I Have Accepted My Wobbly Bits


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2014
Middle TN
Background: My service organization participates in Project Lifesaver. It's a program where families who have a family member who tends to wander get a little help. My organization provides transmitters and batteries, the sheriff department sends out a team with receivers when the family alerts their department. We went today to change the battery for a 5 y.o. girl's device. She's somewhere on the spectrum. (Lest anyone thinks I'm a bloody do-gooder, I belong for social reasons as well as the do-good stuff. What else I'm supposed to do now that I'm retired?)

This girl immediately takes my hands and now we are BFFs. The child has no filter and told me she liked my wobbles under my chin. I showed her my under arms and she was entranced by the wobble and played with them until we left. It's been maybe slightly less than two years since I started wearing sleeveless or short sleeved tops. And my world has not come to a catastrophic end. I don't think I'll rush our and get a bikini or even a two piece suit to show off my muffin top, yet I can be comfortable not only showing my wobbly bits, but actually getting a kick out of how much fun Riley was having with them.
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You are SO FAR ahead of me.
In all honesty, I do think about where I'm going before I show my arm flaps. The turkey waddle under my chin is just out there. I have considered a face lift, yet I really have a thing against surgery that isn't medically necessary. Too many years of reading botched surgery reports is an occupational hazard.
Have never in my adult life worn a sleeveless ANYTHING! I just can't. I know disgusting when I see it. And it's really hard to find everything with sleeves.

Jeff is the kindest, most non judgmental person in the world. He loves me as I am. The only remark he ever made about my body was a question. And it wasn't meant to be unkind. Years ago, he looked at my upper arms and just asked me, "Can that be fixed?" And it wasn't the flubber gut, it wasn't the hernia induced pregnancy look, it wasn't the thighs, it wasn't the saggy face. That's how bad my arms are!
Have never in my adult life worn a sleeveless ANYTHING! I just can't. I know disgusting when I see it. And it's really hard to find everything with sleeves.

Jeff is the kindest, most non judgmental person in the world. He loves me as I am. The only remark he ever made about my body was a question. And it wasn't meant to be unkind. Years ago, he looked at my upper arms and just asked me, "Can that be fixed?" And it wasn't the flubber gut, it wasn't the hernia induced pregnancy look, it wasn't the thighs, it wasn't the saggy face. That's how bad my arms are!

The way I see it why hide it. You know im fat regardless if I cover it up or show it. My mom used to fuss about me showing my fat arms. In Az during summer its 3000 degrees in the shade. Im not thinking about no sleeves. But I understand how people feel about sleeves because I dont wear shorts for the same reason....HIPOCRIT! LOL
My paternal grandmother did many things to mess up my self esteem BUT she did one thing right. She wore sleeveless regardless of arm flaps. Most of my life with her around, she weighed about what I did before my DS, about 200. I remember asking why she wore sleeveless, she said she didn’t care what others thought of her arms, she wanted to be comfortable in the summer in casual clothes. Now, this was the same woman who wore a girdle all her life in dresses and had me wearing one around age 10 when in dresses. I seldom wore dresses because of that.
In all honesty, I do think about where I'm going before I show my arm flaps. The turkey waddle under my chin is just out there. I have considered a face lift, yet I really have a thing against surgery that isn't medically necessary. Too many years of reading botched surgery reports is an occupational hazard.

The waddle can be removed w/out a face lift. I went to a PS inquiring about a face lift and he recommended...and sold me...a Z-plasty under the chin. Much easier on the body and the pocketbook, and a huge improvement. He was sure I wouldn't scar. He was wrong. But when people wonder enough to inquire, it’s usually, “Did you have thyroid surgery?” And if I’m doing something vitally important, Dermablend works well.

Google Z-plasty and check out the images. I have a photo of me...with Bill Clinton, of all people...taken before the procedure and I think I look better than I did when I had the photo with Reagan...yeah, I know...hard to believe, huh?...taken 20 years earlier. (Weight was about the same.)

But I hate fat arms. Everybody’s fat arms. Maybe it’s a fetish thing?
t's been maybe slightly less than two years since I started wearing sleeveless or short sleeved tops.

I started a long time ago - in fact, I started when I was obese.

sleeveless is about twenty million times more comfortable than short sleeves in my opinion, just to be cooler but I also think it looks better without the sleeves cutting into one's upper arms.

I have very wobbly, big ass skin in my upper arms and they hang out and flap all the time. anyone doesn't like it? too bad!

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