Introduce yourself

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Hi Everyone,

I’m Vanessa, I am from Brazil - I live in Espírito Santo, I am 32, married and I work as a teacher in a language school. I teach English! ;-) This is the facebook school page ( , there are so many pictures of me with my pupils, kids and adults - We do so many different activities to try to get them involved in the language which is hard for them to learn here.

I am also a nurse ( a better nurse than a teacher for sure). I love music and I play the piano, my favorite singer is Michael Bublé and Barry Manilow - I went to Bublé's concert in Brazil in 2012 - It was definitely the happiest moment in my life. I also love to read, dance and watch movies and tv shows.Wow! I love so many things, don't I? LOL ;-)

Well, since 17 I have been involved with nursing. For almost eight years I worked in Intensive Care Units. Nursing severely ill patients on a day-to-day basis has always been both challenging and gratifying, as working towards their well being has made me a better professional and a better person.

In October 2003 I had my first contact with an ICU American patient, who was recovering from a weight loss surgery. Because my English was better than the rest of the staff, I became closer to her and learned that she was also a nurse in her home country (North Carolina). Through her I met the "manager" (let's say like that) who asked me to take care of the patient while she was in her hotel .From that point on, She regularly referred American patients to me. In 2004 She invited me to become a member of MEDNET BRAZIL, now MEDTOURSVIX.

It has always been my concern to view the patient as whole and to have both his/her medical and psychological needs attended to. This affective dimension is especially important for American patients who undergo a greater emotional burden - away from their families and loved ones, under the tension of dealing with a foreign culture and language. Their nursing care, therefore, requires a deeper understanding of their needs and wants. With this in mind, I do my best to offer them an emotional environment where they feel safe and loved. I have learnt so much with and through them and made many of them dear friends. Now, I do the concierge part as well, besides being a nurse for Dr Kuster, I do all the arrangements people need to have a smooth recovering here in Brazil.

That's all for now about me I guess! Nice to "meet" you!
Glad to have you aboard, Vanessa. I know a few here have gone to your country to have surgery...both the WLS and plastics. It will be nice to have someone here who can answer questions they may have.
Thank You! It will be a pleasure to help -

Hugs from Brazil! ;-)


(Edited to put her info on her profile. If you want more information please visit her profile.
By Liz)
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Hello - Kelly here from Minnesota - mom to 3 wonderful daughters - empty nester!! Engaged to a wonderful man after a fairly crappy marriage!
Had RNY done 03/16/2010 and have no regrets other than wish I had done it sooner. I no longer take meds for hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, nor do I have the horrible water retention issue. I stand 5 ft and was 289 lbs at my highest - got down to 130 lbs and decided it was just not a healthy weight for me, looked gaunt, and just blah. I want to get back to 140 - currently hanging out at 150 to 155 - but I am HEALTHY and with that, I will be happy. I don't focus all my energy to letting my weight continue to control my life - I am very mindful of focusing on eating my protein first, always have been. My problem is the mindful empty eating whist watching TV and NOT being active like I should be. Working on turning that around, I dislike running, jogging and gyms (still) I did complete my first 5K last year and it was an amazing feeling, something I just never thought I would do. I do belong to a great support network - our group is mainly 3 years and further, as we are all facing the regain monster together, our honeymoon has ended. I hope to be able to continue the support, reach out for more information when needed and make some new friendships! Thanks
Thank You! It will be a pleasure to help - I have worked with Dr. Antelmo Sasso Fin too, he is a famous Bariatric surgeon, but he stopped working with American patients and I don't trust enyone but him to bring WLS patients down here, so I am just with Plastics for those who have had WLS.

Hugs from Brazil! ;-)


Hello Vanessa. So much for checking in first. Look for a PM later.

Edited by Liz...have put her groups in her profile page.
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I am Becky, been hanging around since I discovered OH. I was approved for the DS in November of 2010, 1.5 weeks after I found out I was pregnant with our third kiddo. She is now 2.5, my husband has come to terms with me having bariatric surgery, and I am in the final stages of pre-authorization BS for the DS. I should be scheduled for a February or early March surgery date, assuming things go as planned. I will be one of the first DSes that my surgeons do at this facility (although they have an established practice providing RNY, VSG, etc). They trained with Dr. Boyce in TN and the plan is to have him present for the first few DSes they do in Winchester (VA). I feel good about the practice and the facility. I am thrilled that the northern Virginia area will have another option now.
Off topic, I have three kids (7, 5, and 2 years). I am a scientist and commute from our home in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia to the DC area for work.
Hi, I am Hala... over 5 years post op RNY... Live in SC, and met some people from here IRL... (so cool) I dealt with multiple hernias (3 surgeries for that so far) and lost my GB 6 months post op WLS.
Had iron issue - anemia and had infusions 2 years in a raw. lately my iron was good.. so I hope I can maintain that. Post-op RNY I developed severe RH and even simple hypoglycemia. I developed food sensitives allergies - not 100% what I am allergic to. Early 2013 I was diagnosed with SAI ( secondary adrenal insufficiency); I lost all my excess weight a year after but regained app. 25 lbs... 15 - on purpose - the rest.. oops..
I am still fit and comfortable with myself (size 6-10) but would like to get rid of the 10 lbs than I gained by accident. But not at an expense of my energy, strength and good blood pressure and BS

I am still learning a lot from others... also site like that reminds me why it is important to take vitamins, minerals and eat proper diet.. Veterans post op WLS helped me a lot understating my RH, and my vitamin and mineral deficiencies and I got a lot of support and information. It is time for me to pay it forward... if I can help just one person... . it would be great..

And if anything else - great humor and proper "ass kicking" if I ever need one... (I can also deliver if needed)
Hi everyone, I'm Parousia on ProBoards (although haven't been on in ages), and Beth **** on Facebook. I'm a 47 year old pre-op with 3 sons who are 20, 19 and 2 1/2 yrs old. I have Fibromyalgia, High Cholesterol, PCOS, GORD, Sleep Apnoea and 3 bulging discs, in my neck, upper back and lower back (probably due to my BMI of 50), and I'm in constant pain.

I live in Australia, and am currently on a public waiting list at a hospital in Melbourne, for my DS. I've been told it should be done by the end of February. The surgeon who will do it is A/Prof Peter Nottle. I can't wait!
Don't know why I chose Munchkin but I did. I've been around the boards for years, decades even, as some iteration of pattyl. Had my DS in 2003 and I'm still alive and kicking. My surgery was open, no complications or deficiencies, but I never did reach a normal BMI. So I do still diet all the time and try to lose more. I so wanted to be really skinny but that was not to be. I just look like a normal person for my age.

Munchkin is my nickname for my little boy. Has been since he was born, pretty much. :)
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