The Sociopath...(mine, not Diana's)...Rant.

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She's at it again! I've GOT TO stop going there every time another former classmate asks a 50-year reunions!!

So NOW, after posting the photos and comments of her beloved late "husband," (the one who dumped her and never married her insane ass), she has now posted the link to that online quiz that will tell you how long you and your partner have been together. It says that she and HER partner have been together something like 46 years...their firstborn is 47 and she and the real husband married in time to declare that he was an eight pound preemie...and she announced that the result was "close, very close." At this point, I wonder if she KNOWS she's making this **** up or if she's so crazy she believes it.

Also, there was recently high drama with her permanently broken heart and mourning poems and tales of her poor dog who got run over by a car (that IS sad) and invitations to the ceremony and burial in her yard...and then a photo four days later of the new puppy.

You know...I'm wondering if that puppy is safe...or if, when she needs more attention...see where I'm going here? Is there such a thing as Munchausen by Puppy?

Yeah, my bat **** crazy sister got custody of my mother's beautiful sheltie when mama went into extended care. And it was promptly found dead in it's bed. Kind of like her second husband died really quickly from lung cancer (morphine overdose in hospital where she worked). She's on husband #3, who is proving to be more difficult to kill, I guess, because he's still alive, but then again I haven't checked recently. Hmmmm
Yeah, my bat **** crazy sister got custody of my mother's beautiful sheltie when mama went into extended care. And it was promptly found dead in it's bed. Kind of like her second husband died really quickly from lung cancer (morphine overdose in hospital where she worked). She's on husband #3, who is proving to be more difficult to kill, I guess, because he's still alive, but then again I haven't checked recently. Hmmmm
Oh, crap!
Yeah, my bat **** crazy sister got custody of my mother's beautiful sheltie when mama went into extended care. And it was promptly found dead in it's bed. Kind of like her second husband died really quickly from lung cancer (morphine overdose in hospital where she worked). She's on husband #3, who is proving to be more difficult to kill, I guess, because he's still alive, but then again I haven't checked recently. Hmmmm
I would have alerted the cops, but that's just me ....
Alerted the cops to which? The sheltie, husband #2? This is the sister who said to family members (before marrying #2) that she needed to "find a Sugar Daddy, some rich guy with one foot in the grave and other on a slippery banana peel." Then she made a hip bumping motion, like she was helping him into his grave.

This sister is the one who charms her way out of traffic stops. She never pays for car insurance. Just prints the Proof of Insurance on line and never pays the bill. Gets pulled over, shows it, never gets caught. She is a master manipulator, capable of talking her way out of any problem.
I now know this phrase is a tell - my sociopath said she wanted to move to San Jose so she could find herself a rich old man, with no dependents, an aneurysm and a fever. I thought it was I joke - until I realized it wasn't. She found herself one, a very rich old man who had a girlfriend whom he was taking a break from. He flew her around in his plane (there were pix posted), so she knew where it was kept. He dumped the sociopath after a couple of months, and went back to and got engaged to the girlfriend. About 10 weeks later, both the rich old man and his new fiancee were killed when his plane crashed. I still wonder about that.

Yes, I would have told the cops to investigate the husband's AND dog's deaths carefully.
I now know this phrase is a tell - my sociopath said she wanted to move to San Jose so she could find herself a rich old man, with no dependents, an aneurysm and a fever. I thought it was I joke - until I realized it wasn't. She found herself one, a very rich old man who had a girlfriend whom he was taking a break from. He flew her around in his plane (there were pix posted), so she knew where it was kept. He dumped the sociopath after a couple of months, and went back to and got engaged to the girlfriend. About 10 weeks later, both the rich old man and his new fiancee were killed when his plane crashed. I still wonder about that.

Yes, I would have told the cops to investigate the husband's AND dog's deaths carefully.

But she knew the directions to where the rich old farts hung out...airport So she found ANOTHER ONE, with his own plane. Funny how that works!!!
Too bad this one wasn't AS old, and appears to be healthier. But then again, I'm willing to bet that if Pilot #2 married her, there is an iron-clad prenup - after all the money that was spent fighting the civil harassment case in which forgery and perjury were the basis of her defense, and if he has any sense at all in view of the death of his buddy. I guess she's going to have to wait a bit longer for the payoff.
@DianaCox , I can just hear the police now. But it was an old dog, right? Ellie was 14 years old. She died "in her sleep" and is buried. Let it go. Her husband had lung cancer, and was in the hospital with a DNR order in place. He would have died anyway.

I was denied a PPO against my sister when she kept the keys to my home after I kicked her out. She was coming back in and stealing things, making long distance calls, eating our food, and doing her laundry. The cops said to change the locks. Didn't arrest her. Said it was my fault for giving her a key. So what I did was I told my father, who installed deadbolts on the doors, which are now called the Mary Lock. The old locks had been re-keyed so many times it wasn't possible anymore, they were antiques. Daddy and Mama were beside themselves over Mary's behavior. Daddy told me to get a gun. Can you imagine that? Get a gun. That's some serious crazy right there. The really crazy part is my parents were the ones who ultimately convinced us to help Mary. Begged us.

The less I think about her now, the better. My life is way happier that way.

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