I think you're on to something there. Also, she's been an unapologetic feminist for how many years. That does not sit well with
"traditional" bible belt and rust belt middle class folks. I was raised in these areas. The people have just flat out hated HRC since she first appeared on the national stage, WITHOUT her husband's last name. Add in support of abortion rights, the baggage of her husband's history with women, and the perceived legacy of Benghazi - those people would vote for anything but her. anything.
The wounds are so deep, I hesitate to respond, but both sides need to talk with one another. I was raised in poverty in a farming town in a very religious household, and I just flat out hate him. How did the Bible Belt get past his violation of nearly all of the 7 deadly sins? The man has had 3 marriages--dumping his wives as soon as he tired of them, puts his name in large gold letters everywhere (pride), admits pussy grabbing (lust), settled lawsuits about bilking Trump University students and many employees (greed), lied about Obama's birth certificate--and too many other lies to list here, called his fellow candidates schoolhouse names, rates women on a 1-10 scale, makes fun of disabled people, openly described his genitalia. I don't see any Christian values, not one.
Hillary is a lifelong Methodist, who lived up to the her vow of "for better or worse" to Bill (despite paying a high price for it), worked her whole life for the Children's defense fund and Americans as Secretary of State. Some people didn't like her because she was a woman seeking a "man's job", because she was vilified by fake news, or because she didn't communicate as well as she might have. On all counts of the emails and Benghazi, not a single illegal act was identified that could be prosecuted, but he admitted on videotape of committing the crime of sexual assault. She cannot be blamed for Bill any more than Trump can't be blamed for Melania's nude photographs, plagiarizing a speech from Michelle Obama, and working illegally before marrying him.
No President is going to fix the lack of good jobs for people without a college degree or a skilled trade. The factories of the future will have 2 employees and 500 robots. It's a global world. If trade deals are revoked, don't people understand that trade means we won't get to sell things we make over there (that's why they call it trade)? Other countries are going to work for less than Americans are used to. If an air conditioner is made here it will cost more, and Americans are going to go on Amazon and buy the cheapest air conditioner. Would you be willing to pay $75 more for an air conditioner made in the US? Americans aren't willing to, neither is the rest of the world. This is why American factories cannot compete.
I am beginning to understand why the country is at such a great divide. You see her with the same passionate distrust that I see him. I do not and will never respect the way he treats other people. I fear how easily provoked he is and the potential for war. I fear how easily manipulated he is and the motivations of the people around him who seem like white supremists and Russian advocates. I fear the cabinet he is assembling, many of whom are billionaires who have a horrible record supporting the middle class, I fear that my family and many other people will lose health insurance. I have Muslim friends and gay friends and African American friends and even feminist friends who I want to be treated with respect and I don't trust he will do it. I am a blonde (now grey), blue eyed American of European descent and I don't think I am any better than any of them.
I would much rather have a president I didn't like than have one I do not trust. I think he's going to hurt those who voted for him ( and those who didn't ) by wrecking the economy, acting on behalf of the wealthy, and taking away the safety net. I hope I am wrong, but he is not my president. I guess the other half would feel that way about HRC, if she had won. I don't know how I get past this point.