Introduce yourself

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Hi Kelly, congrats on getting your surgery scheduled and insurance paying for it!

I've been sick and haven't been able to post individually to anyone. So-- Welcome to all our new members!!
Thanks for the welcome!
Here's wishing you feel better soon ;)

Hi Everyone!

I'm Kelly and am a pre-op for the DS. My surgery is scheduled for July 30th. I live in Minnesota and will be having my surgery with Dr. Leslie. He is not listed on, however his co-workers/surgeons are. (Buchwald and Ikramuddin). I had my final weigh in and a patient education class on Tuesday. I was down 29.6 lbs!! They required me to lose 20 so I passed that up! I also found out yesterday that insurance has officially approved my DS!!!! I had tears of joy when I found out.

Anyways, I have been a lurker for awhile but decided it was finally time to come out of hiding! Everyone seems so friendly and helpful here. :)
Congratulations on both the pre-WLS weightloss and getting your insurance approval.
So let the countdown begin ==> 20 days and counting... Must be exciting!

Thank you all for the welcome! I am extremely excited! Just trying to get prepared! I am divorced with a 7 year old... my parents are coming to help me for 2 weeks after surgery. Any tips, etc. you all can offer is much appreciated!
Hi everyone - I'm more2adore. I'm 525 pounds today, down from my peak weight of what I believe was over 600 pounds in December of last year. I haven't been dieting or anything, but I moved to Sydney, Australia and got married to a man who fortunately is an excellent (and healthy) cook, and I've been doing a lot of walking around to get to know my new home (I'm originally from Virginia in the US). :) My weight loss has stalled, though, and I had said that when it stalled again I would seriously look into WLS of some type. We very much want to have kids in a couple of years, and I'm already 35 - so I feel as though my best chance for kids is going to be serious weight loss between now and then. Also, I want to be able to do more outdoor adventure type things with hubby. :) He sails regularly - I'd love to be able to join him!

The issue for me I think is going to be a surgeon because of where I live. I'm currently deciding between the VSG and the DS, but it seems as though the DS is SO much more suited to someone as large as I am. But I read somewhere (couldn't tell you where now... been on a LOT of sites doing research today) that many surgeons try to get you to have the VSG first and lose as much weight as possible and then do the DS later. Supposedly it's safer? But I read - maybe on - that more DSers think it's better to do both components together at once. However, the only surgeon I found listed on is one who is several hours away from here, and hubby has no vacation time left at work to be able to take time off and come with me that far. I would really prefer to do it in Sydney, but finding an experienced surgeon is proving challenging. I have an info seminar with a surgeon my GP recommended next week, but from his website it looks as though he just does band, RNY and VSG.

Anyway... maybe an intro post isn't the best place for all these questions? Maybe I should start a thread? But anyhow, thanks for this forum - it appears to be a great resource. :)
Welcome to the community @more2adore! Feel free to start your own thread if you like.

I had the RNY back in April of 2009. I was 438 pounds at my highest and now am maintaining between 235 and 250 - I'm still considered obese by BMI standards - but I feel like I'm healthier than I've ever been in my life. I know quite a few people who were heavier than even I and have had great success with the RNY. As for pregnancy... You know - there's something to be said about women being *more* fertile after WLS. Click here to read an interesting article about it.

Anyway - welcome again and here's wishing you the best of luck with your journey ;)


Hi, My name is JoAnn. I had a sleeve in Jan 2012 with Dr David Kim, Colleyville, TX. I've lost 75lbs since then and am a work in progress. Maintaining nicely but would like to lose about 20-25 more but as we all know, it gets tougher the further out you get. I started doing 5k's at 1 year post-op with a group of girls I met through my surgeon's support group - my mother runners. My pix is from my first 10k in March of this year and I've done a 8mile since then - working on a 1/2 marathon for October - Lord help me! Life is good and no regrets here!
Well @JoAnn, if you had not found this thread after you got labeled a shill, I might not be as cautious, especially given your other complaining posts and your Google history. BEWARE, reader, be cautious and critical.
Welcome, JoAnn - good for you for getting active, I started doing that and didn't follow through.

glad to have another VSG er here. I generally post a welcome photo but you got one in the other thread where we all met. :D
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