Just checking in...


WWBD? What would bacon do?
Jan 13, 2014
Discovery Bay, CA
Hi all,

I haven't checked in for a while, hell, I haven't even had time to lurk! :5hi:

I'm 10 months post-op, and feeling ah-mazing! Even when the scale doesn't reflect weight loss, I can still tell my body is shrinking/changing!! I have oodles of energy, and can nearly keep up with my 2 and 7 year olds! I chased down my 7 yo (she's FAST), and didn't have to huff and puff, and didn't break a sweat! Life is good!

Here are the stats:
Started at 287 lbs, down to 175 lbs (another 30-ish to go!)
I AM NO LONGER "OBESE" (BMI is officially below 30!!)
From a SNUG size 24 to a loose size 14 (I can shop wherever the hell I want!)
Sleep apnea is GONE (restful sleep, again!)
Switched from Dr. Rabkin's care back to Kaiser (and I love Dr. O'Brien!)
6 month labs were pretty good, had to add some A, B1 and zinc, another blood draw next week

Most of all, I can hardly believe the pictures of myself. I stopped looking in the mirror when I was at my biggest. You look at yourself in the mirror when you brush your hair or teeth. But you don't LOOK at yourself, but really past yourself. I mean, I know I was BIG, but in your head you never think you are THAT BIG. I'm finally looking like I always thought I looked and felt.


I have attached some pictures below of myself and @Ben (13 months post-op). We have lost over 300 pounds combined!!

For those of you just starting your journey... it is well worth getting hit by the proverbial truck, and piecing yourself back together. Everyone's journey is different, but we all end up on a much healthier road in the end.

Thanks again to @DianaCox and @Larra for your support and help through the appeal process. You are

Christmas 2010 (not even at our heaviest)

January 2015
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