I ONLY had two when Maggie adopted us WHILE pregnant...11.5 years later we still have 2 of her three children.
Yeah, dh and I and my sister (the one who is a vet) have already considered what to do with my daddy's JRT when he gets to the point of no pets. We can add her to our bunch easy enough, she spends time over at our house already, our crowd gets along with her pretty well...So...if you have an elderly relative who is alone or whose pet dies and you are thinking about replacing that animal for companionship for the old person...think it through to the unattractive, but logical, conclusion and make sure you are ready for the whole responsibility.
That's it, Shellie! Not Monkey's real name is Pepper. (I think.)My mother has a cat, Pepper, and I have assured her that I will take care of him if needed. She also adopts stray cats and drives me nuts with them. I had to take one and have him put down, he was so bad. I have to keep Pepper's immunization schedule so that I can make sure he is protected from any diseases that her stray's have. Oh, we are taking one next month to have him neutered.
I can only have three cats. I can only have three cats. I can only have three cats. I can only have three cats. I can only have three cats. I can only have three cats. I can only have three cats. I can only have three cats. I can only have three cats. I can only have three cats.