Whew - I'm glad that's over, although it was a lovely meal. We ended up with 15 adults and 2 babies. What a lot of work, but what fun to use the kitchen we (that's the royal we) built, to make and serve an involved meal for friends and family.
I bought new Haggadahs at Bed, Bath & Beyond, which were pretty good - it was easy to skip stuff that added "extras" that nobody had time or patience for. But - as with many other Haggadahs - it gave short shrift to the story behind the plagues and in particular the explanation of the Plague of the Firstborn, including the sacrifice of the lambs and the marking on the doorpost and lintels of the homes of the Israelites, which explains the whole point of why the holiday is called Passover.
So when we were in BB&B, I saw these silly things, which tickled me so much I bought them.
http://www.amazon.com/Rite-Lite-Judaic-Passover-Finger-Puppets/dp/B001QFBJTE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1397501628&sr=8-1&keywords=ten plagues finger puppets
And then I found some explanations on the internet for each of the plagues, and I printed them out, and cut the pieces of paper with each explanation to the smallest size, folded them up and stuffed each explanation into the corresponding finger puppet and laid them under 10 people's plates. When we got to the plagues part, I stopped my father's reading of the Haggadah, and told people to look under their plates, and then each person read the description of how their plague happened and how Pharaoh hardened his heart and reneged on his agreements with Moses to let the Israelites go each time - while pretending the puppet on their finger was doing the talking. People seemed to enjoy that twist to the tradition.
There was no roast beast left over. Lots of veggies, and lots of soup. And charoset out the wazoo. I will probably cook it up in some fashion after I am sick of eating it plain. I made people take the sponge cakes away - they were delicious - but I don't need that in my house.
I am drinking a glass of wine (the good stuff, not the Manischewitz) while I un-lax. Charles will be washing dishes for a few days. I'm sure I'll have some more soup before the night is over too.
One of our guests was Larra - it was lovely having her come all the way from her house (I'm guessing about 35 miles) to join us.
And my would-be step-brother and his wife showed up and stayed this time.