Off on another quick trip

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I knew Charles would figure it out! He's got that "Tech-Savy Handyman" gene like me ;)....Thats the way to go! INDEPENDANCE!, not dependance....GREAT Picture BTW!!! And, OMG, that BEAUTIFULL Beach in the background! WOW!
He does indeed - he has been a builder/engineer his whole life - his career was building/remodeling.

The beach here is indeed lovely - but not for swimming - it is under full-time warnings about rip currents.
It does not totally suck, that is for sure. Except that since this is a working vacay, and I have complicated responses due with major issues, it is after 1 PM and I'm still working ... <serious pouting>.
Well ****.
My daughter and her boyfriend the paramedic went camping this weekend too, in his toy-hauler RV trailer, with his quad. They were in Hollister. My son went down yesterday to join them for one night, and learn how to ride the quad - he didn't have to be at work until tonight. This morning they got up, and went out riding again. My son made a mistake - and rolled the quad which landed on top of him. He broke his femur and had to be MedEvac helicoptered to the local trauma center in Salinas - about 15-20 miles from where we are staying. He had surgery to put in a rod in his thigh this evening. His g/f drove down with her dad - he stayed until after surgery was done, and I arranged for his g/f to spend the night with him (moved to a private room). He should be able to go home tomorrow - we'll drive the RV to the hospital, and get him into it and laying on the bed for the drive home.

At least he hurt himself with a paramedic in attendance - and at least he was wearing a helmet. He's messed up, but OK. And at least we were nearby.
Sorry, what a nightmare! I am glad it wasn't worse. I am also glad he will have a semi-comfortable ride home. I hope he heals quick!

It was a good day when we sold our 4 wheelers. We had fun and no one was ever hurt on them. Still, I was glad to see them go. I was always nervous when anyone rode them especially, someone with no fear and little experience. Which is really most of the people who ride 4 wheelers!
The really bad part is that he was supposed to be working double shifts for the next two weeks to cover for the other KJ who just got married to one of the bartenders at the bar where he works at night, while they were on their honeymoon - now BOTH of their KJs are out. And he just got off probation for his new job with Whole Paycheck - I hope they will be understanding about him not being able to work for a few weeks!

Those quads are not only dangerous, they are ridiculously enticing to those suffering from testosterone-impaired brains. He's lucky he didn't end up a quad(ruplegic) himself.
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Testosterone is one of the most dangerous substances on earth. There's a fine line between just right and Oops! He's lucky you were so near by to come to the rescue. Glad you had a nice time until the wreck. You're definitely in one the of the best places on earth.
Grr - the surgeon didn't put him on the list for PT to see him last night, so he ended up at the end of the list for today - still sitting around the campground waiting for the determination if he is going to be cut loose today or not.
Sorry to read this, Diana! Hope he has a speedy recovery and that his pain is well-managed.
Riding home in relative comfort and style in our 31' ambulance (sorry it's blurry - we were already moving):

Onyx was back there keeping them company.

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