Merry Christmas


Now an Angel in heaven
Aug 15, 2014
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy holidays, and Happy New Year. Christmas means many different things to many different people, religions, cultures etc, but the one thing it means to me that seems to transcend all our differences, is it’s pretty much a time universally all over the world that people seem to be nice (or at least nicer), to one another, even if only for a moment.

Here is a little Christmas levity, a poem that I wrote (parody), several years ago when everything broke at my house during my Christmas vacation. I literally finished completing the last repair job on my last day before returning to work. All you "Do it yourselfer's"....(NOT that Spiky!) :D, can surely relate. Rob

T’was the night before Christmas, (My Version)

T‘was the night before Christmas, and all through the house,
We’re all fixing the plumbing, even my Spouse

How I cringe with every flush of the toilet or the flip of a switch
Fore I know not what will break next, cause it comes with St. Nick

We all hung up our stockings by the Chimney with care
So thankful Home Depot will always be there

When out on the lawn arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what’s the matter

Away to the window I saw a great flash,
I knew those fake Reindeers would cost me some cash

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof,
Something else must have broke, but I needed some proof

I then went outside to find my next chore,
and came to realize this House makes us poor

I spoke not a word and went straight back to my work,
as I cussed and I raved, I then felt like a jerk

Xmas vacations now over and every thing’s fixed,
Until next year’s new coming, the Curse of St. Nick
Merry Christmas to everyone! check out the Google Doodle, it's about traveling and doorways for some reason.
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy holidays, and Happy New Year. Christmas means many different things to many different people, religions, cultures etc, but the one thing it means to me that seems to transcend all our differences, is it’s pretty much a time universally all over the world that people seem to be nice (or at least nicer), to one another, even if only for a moment.

Here is a little Christmas levity, a poem that I wrote (parody), several years ago when everything broke at my house during my Christmas vacation. I literally finished completing the last repair job on my last day before returning to work. All you "Do it yourselfer's"....(NOT that Spiky!) :D, can surely relate. Rob

T’was the night before Christmas, (My Version)

T‘was the night before Christmas, and all through the house,
We’re all fixing the plumbing, even my Spouse

How I cringe with every flush of the toilet or the flip of a switch
Fore I know not what will break next, cause it comes with St. Nick

We all hung up our stockings by the Chimney with care
So thankful Home Depot will always be there

When out on the lawn arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what’s the matter

Away to the window I saw a great flash,
I knew those fake Reindeers would cost me some cash

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof,
Something else must have broke, but I needed some proof

I then went outside to find my next chore,
and came to realize this House makes us poor

I spoke not a word and went straight back to my work,
as I cussed and I raved, I then felt like a jerk

Xmas vacations now over and every thing’s fixed,
Until next year’s new coming, the Curse of St. Nick

One from "my people"...

La Noche Before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the casa
not a creature was stirring, ay caramba, ¿qué pasa?
The work was all done and the tired old nanas
had tucked all the children away in their camas.

The stockings were hung in their places with cuidado,
in hopes that Saint Nick would feel obligado.
Then all of a sudden I heard such a grito,
I jumped to my feet like a frightened cabrito!

I ran to the window to look para afuera,
and who in the world do you think that it era?
Saint Nick in a sleigh with a big red sombrero,
came flying along like a crazy bombero,

...and pulling the sleigh instead of venados.
I saw at a glance, eight tiny burritos.
I watched as they came, and this quaint little hombre
was shouting and whistling and calling my nombre.

¡Ay Pancho! ¡Ay Pepe! ¡Ay Cuca! ¡Ay Beto!
¡Ay Chato! ¡Ay Memo! ¡Aruca y Neto!

Then standing up straight with his hand on his pecho,
he flew to the top of our very own techo!
With his round little belly like a bowl of jalea,
he struggled to fit down our old chimeneca.

He filled all the stockings with lovely regalos,
for none of the children had been very malos.
Then chuckling around (he seemed muy contento),
he turned like a flash, and was gone like the viento.

But I heard him exclaim, and this is verdad:

"¡Salud y Pesetas! ¡Feliz Navidad!"
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