Thanks Scott. It seems that eating schedules are all over the board here and I was beginning to feel kind of... well, freakish.
As for the gas, I deal with it ok most of the time and fortunately it's not an issue out in public because I'm *very* careful about what I eat when I know I have to go out. My son, well, he's a big boy now and if my gas bothers him *that* much I suppose he could move out and find a less gassy roommate
Now that I know the every two hour bit is normal, I've got to learn to deal with the days where I don't want to eat at all. Usually a tiny tummy day will be followed by a hollow leg day and the average protein for the two days is > 120g per day. Will this work or should I force myself to take in a full 120+ on the days where I just can't eat?
I'm still trying to get the hang of this so I really truly appreciate the input.