Greece and France at 5 months out?

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I'm sorry you aren't getting to go.

Same here! Everything happens for a reason though...

@Clematis, I don't envy you the task of moving! I am currently in the throes of going through old boxes and getting rid of the stuff I no longer need/want. I have no idea why I saved some of the things I squirrelled away. Anyway, sorry you can't go but like you said, there's always September. I've always taken trips in September - it's a lovely time of the year!

YES! I am taking this trip! Except in OCTOBER, not next month. They added an autumn session. Lucky me.

I'll fly into London, spend a week solo based there, then off to Greece for 9 days with a small British tour group w/ archeologist-guide meals included, then to Paris for a week (debating about doing solo with day tours or with a Rick Steves tour so I have someone to eat dinner with) and back to US. I've never been to Greece or Paris so really excited.

I'm still a little concerned about the food. At this point, food is a chore. Nothing tastes good; nothing is satisfying. Forget about dense protein. Yesterday I ate a hot dog -- an ENTIRE hotdog (bunless). That is the most dense protein I've been able to eat since October 2015 before surgery. Fingers crossed that I'll be able to eat enough protein in food by October 2016 when I am 11 months out as I won't have access to protein drinks. (But I trust I won't die in a month if I cannot get in sufficient protein.) I could eat carbs if that is what is served as I seem to have no trouble eating them and no repercussions from doing so. And I'll experiment in September with the effects of wine on both my innards and my alcohol tolerance. Paris without wine would be depressing!

YES! I am taking this trip! Except in OCTOBER, not next month. They added an autumn session. Lucky me.

I'll fly into London, spend a week solo based there, then off to Greece for 9 days with a small British tour group w/ archeologist-guide meals included, then to Paris for a week (debating about doing solo with day tours or with a Rick Steves tour so I have someone to eat dinner with) and back to US. I've never been to Greece or Paris so really excited.

I'm still a little concerned about the food. At this point, food is a chore. Nothing tastes good; nothing is satisfying. Forget about dense protein. Yesterday I ate a hot dog -- an ENTIRE hotdog (bunless). That is the most dense protein I've been able to eat since October 2015 before surgery. Fingers crossed that I'll be able to eat enough protein in food by October 2016 when I am 11 months out as I won't have access to protein drinks. (But I trust I won't die in a month if I cannot get in sufficient protein.) I could eat carbs if that is what is served as I seem to have no trouble eating them and no repercussions from doing so. And I'll experiment in September with the effects of wine on both my innards and my alcohol tolerance. Paris without wine would be depressing!
Holy **** you are going to be in Europe for nearly a month. That is awesome and I am very jealous! :p

Regarding food, between now and October you are going to see a world of difference as to what you can eat and how it feels. FYI - a hot dog can still cause me some discomfort. For some reason hot dogs and sausages are one of the worst foods for sitting heaving in my gut. Now steak, chicken, chops, wings, meat loaf, a good juicy cheeseburger all sit well. Rice, pasta, veggies, potatoes (regular and sweet) all sit well too.

Anyway, you will be enjoying food a lot more by October so it will be fun. I would imagine in Greece you can get plenty of seafood as well so you should be good. Scallops, light fish, shrimp/langastinos, lobster, crab, oysters, mussels, clams all are very easy to eat for many DS'rs early on
At one year out, I went to Germany, Italy and France with my daughter for 21 days - ate small amounts of everything that wasn't nailed down - and by the way, the fresh pasta and bread (in moderation) in European restaurants did NOT case nearly the intestinal consequences as the processed and chilled crap we buy in stores in the US. I had a glass of wine most days too (I was 1 year and 3 weeks out.)
Holy **** you are going to be in Europe for nearly a month.
When I go, I go for a month. I was there 5 weeks the last time. It's the perfect length of time -- long enough that you've felt you've really seen what you came to see and ready to go back and sleep in your own bed.

the fresh pasta and bread (in moderation) in European restaurants did NOT case nearly the intestinal consequences as the processed and chilled crap we buy in stores in the US
I took a cooking class in Rome and the chef ranted about unrecognizable preservatives and crap on American labels when pastas and bread should have (semolina) flour and water. And of course, be made the same day as one eats it. Currently, I have no intestinal issues with bread or carbs, however there are some yeasty store breads that sit like a brick in my stomach causing nausea as if they were a dense protein. (Costco's baguette does this to me.) I haven't tried more than a tiny bite of pasta. Should I go to the dark side and eat carbs, at least I have the recipes, pasta paddles and drying screens to make my own from the Rome class. (I made this ONCE with young nieces - really a PITA. No wonder Italians are known for yelling and cursing.)

My big decision is whether to stay longer in Greece for a 5 day Athens tour (same company) with a greek history professor and do Paris as soon as I arrive in Europe (and have less than 2 days in London this trip), or stay with the original plan of a week in UK, 9 days of Greece (Peloponnese only, Athens not included), then a week in Paris. I don't know if I'll be "Greeced-out after 9 days in Peloponnese. With the political and economic mess in Greece right now, I don't know if I'll ever make it back to see Athens if I don't do it now. Of course with the terrorist mess in all of Europe this whole trip could be upended before October.
Personally I would cut UK to 2 days and extend Greece, but that is me. I haven't been to Greece but I holds more interest for me.

In any case you will have a great time whatever you decide.
It would kind of suck to not be able to partake in the wine experiences of Paris but I would surely make up for it in cheese consumption!! I loved Paris but I wasn't gastrointestinally altered last I was there so I just inhaled every experience.
Wheee! I'm so excited for you! I agree, a month or don't bother. We did a bit of Europe last year (and Greece and Paris) and I would absolutely do any extra possible in Paris. I love London but, I'd totally sacrifice a few days there for a few more of Paris. We ditched our tour group in Paris, and often when people picked up we were from the US they would start a conversation. In restaurants, the tables were oddly close (way different personal space rules there) and we ended meeting and talking with the people sitting 2 inches from us, and one of the best tours of Paris was from a couple we met eating and then they took us sightseeing at night, which is when Paris is best. I'm not particularly chatty with strangers normally, but people were so friendly, and if you whip out a map, someone would usually just stop and offer help and advice.

I took extra protein with me, but didn't consume much of it. When I knew it would be a long walking day like up to a mountaintop monastery or skiing in the alps, I'd shove a baguette, some dried meats and cheese in my pack and make impromptu tiny sandwiches. I had zero issues with the breads there, but I don't have issues with many carbs, and also think the pasta and bread there have fewer added things that may cause issues. In restaurants, I could always find a protein source, and it even gave me the opportunity try something I may not have otherwise, like a giant beef or pork knuckle.
We DSers have a very high tolerance for Greece/grease. You can do London anytime.


We ditched our tour group in Paris, and often when people picked up we were from the US they would start a conversation. In restaurants, the tables were oddly close (way different personal space rules there) and we ended meeting and talking with the people sitting 2 inches from us, and one of the best tours of Paris was from a couple we met eating and then they took us sightseeing at night, which is when Paris is best. I'm not particularly chatty with strangers normally, but people were so friendly, and if you whip out a map, someone would usually just stop and offer help and advice.

Did you ditch a day tour group or a US-originating multi-day tour group? I don't have a lot of experience with tour groups besides day tours like the $$$$ high brow Context Travel or the cheap-o city walking tours and pub crawls. I've only taken one multi-night tour: a British based three day tour to Welsh castles with a PhD expert/author on Edward I which was so awesome I decided to use the company again for Greece. I want tours that educate me AND to find people with whom to have dinner as I don't like eating dinner alone, especially in a nice restaurant. (I'm OK with lunch.) I talk to EVERYBODY. (I'm that bubbly, twinkly type that some lugubrious, dyspeptic people find irritating.) This chattiness only works well when there are English speakers nearby. I never made it through a meal alone in the UK before another couple would invite me over or pull up their chairs. In all my trips, the only Italians who spoke to me were the English-speaking waiters. I don't think they knew what to do with a midd -- er, I was going to say middle aged but I guess I am old now -- lone woman wearing athletic shoes (gasp!) who only spoke a tiny bit of Italian. I made friends in all the walking tours I took but they were all made up of English speakers. I suspect Paris will be much the same -- I speak no French. If I add the Athens tour, I miss the Rick Steves Paris tour and will be on my own in France and will need to find walking tours, gastronomy tours, pub crawl tours. (Evening pub crawls are great for meeting dinner companions but no so good for a DSer who can barely drink. Ditto for the food tours.) I don't know what I'm going to do vis a vis Athens. Still waiting for word back from the tour company as to what kind of credit they will give me for the unused roundtrip airfare from LHR to Athens if I stay on and take the second tour.

@DSRIGGS and @southernlady I was always envious of others' European trips. And then I discovered just how many frequent flyer miles my husband had accrued. That "free" airfare is what makes this possible for me. The all-inclusive cost for the 9 day Greece tour is actually pretty darn cheap.

(I just realized this is in the main forum and not off topic. sorry)
I miss all the frequent flyer miles from when I used to travel a lot for work. The last ten years I have traveled very sporadically so I don't have many miles with anyone anymore, whereas I used to be super elite with Delta and then a decent amount with United and American as well.

and I am just teasing you. Have a great time.
At first it was definitely about WLS and not being able to eat on vacation but it's sort of morphed into a travelogue. You decide.

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