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Spiky Bugger

Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
I think a main advantage of being an only child is that they get to define who their parents really were! Lol


So, one of my grandfathers was a great guy, except for the drinking and womanizing and other bad habits. On the 43rd anniversary of one of his major screw-ups--which really embarassed him, but to which error he later confessed.

[Okay, okay...so if you're a retired cop, and a bit of a racist at that, you probably shouldn't get tanked up on the first day of the Watts Riots, get f'ing ARRESTED by Highway Trolls, AND....AND... get thrown into Men's Central Jail and, because you have a badge, have to SHARE a cell, in "high power" (meaning your roomie has probably killed a few people and doesn't belong in general population, and btw, he's black.)

Afterwards, in the throes of sobriety (and perhaps having "the whips and jangles" from a tad too much booze) he'd talk about it, shaking his head, and looking sorrowful. He KNEW he screwed up and he pretty much mended his ways. (Not TOTALLY, but he calmed own a bit.)]

So, 43 years later, in an email to a cousin, I mentioned the incident. In a "poor guy" kind of way. I caught all kinds of hell about why I'd "choose" to remember that. (The riot was mentioned on the news?) I replied that I loved him, probably even more, because he WAS imperfect. And that after I die, it's okay if MiniSue tells stories about my screw-ups. I'd be happier if she loved me warts and all, instead of trying to create a memory of someone who never existed.

He no longer speaks to me. That's the backstory.


Today, another cousin...other side of the family...sent me a copy of a letter, written in 1934. It is, imho, historically important, in that it was requesting permission from my grandfather for his wife to be sterilized to "cure" her "insanity!" (She was under 40 at the time, had given birth ten times in the preceding 20 years, the last time three months before the date of this letter. I'll take Postpartum Depression for $800, Alex.) But, the hospital assureed him, her sexual function would be okay and it would be done at no cost to him. (Grandma spoke Italian; her English was borderline. I'll take Eugenics for $1000, Alex.)

I asked MiniSue to NOT share it where other family members might see it and attack her for picking on the poor dead lady.

What do you think? Will relatives attack her for saying her great grandmother was "insane?" Do we care? (BTW, this kind of thing was not outlawed until 1979. Just sayin'.)


Original comment revisited: I don't know what happens when siblings "remember" totally different parents. But an only child need not negotiate. An only child gets to say whatever s/he wants and there cannot be valid challenges.

A coworker of mine is an only child. His mother just passed away, in her 90s, still living by in the house he grew up in. Downside of being an only child: having to empty her hoarder’s house by yourself. Fortunately, he has family friends helping him.

He has been posting poignant posts on Facebook about stuff he finds. At one point, he posted something like this: “My mother was a complicated woman. I just found a box with my wisdom teeth. It was mixed in with some shed kitten teeth. Shows where I fit in the hierarchy.”
Original comment revisited: I don't know what happens when siblings "remember" totally different parents. But an only child need not negotiate. An only child gets to say whatever s/he wants and there cannot be valid challenges.
Yeah, siblings do remember from different angles. What I remember about daddy isn't shared bu daughter #2 and #4. In fact, daughter #2 has edited her memories so much she attributed something to daddy's # 2 sibling which was refuted by daddy's #4 sibling IN PUBLIC.
A coworker of mine is an only child. His mother just passed away, in her 90s, still living by in the house he grew up in. Downside of being an only child: having to empty her hoarder’s house by yourself. Fortunately, he has family friends helping him.

He has been posting poignant posts on Facebook about stuff he finds. At one point, he posted something like this: “My mother was a complicated woman. I just found a box with my wisdom teeth. It was mixed in with some shed kitten teeth. Shows where I fit in the hierarchy.”

That's funny. And sad. And...ODD.

This letter was from the surviving daughter of my (currenly) craziest aunt. She is cleaning her hoarder Mom's house and is mid-conservatorship hearings because my (currently) craziest aunt has (finally) been dx'd w/dementia. And OCD. The former craziest aunt was the first born to the later-sterilized grandmother. The currently craziest aunt was the last child born, just a few months before the letter.

For the record, there were two other daughters not similarly afflicted.

Yeah, siblings do remember from different angles. What I remember about daddy isn't shared bu daughter #2 and #4. In fact, daughter #2 has edited her memories so much she attributed something to daddy's # 2 sibling which was refuted by daddy's #4 sibling IN PUBLIC.

Yea. OTOH, people seem to think they raised each of their kids the same way. My sister and I just yesterday, remarked that while she was the favorite and I was the problem child most of our lives, Mom's dementia reversed all that. I became the Good Daughter and my sister was The Pain. Amazing.
Yes, siblings remember different things because they experience them with emotions, which are easier to manipulate than facts. My parents' funerals were conducted by different pastors. While at my dad's it was all glowing and I truly wondered if I was in the wrong chapel. With further thinking, the pastor who did dads spent time with him as he was dying. Dad found God. It probably took me longer to forgive Dad than it took God. My mom's was much more realistic. He didn't expose any warts that we didn't already know about, yet he did acknowledge a few.
No good can come of the letter at this time. Save it for another generation to find. :) My sister and I have totally different perspectives on almost all matters. It keeps things interesting.
I have two very different children. I made a big point of telling them repeatedly that they would not be treated the same because they were not the same. For example, Jess got her driver’s license at 16. We literally would not let Nathaniel drive until he was 19, and he didn’t fight us on it.
I have two very different children. I made a big point of telling them repeatedly that they would not be treated the same because they were not the same. For example, Jess got her driver’s license at 16. We literally would not let Nathaniel drive until he was 19, and he didn’t fight us on it.
And you were right!
No good can come of the letter at this time. Save it for another generation to find. :) My sister and I have totally different perspectives on almost all matters. It keeps things interesting.

I can ...well...I can't. MiniSue is the end of generations. :(
not exactly on-topic but I remember reading somewhere a good measure of mental health was an adult's relationship with their siblings.

which was bad news because I just barely have one with one brother and none at all with the other. :unsure:

Diana, realizing two teens the same age weren't the same was clearly right.

Spiky Bugger whenever I forget to check in here for awhile I always find you posting when I get back. but if I hangout here, I never see you.

are you avoiding me?! :ninja:
not exactly on-topic but I remember reading somewhere a good measure of mental health was an adult's relationship with their siblings.
It helps if all siblings ARE mentally healthy.

I think some of our differences are due to how old my daddy was for each set of us. Daddy was 26 when I was born, 30 for my full sister (the one with the memory issue above), 43 for older half sister, 47 for younger half sister. Some of that affected how much money he was making at the time...At 26, they were okay but barely, by the time he was 47, he was very flush.

I have no issues with sibling #3 (older half sister), but sibling 3 and I are both convinced sibling 4 is working with a half deck. Sibling 2 is so paranoid, it's eerie.
I have a complicated relationship with my younger sisters (twins). My dad sobered up after they were born. They love him! I despise both of my parents - my dad for being an abusive, drunken ******* and my mom for not leaving him.

The twins grew up with two completely different parents than I did.

I have tried not to color the relationships of my three children with my parents, but they have come to the same view I have: my parents are really ****** up.

For many years, I cut off contact with my family, and only slowly reconnected in the last three years or so.

It doesn't help that we (the three kids) are opposed in pretty much all ways, and have very little in common to talk about. The common experiences that we've had are bad! Both of my younger sisters have been fired from jobs in the last few months. I've been fired a lot, so I'd like to talk to them about it, but I also think that's kind of ****** up. "Hey I heard you got a boot in your ass, let's compare bootprints!"

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