Newbie here!!!

Wendi Mullen

Feb 11, 2017
Hello all! My name is Wendi and I was referred to this site by a member from another site. I posted a very lengthy thread and no one replied...probably because it was so long! But, it had to be if I were to explain my entire situation. Anyway, that member referred me here. Hoping you guys will take the time and I can get some POSITIVE feedback. I'm happy to be here and hope to gain some knowledge and perhaps make some new friends!!
Hello all! My name is Wendi and I was referred to this site by a member from another site. I posted a very lengthy thread and no one replied...probably because it was so long! But, it had to be if I were to explain my entire situation. Anyway, that member referred me here. Hoping you guys will take the time and I can get some POSITIVE feedback. I'm happy to be here and hope to gain some knowledge and perhaps make some new friends!!
I am new to the forum and am just at the beginning of the process of interviewing surgeons, but I've been on different weight loss forums for years and can attest the best of the best are here and you're sure to get expert and caring advice. Welcome!
Hello all! My name is Wendi and I was referred to this site by a member from another site. I posted a very lengthy thread and no one replied...probably because it was so long! But, it had to be if I were to explain my entire situation. Anyway, that member referred me here. Hoping you guys will take the time and I can get some POSITIVE feedback. I'm happy to be here and hope to gain some knowledge and perhaps make some new friends!!


Welcome and no offense...but--especially on posts like the long one that outlines your issues--please, Please, PLEASE hit the damned return key now and then to create paragraphs?

MANY people look at a huge block of text like that and just go elsewhere. My new glasses (I'm 70 years old, btw) aren't exactly right and I still haven't read the whole thing because I keep losing what line I'm on.

I mean, I saw enough to know you are dealing with a mess...but I need more time to read it all!
