Osteoporosis, Kidney Stones or Morbid Obesity?

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Oh...the urine collection thing is slightly irritating...the having to reschedule three doctors’ appts and delay thec start of whatever treatment I choose...that just added salt to the wound. (And I’m sore from PT and have a runny nose...but, yes, I am bitching a tad more than necessary.)
Ugh! I HATE to re-schedule appointments, and yet found myself in that situation. My next appointment for a Prolia injection must be within a narrow time frame. I scheduled it four months ago, then was informed of the date of my co-owned farm auction. As much as I would have liked to put my preferences first, I re-scheduled the doctor's appointment. There's a slight chance I'd be homicidal if I had to co-ordinate three. I wasn't chiding you much about the pee collection, it's only slightly irritating compared to your other problems. And all this reminds me of something I read years ago: Handling a crisis is easy. It's the day-to-day **** that will kill one. You'd think the body could release just a little amount of the chemicals that help us get through the crises so the cumulative effect of daily junk would at least have some relief. Knowing the additional **** you're going through, the level of your bitching is appropriate and I give you my blessing to carry on as if you needed my blessing anyway.
There is a liquid you can take instead of the Urocit-k, called cytra-2. Any chance that could work better than the big wax tablets for you? It doesn't taste good, but is worth the nose plug and chug if it prevents a stone.

The garden of life company that makes the probiotics that so many of us take, also make a digestive enzyme that I have been taking with fish oil and vitamin D. I'm due for annual labs, but not sure I'd be able to see anything indicating I'm absorbing the fish oil. I hope to at least see higher D, as that's been a real PITA. I have gained an easy 15 lbs despite not eating differently and think they have something to do with it, despite trying to take those separately from any food. I'd think if you have even contemplated having your DS reversed, that enzymes would certainly be worth a try first.
Urocit-K—it decreases acidity of urine, lessening the chance of stones. The “wax matrix delvery system” may not be totally compatible with the oddities of the DS rerouting. I have to check on that.
Wax matrix should be no problem. Most of them are red and look like a tiny tic tac toe board. Just remember you took the stuff and don't think it's blood if you see it in your poop!
There is a liquid you can take instead of the Urocit-k, called cytra-2. Any chance that could work better than the big wax tablets for you? It doesn't taste good, but is worth the nose plug and chug if it prevents a stone.

The garden of life company that makes the probiotics that so many of us take, also make a digestive enzyme that I have been taking with fish oil and vitamin D. I'm due for annual labs, but not sure I'd be able to see anything indicating I'm absorbing the fish oil. I hope to at least see higher D, as that's been a real PITA. I have gained an easy 15 lbs despite not eating differently and think they have something to do with it, despite trying to take those separately from any food. I'd think if you have even contemplated having your DS reversed, that enzymes would certainly be worth a try first.

Cytra-2 sounds like an option. The sorbitol dorsn’t bother you? I can take the Urocit-K, I just wonder how much of it gets absorbed, given that it is supposed to sit in the gut for quite a while. But THANKS
Wax matrix should be no problem. Most of them are red and look like a tiny tic tac toe board. Just remember you took the stuff and don't think it's blood if you see it in your poop!

I thought I remembered the inside as being white...but maybe not.
Cytra-2 sounds like an option. The sorbitol dorsn’t bother you? I can take the Urocit-K, I just wonder how much of it gets absorbed, given that it is supposed to sit in the gut for quite a while. But THANKS

I thought I remembered the inside as being white...but maybe not.
Well, it's just wax. They could be any color. Maybe the matrix is a different color for different meds.
So, Larra and other helpful folks...

I got my (first) 24-hour UA back. My hx is FREQUENT calcium oxalate stones. Huge ones. The reference range for oxalates is 4-31. MY OXALATES are 108. So, yesterday I saw my Endo and I asked, would it be a good idea to get that number in—or closer to—normal range before starting a drug known to make it worse. (Yes. Good idea.) I also asked about going with digestive enzymes (no...they will take too long) and estrogen/HRT (no...increased risk of breast CA and stroke.)

Then today, I had my long overdue ultrasound at the Uro’s office. I left a message saying that his input on the Forteo issue was crucial. (He was in surgery all day today.). The U/S tech could not tell me what he saw. But he asked if I already had a follow up appointment w/the uro. (I did.) And then he asked WHEN my appointment was. (So...I’m suspecting he saw something that merited an appointment in the near future.)

I corresponded w/my DS surgeon. But I may ask for an appointment. He wrote that I may have to go w/the Forteo I’m wondering if digestive enzymes and estrogen and the COMB protocol might work w/out drastic side effects.

The DS is a possible contributor to this mess, but so are gender (I’m the wrong one), family history (my mom), a history of steroid use (for many, many months), PPIs (for years), being Latina and White (I’m both high risk groups), and just for fun...I am over FOUR DECADES post-menopausal.

I’m irritated. I would kill someone if there were someone I could blame. At my age “life imprisonment” isn’t as daunting a threat as it once was.
After reading the above study, I have 4 suspicions as to reasons for Americans low innoculation of oxalobacter formigenes, and I know Spiky will agree with me.

First, the third world conditions for birthing allow for vaginal birth with NO sanitary intervention. Meaning moms fecal matter naturally comes into contact with the babys mouth. The head comes out face down, towards moms rectum. They are close by design. Our 60% rate, in some hospitals, of c-sections in addition to the sterilized vaginal births kill any chance of innoculation

Second, breastmilk. Spiky, need I say more?

Third, baby food. Third world country moms (and here, up til 1940 or so) chewed food and fed it from their mouth to baby. Innoculated. Multiple bacterium.

Fourth, antibiotics. We pass that out to babies, kids and adults like Pez candy. Third world countries do not.

Other things are also in play here. Food sources, grown in soil containing human waste. We over process our food, killing most of the good stuff.

Lastly, anti-bacterial soap. I predicted when it first came out that it would be disastrous to our health. My home avoids that and hand sanitizer.

It is no wonder americans have kidney stones at record levels. This study validates my suspicions.
Found a place called ATCC that sells it for $365. When I tried to add it to cart, I got nothing.
ATCC is not a source, unless you’re a scientist - it is the American Type Culture Collection in VA, where scientists buy live microorganisms in vials for growing their own bugs in their labs. And after the anthrax scares, you have to have a licensed lab to buy stuff. (If you patent a bug, or antibodies made by hybridomas, you have to make a deposit at ATCC (or its sister DSM in Germany), and allow qualified people to have samples after it’s patented - which is why I know.)

There is a Swedish drug company (http://www.oxthera.com/clinical-development/) doing research on strains/formulations of Oxalobacter formigenes. I’ve contacted them.

The other link is for something from India - when I followed the link, it went to Chewy.com (pet food and medicine), but wasn’t for sale there either. But there sure are a lot of probiotics for pets! I’m feeling guilty I don’t make my cats even more expensively fed (they’re already on prescription kidney food - possibly for oxalate crystals! - some of which gets thrown away every day because they only like the gravy).
Lastly, anti-bacterial soap. I predicted when it first came out that it would be disastrous to our health. My home avoids that and hand sanitizer
Thank you for this timely reminder, since starting a home health job I have been using the hand sanitizer a lot and I need to stop it.
What a messed-up world this is
I got this answer from the company conducting clinical trials:

“Unfortunately, Oxabact is not available on the market. Oxabact is currently in clinical development; you can read about ongoing clinical trials with Oxabact on https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?cond=&term=oxabact&cntry=&state=&city=&dist=. Oxabact will only be available for patients diagnosed with Primary Hyperoxaluria. You can learn more about hyperoxaluria on http://www.oxthera.com/about-hyperoxaluria/.”

They clearly consider bariatric surgery to be a cause of secondary hyperoxaluria - from the exclusion criteria for one of the clinical trials:

“The existence of secondary hyperoxaluria, e.g. hyperoxaluria due to bariatric surgery or chronic gastrointestinal diseases such as cystic fibrosis, chronic inflammatory bowel disease and short-bowel syndrome.”

They didn’t give any alternative suggestions for a source - dammit.

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