
Hi Sara! :welcome1:

I'm am guessing that's what we should call you by your signature, but please let me know if you'd rather be called something else. I'm also guessing you have a dog and 2 cats. ;)

I have enough anxiety I'm sometimes surprised my hair isn't on fire so I understand. Do whatever makes you feel better about the surgery: I found it helpful to have a will and an advanced directive but whatever you need.

this is the perfect place to ask questions and the more we know about you and your specifics the better we can answer them.
I have quite a few health conditions.

Lymphedema, lipedema, sleep apnea, pre diabetes, PCOS, Vasovagal syncope, osteoarthritis, hashimotos, hypothyroid, Sjogrens, anxiety, depression, incontinence, slight scoliosis, abdominal lipoma, migraines, menorrhagia and medicine allergies/food intolerances

My concern is for my daughter and the animals. To have no one, Lord forbid anything happen to me. I never thought of a will. She's just 16, I'm going to see what I can do 😊 thank you
To have no one, Lord forbid anything happen to me. I never thought of a will. She's just 16, I'm going to see what I can do 😊 thank you
Lord forbid indeed! but it's just common sense and I found it calming to get it done. I think I superstitiously figured "I'm prepared so now nothing bad will happen"
Lord forbid indeed! but it's just common sense and I found it calming to get it done. I think I superstitiously figured "I'm prepared so now nothing bad will happen"
That always helps calm me, having something just in case" in any kind if situation. It helps my anxiety knowing possible outcomes. That will ensure she's protected.
Welcome Sara!! Your list looks a lot like mine. Having a collection is no fun, I'd rather have a different hobby. LOL

Good luck with jumping through all the hoops. I just look at the Dietician and smile and tell her my vitamins are spot on and I'm having no issues. She's happy, the surgeon is happy, and I take what I think I should take. I did argue with the Dietician post op about the fat intake, she finally said the ASMBS recommends 60 grams total per day but if I feel better eating 100 grams per day then I have to do what my body feels is best. You can't spout "listen to your body" for an hour, then tell someone to ignore their body's symptoms from not eating enough fat. My skin and eyes get way dry and I already have dry eye from the autoimmune stuff and can no longer take my Omega supplements, so she relented. But no arguing with them until after surgery, if you choose to argue at all!

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