Off on another quick trip

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I looked at the CD from his imaging studies - my son took a pic of it and posted it to his FaceBook page with the comment "Well there's your problem!"

I am glad he is headed home. I hope recovery goes smooth. The ex-ray gives me the willies!
The helmet he was wearing had a big chunk out of the visor too - I am SO glad that he was forced to wear one - he rides his bike around here without a helmet and it infuriates me. Luckily, it seems this was the only serious injury he incurred - but there is a lot of soreness and scrapes that his is also starting to notice - good thing they gave him drugs, or the whining would be deafening!
The helmet he was wearing had a big chunk out of the visor too - I am SO glad that he was forced to wear one - he rides his bike around here without a helmet and it infuriates me. Luckily, it seems this was the only serious injury he incurred - but there is a lot of soreness and scrapes that his is also starting to notice - good thing they gave him drugs, or the whining would be deafening!
SO glad he was wearing a helmet. Now that helmet needs to be retired. I know dh's cousin was in a motorcycle accident...and he sent the helmet to the company to replace (and to test to see what they did right and wrong making it).
Now that he's home, safely operated on, with a rod in his leg and we're settling into the reality of what comes next, I want to take a hammer upside his (unhelmeted) head.
  • He's got percoset 10s - and is still griping.
  • He was supposed to have cleaned up the basement dungeon where he lives for MONTHS, so that some damage and mold caused by him flooding the room a couple of years ago could be repaired - he hasn't done it.
  • It became more of an issue in the last month, because his stepsister is moving in at the end of the month with her almost 3 year old, and the room is bigger than the guest bedroom upstairs, so we had already decided that he was to clean it up immediately so it could be ready by then. And now, of course, he can't do that - and the room is full of his crap. So it's going to fall on everyone else to clean up his pigstye, and he's not going to even be able to help with the work. And of course, we can't keep things like they are for now (stepdaughter and kid in the upstairs guest bedroom when they come over) because he can't do the stairs to the basement - he's sleeping on the couch in the living room for now (it is a sectional with multiple recliners, so he's more comfortable out there for now).
  • He's got attitude when I tell him what he is SUPPOSED to be doing - like icing his leg, adjusting the angle of the bend of his knee every little while so it doesn't freeze up, calling to get an appointment with his PCP and then a referral to a doctor up here (there is a complication with his Medi-Cal based plan - when a patient has surgery, all care for the next 90 days is included in what the provider gets paid, and it is unfeasible for him to go back to Salinas for multiple follow up appointments - but apparently, a provide who sees him up here won't get paid?).
  • He needs to apply for disability - and I mentioned that he needed to look it up - and he didn't.
One good thing, I think - not to borrow trouble, but - I was worried that he'd be getting a bill from the MedEvac service - apparently, it SHOULD be covered by his plan.

I guess I should look at the Xray to feel a little more sympathy for him
Oh crap! So sorry to hear that, but glad at the same time because it could have been worse of course. My best wishes to your Son for a speedy recovery and peace of mind for you guys.
sounds like it was lucky he wasn't hurt much worse.
I hope he heals fast and gets over that attitude, too. grow up, kid!

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