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Oops, Cat! I did NOT connect this post to the other one concerning you labs! Save my long and rambling post for later. You need to go in with optimal levels! Please listen to the vets here! No joke!
Cat - I'm sorry for the bad news & for you feeling sad as well. I thought I posted here last night - durp.

meanwhile, what EN said. wait to have surgery until you are ready, even though it sucks.
Sending all kinds of good thoughts to you, your bf and his mom, Cat. It is absolutely possible to do this alone, as long as everything goes well. What you don't want is to go in with low levels -- like your iron/anemia -- and have problems with no backup.

You have time to get your levels up and do this from a position of strength. I agree it's a big neon sign from the Universe to postpone surgery.

Optional life lesson #2 here is to take this opportunity and learn to ask for help. If you decide to go forward you really need that nerdy (xo) posse to commit to helping you.

As Diana said, guys are good with assignments. As a group they're also good with protecting and serving -- as long as they have been asked clearly and know the importance.

I hope you wait. If not, you MUST have help lined up.

Big hug to you little miss neurotransmitter ;) soon this will all be in your rear view mirror and things will be muuuuch better.
I agree with EN this is an additional reason ( though the anemia and it's cause are the most important ones) to delay your DS surgery date until: you would be going into Surgery with confirmed good health, good iron stores, normal Hb and support at home.
I am so sorry to hear this, my dear, as well as medical results of your labs. The number of people in my world this past year affected by cancer has been devastating. Having your gallbladder out and facing this life-changing surgery are very different so of course it would be scary to face alone, all your feelings relative. I lived alone when I had my revision, my insurance covered home health and one of my nurses got the paperwork started while I was in the hospital so by the time I was released, there was someone the first day I was back. That's something to file for future reference if needed, it sounds like maybe post-poning is the wisest course. Thoughts are with you.
Cat, I got a similar message while pre-op but mine was a bit different too...not medical related but it said, "stop, wait" don't do this JUST yet". It did delay my surgery by about 4 months but bottom line, it was SO worth the wait.
I can't cancel now, after my aunt and mom have worked their schedules around my surgery... They're going to give me iron infusions in the hospital, I'll be alright. I know it might be irresponsible but I just can't cancel now...I will be alright. If I really need to, I will stay at my aunt's house an extra day or two.
Male nerdy friends: Invite them over - maybe 4 of them? - all at the same time. Tell them you need them to help you, to organize themselves in teams for a few days of when-you-get-home-from-the-hospital care. Get them to pair up, and alternate - one visit each in the AM and PM. Someone to be around when you shower, in case you fall, and to take a walk; someone to help you take a walk and perhaps a quick trip to the store. Give them ASSIGNMENTS - men like assignments. And then cry when you thank them for helping you. You'll probably get flowers too.
^^^^^Do this! Have them all over and form team Cat! Give them all assignments and duties. Make sure they add it to their phones so they don't forget. Whatever you need, they can do. Take the help others are offering.
You can do this! I was home after my open surgery and was responsible for caring for my elderly parents. It's all doable. I didn't move fast but I was moving. I had no problems dealing with my dogs(2 GSP's), it was like they knew something was wrong with me and they were very subdued and calm.

Any news about your BF being able to come home?
I can't cancel now, after my aunt and mom have worked their schedules around my surgery... They're going to give me iron infusions in the hospital, I'll be alright. I know it might be irresponsible but I just can't cancel now...I will be alright. If I really need to, I will stay at my aunt's house an extra day or two.

Cat! it isn't a case of being irresponsible - it's a much bigger deal than that.

people who do everything right sometimes die in surgery. DIE. you need to be in a better place no matter how inconvenient that is, it will be worth it. your family will understand.

don't kid yourself about this. stop and think.
I can't cancel now, after my aunt and mom have worked their schedules around my surgery... They're going to give me iron infusions in the hospital, I'll be alright. I know it might be irresponsible but I just can't cancel now...I will be alright. If I really need to, I will stay at my aunt's house an extra day or two.

Be sure you give someone your access to this board so that they can post your death notice. You're being a fool. Irresponsible my ass. More like SUICIDAL.

ETA: Gee, I wonder what your mother and aunt would consider more important, their schedules or your death due to stupidity?
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You can do this! I was home after my open surgery and was responsible for caring for my elderly parents. It's all doable. I didn't move fast but I was moving. I had no problems dealing with my dogs(2 GSP's), it was like they knew something was wrong with me and they were very subdued and calm.

Any news about your BF being able to come home?
Munchkin, she is severely anemic and has blood in her urine, and doesn't think she needs to point any of that out to her surgeon.....whose minions are planning to schedule iron infusions for after her surgery. But nobody knows WHY she's so anemic. Gee, no occult stool blood test. No further evaluation of blood in urine. Nada.

Really engenders confidence in her mental acuity AND in the competence of the medical practices she's using, including her surgeon's.
I agree with everyone that is encouraging you to postpone your surgery until your blood values are better. You need to go into this as healthy as you can to get the best possible outcome. When you look at the big picture a few months is nothing. Not surviving is a loss of everything. If you can't postpone this for you, do it for your dog.

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