I might have ADHD!

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That said, some things are age related too. I’m now 47 and some days I have a memory like a sieve. I can’t remember anything. This has been a huge problem in the last year in particular. Memory is associated with menopause too, gee, that’s another treat. I’m technically perimenopause at this point.

Before you get too focused on the downsldes of the menopause process, it really is one of those things that you milage may vary. I read horror stories, I was pretty freaked out. But I sailed right through it, and never had memory issues, hot flashes, night sweats, etc. I did have a UTI that would no go away, but we finally got it to go away. That was it. I love not having my period

Hoping it's a breeze for you.
What galaxygrrl said. I didn’t even know I’d gone thru menopause til I was already done with it. Part of my reason for no clue, I’d had a partial hysterectomy in 1994. So they had to check my blood levels. I tested fine til about 8 years ago. Then I was completely done. No night sweats, no nothing. Just done. I know it’s not typical but there are those of us who don’t suffer.
Before you get too focused on the downsldes of the menopause process, it really is one of those things that you milage may vary. I read horror stories, I was pretty freaked out. But I sailed right through it, and never had memory issues, hot flashes, night sweats, etc. I did have a UTI that would no go away, but we finally got it to go away. That was it. I love not having my period

Hoping it's a breeze for you.

Oh I’ve got a number of symptoms already, night sweats, mood swings, etc. I’m just hoping it doesn’t get worse.
I had a hysterectomy in 2016, so I have no idea if/when I'm officially in menopause (I still have my ovaries). I sure don't miss having periods! I've always had memory issues, so I can't attribute that to menopause. I don't know if I've ever had hot flashes or I was just hot because I was obese.

I haven't had blood work to check because my gyno says they aren't really accurate. No one (funding-wise) seems to care about women's health once we pass a certain age, which is a shame.
You're not alone, although I know that doesn't help. I don't think people who grew up when we did were commonly diagnosed with ADD if there was no hyperactivity with it, especially girls. A lot of us have developed coping methods by the time we're diagnosed (40's for me, but didn't delve into it to fully understand till my 50's). I'm trying Wellbutrin, although that was more for my growing anxiety, but it's only been a few months so I'm not sure how useful that is yet. I've also been trying microdosing with mushrooms (not enough to trip, just a few grams every few days) and do think at least helps with the anxiety.

Hubbys life revolves around structure and order, so he's helping me with that, and I have to admit that while I thought it was torture setting up so many schedules and spreadsheets and reminders, there is finally a mental exhale.
While neither my husband or I have ever been diagnose, we both tend to do better with structure, especially him. He doesn’t do well if he has to get out of his rut, unless it’s a planned change. And even then it is hard on him. Our recent trip to Indianapolis to visit the daughter was well planned but it still meant changes. Especially in dealing with our vitamins. We normally keep them all in a big container, in their original bottles. We’ve tried pill centers, doesn’t work for us. But for a short trip, we just put use zip lock sandwich bags. It works but it’s annoying and is a change in routine. He dealt with it but he was more than glad when we got home and back to normal.
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I do highly recommend the YouTube channel, How to ADHD with Jessica McCabe. It’s a great resource for helping you understand yourself and move yourself in the direction you need to accomplish what you want. It’s not a one-size fits all diagnosis or way of living. She has a book coming out soon which I’m looking forward to reading.
I'm trying Wellbutrin, although that was more for my growing anxiety, but it's only been a few months so I'm not sure how useful that is yet. I've also been trying microdosing with mushrooms (not enough to trip, just a few grams every few days) and do think at least helps with the anxiety.

Bearmom, did you know I tried a major dose of mushrooms legally just last fall? sadly, the physical affect was as if I had the flu (fever, aches, chills) and when I have tried microdosing since it hasn't been pleasant. I feel like something is going on - like maybe more affects from having had covid over two years ago? but not sure. the point is, I really want to use mushrooms again but not until I figure it out.

I do highly recommend the YouTube channel, How to ADHD with Jessica McCabe.

I have been overwhelmed with how many resources are out there and that youtube channel is one I have been checking out. podcasts, too. so far my favorite of those is Strugglecare

but there are so many!

currently have checked out Living with Inattentive ADHD and Still Distracted After All These Years from the library and they are on my kindle. (unfortunately I do much better with real books over E books but if I find a good one I'll buy it).
I have inattentive ADHD. I was diagnosed with it by surprise when I went to have neuropsych testing when I was having memory issues about 5 years ago. The psych I was seeing felt I could have a learning disability that got missed as a child because of all the **** I grew up with (my parents don't believe in doctors). I tested super high for intelligence in things like linguistics and even though I have depression and PTSD I still had good memory recall BUT every test that assessed executive function or other aspects of ADHD I apparently bombed spectacularly. Like, I am handicapped level ADHD. :ROFLMAO: I qualify for all the accommodations if I were to go back to school or work outside the home. It made a lot of my life make sense, weirdly. I think neurodivergence is a super power, my partner has high functioning ADHD too so we are two peas in a pod and if we didn't aggressively use lists and phone alarms and color coded calendars we'd be in serious trouble because it is the blind leading the blind here. LOL

My best recommendation is find someone who works with it, an executive functioning coach or an ADHD coach that works specifically with women. Personally, I take meds for it. The difference between me on meds vs off is like night and day. I take Adzenys, it doesn't affect my heart rate or blood pressure so it is safe with my medical conditions. We tried Adderal and it would work great for 4 hours, then I'd fall asleep in my dinner plate, literally. LOL The one I take now lasts about 8-12 hours with a nice slow coast down so I don't notice when it stops working as I'm winding down my evening by then. I've been on it for years and I love it, in fact insurance won't pay for it because they are dicks so I pay for it out of pocket with their prescription savings program. Worth. Every. Penny.

My best friend was also recently diagnosed with ADHD in her 40s! She takes Vyvanse like my partner does. And we both exchange videos all the time on tips and tricks for living with it!

One thing that really surprised me was how many people with ADHD have weight issues due to it. They eat for stimulation when they are bored or stressed, or go through periods of hyper focus when they forget to eat all day (ME) and then eat everything in the evening to compensate. When I understood this I got much better at setting alarms to remind me to eat. ADHD meds (at least some of them) can be used to treat binge eating so they cause some natural appetite suppression and combined with my Wellbutrin I will forget to eat if I don't schedule it in... But man, I love that hyper focus super power. No one can research like me. LOL Knowing I have ADHD has helped me be much kinder to myself and my chaotic house that I'm always organizing...
Bearmom, did you know I tried a major dose of mushrooms legally just last fall? sadly, the physical affect was as if I had the flu (fever, aches, chills) and when I have tried microdosing since it hasn't been pleasant. I feel like something is going on - like maybe more affects from having had covid over two years ago? but not sure. the point is, I really want to use mushrooms again but not until I figure it out.
Hmm, that makes me wonder about something else. I forage and eat other culinary type fungi like truffles and chanterelles or morels, and there is a portion of the population that had issues with any mushroom because of their chitin. It's just fiber, but for some it causes a bad inflammatory response, and I know several people that get quite sick from any mushroom. I'm not dosing with enough to feel anything at all, but I've never had issues with any shrooms.

It has me wondering about microdosing with other non-mushroom things like
ayahuasca or LSD, but like everything I haven't done enough research. I'm also acquainted with Paul Stamets whose probably one of the best known mushroom researchers in the world, and he's pretty gracious about sharing his wisdom. I'm hoping to pick his brain about this and I'll share anything useful.
for some it causes a bad inflammatory response, and I know several people that get quite sick from any mushroom. I'm not dosing with enough to feel anything at all, but I've never had issues with any shrooms.

It has me wondering about microdosing with other non-mushroom things like
ayahuasca or LSD, but like everything I haven't done enough research. I'm also acquainted with Paul Stamets whose probably one of the best known mushroom researchers in the world, and he's pretty gracious about sharing his wisdom. I'm hoping to pick his brain about this and I'll share anything useful.

it would be fantastic if you could find out anything. I had taken (magic) mushrooms decades ago and thought they were wonderful and I had done some microdosing and it was fine.

so I had had high hopes for the trip. big disappointment. seems like everyone but me gets relief from their depression but me!

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