How's Biden Doing?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2014
Middle TN
Please, no vague comparisons to The Donald. As in, "Well he's a helluva a lot better than Trump!"*

What has Biden done that has benefited, We the People? What has done to harm, We the People?

I ask because when Trump, was in office The Left would be on him like a duck on a June bug while the Right acted like he was the best thing that ever happened to this country. I fully expected to see Biden being praised all the time by the Left and roasted by the Right. The Right has done pretty much what I expected. However, I don't see founts of praise for Biden by the Left. In fact, I seem to notice is that Biden has received more criticism from the Left while very few on the Right criticized Trump. (Were they that intimidated by him? It seems that any Republicans who dared speak out against Trump were voted off the island, [Who Are The 10 Republicans Who Voted To Impeach President Trump? : NPR ])

*I welcome detailed comparisons. Saying Biden is better than Trump without citing Biden's accomplishments doesn't say much.
I believe Biden has a more responsible approach to addressing the pandemic. He is listening to the subject matter experts and making decisions based upon the science.
I believe Biden has a more responsible approach to addressing the pandemic. He is listening to the subject matter experts and making decisions based upon the science.
Thanks! That's exactly the kind of answer I'm seeking.
Well, he hasn’t FIXED everything I think needs fixing, but he’s also not CLAIMING to have fixed everything. A short list of he HAS done that makes me happy includes that he:
•has a press secretary who answers questions
•restored the WH Visitor Logs, so we know who visits “our house”
•revoked some tough work rules to qualify for welfare (some were impossible)
•stopped ICE‘s targeting undocumented at COVID vaccine sites (I want EVERYONE vaccinated)
•rejoined Paris Climate Accords and, I think, WHO
•ordered federal contractors to pay a minimum of $15/hour
•is attempting to restore our international standing and doesn’t get laughed at by other world leaders

My favorite so far?
He barred #45 from receiving intelligence briefings!

•As good as Jen Psaki is, I think we needed to hear CLEARER communication about the Kabul withdrawal, including WHY he had to go through with what Trump had promised.
•I think that FAR TOO MANY people do not understand how vaccines work and that he might need to have a Dept of Quashing Stupid Myths, including the “spoons stick to your vaccine site“ stuff.

There’s more, but we are cat-sitting a senile, geriatric feline who doen’t think we deserve our own sleep schedules.

Oh, yes…the LGBT vets, discharged under “other than honorable” conditions during Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell will now get veterans’ benefits.
•I think that FAR TOO MANY people do not understand how vaccines work and that he might need to have a Dept of Quashing Stupid Myths, including the “spoons stick to your vaccine site“ stuff.
I bow to the Queen of Snark.

Oh, yes…the LGBT vets, discharged under “other than honorable” conditions during Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell will now get veterans’ benefits.
Oh, yes. I went before a promotion board and was asked about gays in the service. I told them I didn't have a problem with it. When asked if wouldn't it be bad if the gays were blackmailed? I said if everyone knew they were gay, that defeats blackmail. And as for unwanted sexual advances? Much eye rolling on my part and veins about to burst on some high ranked buffoons. As I'm sure you can surmise, I didn't get promoted.

I guess I was so used to seeing All Trump All the Time that Biden coverage is minimal by comparison. I may start paying more attention to the news. I have been on a prolonged avoidance for mental health reasons.
My evidence for that Department:

The full video that Brian Williams played last night, without his six-word closing comment:

Or, just the last guy with Brian Williams’ comment:
My personal bar for politicians is incredibly low. I expect more from used car salespeople and those who sell extended warranties.

Biden allowed the war in Afghanistan to actually end and he took the heat for it.

Seems to be dealing with the pandemic in a sensible way. As far as I know he is not getting his technical information from faith healers, psychics, and tiktok.

Both he and his press secretary are capable of speaking in complete sentences and expressing their thoughts in coherent English.

Has done much to restore our standing in the world. Our policies seem more sane.

On the other hand, I am being audited by the IRS so all these feel good statements are subject to change.
Well, that's enough for me to lengthen my sabbatical from the news. As a side note, Mr. K9 said he might not have gotten the vaccine if I hadn't nagged him. Even admitting that being older and diabetic were risk factors. I take comfort in the fact he would not be caught on camera like those Covidiots. He'd just go about his usual quiet ways.
My personal bar for politicians is incredibly low. I expect more from used car salespeople and those who sell extended warranties.

Same here. Thanks Chubby Checker and Harry Belafonte:

Limbo lower now
Limbo lower now
How low can you go?
He barred #45 from receiving intelligence briefings!
he LGBT vets, discharged under “other than honorable” conditions during Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell will now get veterans’ benefits.

whatever else he does or doesn't do, at least he is an adult that can speak in complete sentences.
the bar is so low....:(
My personal bar for politicians is incredibly low. I expect more from used car salespeople and those who sell extended warranties.

Biden allowed the war in Afghanistan to actually end and he took the heat for it.

Seems to be dealing with the pandemic in a sensible way. As far as I know he is not getting his technical information from faith healers, psychics, and tiktok.

Both he and his press secretary are capable of speaking in complete sentences and expressing their thoughts in coherent English.

Has done much to restore our standing in the world. Our policies seem more sane.

On the other hand, I am being audited by the IRS so all these feel good statements are subject to change.

That means you are officially “a little guy.”

IRS isn’t going after the big guys because THEY have teams of lawyers to fight back, and IRS doesn’t have the staff.
My personal bar for politicians is incredibly low. I expect more from used car salespeople and those who sell extended warranties.

The bar for reporters and political/media personalities such as Fucker Carlson and Rachel Madcow is pretty low, too. They have the integrity of supermarket tabloids. However, I think they set it low by themselves.

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