Pre surgery-did anyone else go through this?


Feb 26, 2017
So I've got my surgery scheduled and I'm all set to go see Dr. Esquerra in July. Ever since I scheduled the surgery I have had real issues with food, more so than before. I am like a person watching myself in a movie binge. I just don't get it, I've been meditating almost every day and allowing myself to try and feel these emotions fully. I mean I have a lot going on, I'm in the beginning of a non contentious divorce, re concepting my restaurant, and getting ready for life altering surgery.
When what you are doing isn't working, try something else.

Perhaps this moment isn't the best time to be making so many changes simultaneously. You're emotionally unsteady, and after surgery, you're going to be exhausted for 2-4 months, so follow-through on big plans is going to be doubly difficult at the least.
Thanks, I'm wondering if anyone found themselves struggling more with food than normal when they set their surgery date?
I'm afraid I can't offer you much solidarity on this point, I was just the opposite. Once I scheduled my surgery, my desire to eat pretty much fell away. I was so focused on reducing my liver as much as possible to ensure a faster, smoother surgery, that I actually had to make myself eat the proper amount every day. I kept looking at favorite foods, and feeling like I should be wanting to have food funerals, but I would buy them and then they would sit there until I threw them out someone else ate them. By the time I had to do my 5 day liquid diet, I was consuming hardly anything because I was so turned off by the few options that were allowed. I don't think I ate at all for the two days prior to surgery.
I did have that problem. During my 6 month pre diet I actually gained a lot of weight. I just couldn't seem to control it. But now that I've had the surgery, it seems like I'm really not hungry. I eat my protein and then I seem to be satisfied. I know, it really was a strange feeling every month going to see the dietician and actually gaining a lot of weight. I think she really got upset with me, but I didn't seem to have control. She got to the point of saying I don't think I can help you.
My big meditation preop was telling myself almost constantly, food is not your friend. And it worked. I lost 100+ before I had surgery. In retrospect, I think it killed whatever was left of my metabolism so I would never urge anyone else to do this! Meaning the diet, not the meditation! I think the meditation thing was good!

You just may have too many big changes on your plate. For a while postop, the DS just takes over your life and you won't have much time or energy for other things.
I had many instances of eating something because I thought I wouldn't be able to or shouldn't for a long time! I gained a bit but I knew my two week pre-op was coming up soon and once I started it I stuck to it.

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