Medicare, Medicaid, ACA. Trump, Ryan goals? Discuss.

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I'm definitely with the Bad Cop on this one. Medical insurance should be a safety net for medical expenses - it should provide access to decent health care for all; not an a la carte payment plan for expected or select conditions.

In my mind, the "US insurance problem" will remain until the root causes, many of which are outside of the insurance sector, are addressed - we have the highest expenses in the world, but not the best care. (1) Laborious, expensive, slanted FDA approval and patent processes - leads to incredibly expensive drugs, devices, limits availability of and delays proven treatments (I personally will have to travel to Sweden, Germany or Singapore for appropriate radiation (PRRT) and imaging for my rare cancer (Ga-68), as FDA hurdles continue to delay and impede clinical trials here a decade after these have been available elsewhere) (2) overly litigious society - we need tort reform - limit these class actions and malpractice lawsuits that benefit law firms while the harmed patients get pennies (3) un and under-insured necessarily using emergency care in lieu of general practice, leading to hospitals charging $40 for a Tylenol (4) leaving negotiations up to insurers such that an hospital charges fora negotiated rate of $X for a service for one patient and a $Y for the same service for a different patient (5) places like Hobby Lobby aren't required to provide birth control coverage, etc.... (6) doesn't permit us to die with dignity via assisted suicide- rather is set up to prolong quantity without quality at the end of life... (7) Our birth process is over-medicalized and c-section rate is insanely high.... These and much more are the things we must fix if we want low cost insurance premiums.

Also, frankly, as a patient with a rare and very costly disease (pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor), the ACA's elimination the lifetime cap and the pre-existing condition exclusions keep me alive and sufficiently well to contribute back to the community as an employed taxpayer. If it goes away, I will be a casualty of the system instead of a contributor.

@galaxygrrl - you made my day. Thanks for the kind words!
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And please, let us not forget that one of the BIG things that was keeping the price of insurance down until the ACA was exclusion of pre-existing conditions. The millions of people who didn't have employer-provided group insurance, because they were self-employed, or didn't work for a large employer who provided group insurance, were SCREWED if they or anyone in their family had any medical condition that needed ongoing treatment, from cancer to diabetes to hypertension to asthma. You would have to PAY for a complete plan for at least a year, while not being entitled to treatment of your chronic condition.

******* IDIOTS who voted for Trump and who need ACA medical coverage. I will indulge in some schadenfreude at watching them suffer and die of their Darwinian stupidity.

The downfall of the ACA was not making the penalty so high that even the healthy people felt forced to join, or just plain making insurance mandatory.
"I see no reason why I need to pay for maternity care and substance abuse treatment -- two services I would never use. One size fits all never fits all."

I'm sorry, but this is the kind of selfish, conservative, short-sighted, compartmentalized thinking that the right-wing front for the insurance companies has promulgated to enrage people against the ACA, which has as an end-game, getting rid of the insurance company middlemen as a pointless industry in an evolved, civilized society. Like the rest of the goddamned civilized world has.

Medical care should be UNIVERSAL. It shouldn't matter if you are young, old, healthy, chronically ill, male, female, black, white, Hispanic, Asian or green or purple. You are covered, automatically, as part of your taxes. You may have some copays to prevent you from using medical care indiscriminately (like $25/visit), but your care and medicine is COVERED. EVERYONE pays higher taxes to cover it - and it will be more cost-effective by removing the insurance company button-sorters and paper-pushers, and the profit motive for hospitals and doctors. Insurance is what is WRONG with this country.

Why the hell should I have to pay for your bariatric surgery?? Why don't you just shut your damned mouth and push your damned self back from the dining table? And why should my kids pay for your higher likelihood of getting breast cancer, because you never had kids? Why should anyone else pay for your reconstructive surgery?

The reason is, everyone pays the same rate, and everyone is covered, because health care is a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT, and nobody can predict how much they will need. It shouldn't be rationed, and you should pay the same as others who are not as "lucky" as you are - they shouldn't have to worry about dying because of the draw of the genetic lottery they got, or whether they are just unlucky.

Sheesh - I HATE that kind of thinking!

Spiky - I might have violated your initial rule, and I'm sorry, but this just roasts my chestnuts.

Diazepam deficient? LOL. With GOOD insurance, it would be covered!

Hey! My idiot 61-yr-old SIL, who lives in downtown Podunk and works for...I dunno...$8-10/hr...lives ALMOST rent-free in a beat up house that needs cleaning and such...and has such lousy credit she needed a co-signer to get a loan on an OLD car is the mother of a similarly gifted 42-year-old son...long line truck driver...also a renter...thinks he's rich because he's gonna break $50k this year...has to pay for his meals and showers and entertainment and such, and pay for rental cars to get around when stuck in some town for two or three days while on the road. These geniuses have voted themselves OUT of decent "old age" income and health care.

And you know what? While I don't mind chipping in for universal health care if they, too, play along...I'll be damned if I'm paying dime one to bail their sorry ***** out of abject self-imposed poverty. They can find an old VW camper van and move the **** in.

If that makes me one of the selfish ones, I can deal with it!
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Diazepam deficient? With GOOD insurance, it would be covered!

Hey! My idiot 61-yr-old SIL, who lives in downtown Podunk and works for...I dunno...$8-10/hr...lives ALMOST rent-free in a beat up house that needs cleaning and such...and has such lousy credit she needed a co-signer to get a loan on an OLD car is the mother of a similarly gifted 42-year-old son...long line truck driver...also a renter...thinks he's rich because he's gonna break $50k this year...has to pay for his meals and showers and entertainment and such, and pay for rental cars to get around when stuck in some town for two or three days while on the road. These geniuses have voted themselves OUT of decent "old age" income and health care.

And you know what? While I don't mind chipping in for universal health care if they, too, play along...I'll be damned if I'm paying dime one to bail their sorry ***** out of abject self-imposed poverty. They can find an old VW camper van and move the **** in.

If that makes me one of the selfish ones, I can deal with it!

Ha! This is a good as your MooseTracks post.

Remember, in two years there is another election.
My only concern is that my .03% raise in my SSA payment will be eaten up plus by the increase in Medicare Part B. I haven't seen an amount for Part B. I consider myself to be quite lucky to have Tricare for a secondary.

Since my SSA is subject to the Windfall Elimination Provision, which effectively cuts my SSA in half, my "raises" usually round DOWN to zero. I read that this time, they will round UP!
Right Diana. This is your opinion and I have mine. I do not believe I called anyone names, and I expect to be treated with the same respect as well. The posting should have been titled "Only reply if you agree with me".

Your self-righteous attitude is precisely why more people do not stay on the board for DS support.

I am having trouble using self-righteous to describe HER post. Strikes me more like Jesus and the money changers in the temple...righteous, pissed-off indignation.

People come here for Diana's FREE help with legal aspects related to insurance. If people who only want her free help can't listen to her...uhm...tirades, informed by the same values that cause her to offer the free help, maybe they SHOULD go away. Otherwise, they are just using her.
You know, your statement on healthcare points out a hard issue, but it's a fair statement. It's how I feel about public schools, I don't have kids and pay for schools. The question really is how we all live together and what is the common good, and how we pay for it.

I used a statement very similar in one of my responses and then deleted it. I also don't have kids, yet the thought of generations of illiterates coming up behind me is scary. I've never had to call my local fire department and I hope I never will. But I gladly pay for them. Haven't we all seen a story of districts where people elect to pay for fire protection and the inevitable arises when someone opts out then screams bloody murder when their house burns to the ground. Oh the firefighters show up, but only to make sure it doesn't spread next-door to the people who have paid. (

(@Spiky Bugger you know this was going to go off on tangents, but it's sweet how you thought we could just talk about how we were impacted by this strange new world of private, public, and other marvels of health insurance.)
You know, your statement on healthcare points out a hard issue, but it's a fair statement. It's how I feel about public schools, I don't have kids and pay for schools. The question really is how we all live together and what is the common good, and how we pay for it.

I used a statement very similar in one of my responses and then deleted it. I also don't have kids, yet the thought of generations of illiterates coming up behind me is scary. I've never had to call my local fire department and I hope I never will. But I gladly pay for them. Haven't we all seen a story of districts where people elect to pay for fire protection and the inevitable arises when someone opts out then screams bloody murder when their house burns to the ground. Oh the firefighters show up, but only to make sure it doesn't spread next-door to the people who have paid. (

(@Spiky Bugger you know this was going to go off on tangents, but it's sweet how you thought we could just talk about how we were impacted by this strange new world of private, public, and other marvels of health insurance.)

We lived in an area in TN with subscription fire departments. As a CA girl, I had never heard of such a thing!

I never object to enthusiastic discourse. I guess I wondered how we were going to inform ourselves and others about what changes may be in our future(s).

We had bean soup tonight. I guess I want to save money so my kid can pay for medical when we are long gone...
I get this. And I do understand. I have been paying for your kids all my life(figuratively speaking) even though I never had any. I lived in Utah for years where it seemed like everyone who could be pregnant, was pregnant. Sure it chapped my panties when I learned *I* paid more to fund the schools than the family next door that had 5 kids. More state and federal income taxes too. I used the services the least and paid the most. Not fair, is it?

But that's the way it is. I just have to accept that it's in my best interest for the species to continue and for it's children to be educated.

Single payer insurance has the same logic behind it. Everyone pays and it doesn't matter if you are as healthy as a horse or chronically ill. No matter what happens, everyone is covered. Old, young, whatever. After all, good health can be gone in an instant. Bad things do happen to good people. The idea is the cost is spread out over millions of people. The good risks are still good but the bad risks become acceptable. No, everyone is not going to get the same value out of the insurance. But it's there if you need it. For everyone. Not just the 1%. Because it's the right thing to do.

Poor people have Medicaid. Rich people can pay for their own and have the best of everything. It's everyone else inbetween who needs help the most. A couple years ago there was a huge flap about some guy who went to Arizona on vacation and got bit by a rattlesnake. By the time it was all said and done his hospital and associated other bills were 120K. Financially devastating to almost all of us. And that's an accident that could happen to anyone! So tomorrow I go out to check the mail and get hit by a drunk driver with no insurance. It wasn't my fault. I didn't do anything wrong. Yet I will be financially ruined. It can happen to anyone. That's why everyone needs to be covered. Because life will always be unfair.

My H probably died because he had no insurance. He had been laid off and cobra was over 1K per month. He knew there was something wrong and multiple people told him to go to the doc. We will never know for sure but he probably needed a stent placed in one of his coronary arteries. He looked it up and it could easy cost 60K. He was more afraid of racking up bills he couldn't pay than he was of dying. So he died. That's not fair either. He had been an engineer and paid big taxes for decades. In the end he was just another victim of the 2008 meltdown.
My H probably died because he had no insurance. He had been laid off and cobra was over 1K per month. He knew there was something wrong and multiple people told him to go to the doc. We will never know for sure but he probably needed a stent placed in one of his coronary arteries. He looked it up and it could easy cost 60K. He was more afraid of racking up bills he couldn't pay than he was of dying. So he died. That's not fair either. He had been an engineer and paid big taxes for decades. In the end he was just another victim of the 2008 meltdown.

My heart goes out to you on this.
I am having trouble using self-righteous to describe HER post. Strikes me more like Jesus and the money changers in the temple...righteous, pissed-off indignation.

People come here for Diana's FREE help with legal aspects related to insurance. If people who only want her free help can't listen to her...uhm...tirades, informed by the same values that cause her to offer the free help, maybe they SHOULD go away. Otherwise, they are just using her.

I would agree with this, it's what I was thinking but couldn't express as well. and some beautiful posts by everyone like Munchkin.

covering everybody with basic healthcare is morally right and also practical. do people who currently have good insurance (if that is even possible now) really want to live in a country where TB is spreading? right now the trend is downward, who wants to change that?
We lived in an area in TN with subscription fire departments. As a CA girl, I had never heard of such a thing!

My dad was a firefighter. I think he would have been appalled at the idea of subscription protection.

We had bean soup tonight. I guess I want to save money so my kid can pay for medical when we are long gone...

She can always use my backup plan: a crime that guarantees three hots and a cot with medical care.
Somebody mentioned that if they revoke the ACA and **** with Medicare that house will be D in 2018. Well word is the scumbag plan is to repeal the ACA immediately but to delay until after the midterm election. So typical of the GOP trash. Seriously how can anybody vote for these horrible people?

I am still so disgusted by this election and what it is going mean.

My wife has incredible insurance for us that I think has gone up maybe $15 in ten years for premiums and a slight bump on copays well. Why? The parent company is a French/German held company and they actually value their employees and realize treating them well is an excellent ROI.

I am so tired of this greedy and selfish country. I would move to Italy tomorrow if I could. The GOP and their selfish greed simply disgust me. Healthcare is a basic right but we are going back to people like me with pre existing conditions getting bent over. We will have state run risk pools for people like me and it will be $25k for a catastrophic policy. **** the idiots who voted Trump into office because we all have to pay for your stupidity. Healthcare is the first and we are screwed.
Somebody mentioned that if they revoke the ACA and **** with Medicare that house will be D in 2018. Well word is the scumbag plan is to repeal the ACA immediately but to delay until after the midterm election. So typical of the GOP trash. Seriously how can anybody vote for these horrible people?

I am still so disgusted by this election and what it is going mean.

My wife has incredible insurance for us that I think has gone up maybe $15 in ten years for premiums and a slight bump on copays well. Why? The parent company is a French/German held company and they actually value their employees and realize treating them well is an excellent ROI.

I am so tired of this greedy and selfish country. I would move to Italy tomorrow if I could. The GOP and their selfish greed simply disgust me. Healthcare is a basic right but we are going back to people like me with pre existing conditions getting bent over. We will have state run risk pools for people like me and it will be $25k for a catastrophic policy. **** the idiots who voted Trump into office because we all have to pay for your stupidity. Healthcare is the first and we are screwed.
The real mistake was believing anyone with a gold toilet cared about you or your health plan! Texas is already taking benefits away from disabled children. Right before Christmas!

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