I actually bought these. Really. They're under my bathroom sink right now. Just can't bring myself to try them.
TMI alert. I travel a lot. When I fly, I wear feminine needs goods, in case of delays. Though I have never actually needed them, I have had some close calls. I bought the butterflies after a humiliating pat-down by the TSA at LaGuardia. As background, I have a swollen abdomen and thus look very pregnant, though to be clear I am not and never told a TSA agent I was. In any case, as happens with some frequency, I was subjected to a pat-down. With the back of her hand, the TSA agent felt something in my underwear which must have seemed to contradict the possibility of the pregnancy. Thus began an embarrassing line of questioning the nature of which I never expected and which I certainly did not appreciate. The TSA agent asked what was in my underwear. I identified the item in question as a "panty liner". Then the agent loudly debated with me whether that was the appropriate term as "panty liners are thin". She let everyone within a certain radius know what I had felt more like a "sanitary napkin". I told her it that "panty liner" was the first term that came to mind and I wasn't used to discussing these items in public. Then she proceeded to ask *why* I was wearing one. I told her I was spotting and planned to see a doctor about it - an untruth - because I just didn't know what else to say. This satisfied her. She ran her swab through the chemical sensor and let me go without another word. I should add that I was travelling with male colleagues who were close nearby, heard every word, and from the expressions on their faces were absolutely horrified.
A few days later a banner ad for the butterfly product showed up on my screen. I clicked on the link and ordered them. For what it's worth my next flight to LGA is scheduled for tomorrow.... I might just give them a try. Might. If I am feeling brave.