Finally on a long RV trip!

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Bad Cop
Dec 30, 2013
San Jose
When we sold our home in San Jose and moved to AZ in December 2016, it was to downsize our costs so we could afford a nicer RV to do extended traveling. However, the first summer in AZ, we just hadn’t had the time to get settled and get a mortgage on the new house (we paid cash, which was most of the profit on the old house, so we could buy quickly), and we were not comfortable going out in the old single-A/C coach with the cats - after a few hours of no A/C in the desert in the summer if it went out, we’d be dead. So we sweltered through our first AZ summer. And finally upgraded the RV in November.

Last year, I had a fabulous trip planned out, but then Charles got diagnosed with very early stage prostate cancer, and insisted on spending the summer having radiation therapy. Plus I had just had an abdominoplasty at the end of April. So we sweltered through a second AZ summer.

This year, we’re both not really back up to speed physically, but ******* it, we were going to get the hell out of Hell this summer. And we left today!

I am utterly exhausted. We’ve been actively preparing the house to be away from it for 2.5 months, plus clean and pack the RV. It was more work than it should have been - everything hurts!

Our community RV club was doing an 11 day trip to Palm Springs, Buellton and Paso Robles, so we figured we’d start our summer trip with them, then head up to our usual place just south of Gilroy and near our kids. We’re going to hang out there until July 12th, at which point the RV park is already booked for the Gilroy Garlic Festival. So then we’ll head off for Sacramento (cousins party with cousins I’ve never met in real life), Reno (my oldest friend - since we were 10, and her husband - they met at my first wedding in 1981), and then to Las Vegas (Munchkin! and Jeff). If the weather isn’t TOO horrible, I’d like to visit the Grand Canyon again while we’re in the neighborhood, but late July is usually miserable there.

And - stop me if you’ve heard this before - we may either be bringing Dad back with us, or he will be flying to move in with us shortly after we get home. His ladyfriend apparently has gotten another several months of use out of him after she had surgery in October, but she’s finding his memory issues to be too difficult to handle.

Good. I think he’s going to do better with us. And we have plenty of room in the RV for him. But I expect there to be much more drama before this happens.

(If we bring him back with us, we may have to change our return itinerary and go home via Los Angeles, so Dad can see my brothers. But I dunno how this is going to work out - controlling ladyfriend insists he should fly to us, and that he can’t handle traveling in the RV. He is still doing their grocery shopping, on foot, by himself, and cooking for them. He needs to get away from her.)

We will stay in touch...if I’m not dead or in jail for practicing medicine (on myself) sans license.

I informed the Surgery Center RN when he called, and my Uro’s office when they called, that a surprising ACCIDENT might be occurring very soon. One hour after I drink 750ml-1L of water, take a FloMax, an extra oxycodone and probably a pyridium and a Urispas, there will probably be a VERY UNEXPECTED accident in the shower, where my washcloth is ACCIDENTALLY tangled up with the stent’s “removal string,” and then I ACCIDENTALLY, gently but firmly pull the string, which removes the stent, and then, as predicted, USUALLY IMMEDIATELY relieves the horrific pain.

Why do they make this such a big deal? I’m part of the 20% of patients w/stents who really find the damned things painful. They reminded me that “it’s safer” to have it removed at the uro’s office. I reminded them that a sizable percentage of uro patients all over the world, even in small towns and big cities in the US, are sent home with instructions on how to remove their own stents. And that I’ve done it before.

So if you come through L.A., let me—or the custody deputies or the executor of my estate—know when.
This year, we’re both not really back up to speed physically, but ******* it, we were going to get the hell out of Hell this summer. And we left today!

I'm so glad you two finally got on the road and I hope it's going well. when are we getting an update?!

And - stop me if you’ve heard this before - we may either be bringing Dad back with us, or he will be flying to move in with us shortly after we get home.

very glad about this, as it really sounds like he is being taken advantage of!

Spiky Bugger OMG!
We got to Palm Springs successfully, and spent 3 nights. Went on the Aerial Tramway - amazingly steep climb. I’m still astonished Charles agreed to it, as he has terrible vertigo, but he did it.
Yesterday we traveled to Buellton in the Santa Ynez wine region, near Solvang. A tough 259 mile drive in rain, heavy wind (weird May weather in SoCal), and of course terrible traffic. (I grew up in LA, and I would love to live here again - if about 8 million people would leave first.) I have never been here before, just driven through many times.

We’ll be here until Monday, when we head for Paso Robles (more wine country, some people will go to Hearst Castle, but we have been there and will do something else). That will be an easy less than 100 mile drive. Then next Friday, another 100 mile drive to our campground south of Gilroy where we will stay until July 12th, except for a 3 day excursion because of rules against staying for more than a month in the campground.

Minor RV problems encountered - the remote panel inside the RV that shows the status of the batteries and inverter went dead, but the inverter still works. I ordered a new panel over the phone while we were on the road yesterday, which is being shipped to the campground Gilroy. Very simple to replace - 4 screws and a telephone cable click-in connection. The curtains that close off the windshield while we are parked are a mess - the stop piece on one side fell off and the slider thingies came off too - I’ll try to fix when we get to Gilroy. But the kitties are doing just fine and seem happy, so all is good.
I'm glad things are going so well and especially the cats are happy. I hope you have good weather from now on!

Charles really doesn't look like he's enjoying it!
Oh, and the electric sunscreens that roll down to shade the windshield aren’t working - probably a loose wire since both of them aren’t working and they are operated by separate switches. No biggie - we hardly ever use them, but we were parked facing west in Palm Springs and it was quite hot there.

RVing requires being handy and/or being flexible - something is always going wrong. Our caravan has 10 RVs and there have already been multiple service calls.

Charles was being a good sport - every time the tram went past a pylon, it dipped and swayed a bit - unnerving even without vertigo. Also, the entire tram rotated twice during the 10’ ride. There was a lady on our ride up who freaked out and spent the ride up clinging to a bar on the operator’s center (non-rotating) station, curled up with her eyes closed. She couldn’t even approach the windows with wonderful views once she got up to the visitors center at the top. Poor thing - she was miserable.
What we did yesterday.

Father of the groom Ernie and me (sadly, the MOTG passed away a couple of months ago).

My daughter Jessica and one of the groomsmen.

The groom’s twin brother Vince and the bride’s daughter Caylee, holding the ring boxes.

Charles and his daughter Paige.

Paige and Nathan.

In back: Nathan, Paige, my son Nathaniel, his girlfriend Kaylee, Jessica and her husband Chris; in front: Charles, me and Caylee. Yes, two Nathans and two K/Caylees. It gets confusing. Caylee calls her stepfather “Normal Nate” and my son “Uncle Nate.” And Kaylee is “Kaylee with a K.”

Nathan’s family made the Filipino food - it was yummy!
Wow! Congratulations! You look wonderful, as always and I love seeing the smiles all around in the photos. What a lovely family! Enjoy!!!!
oh, what wonderful photos - everyone looks so happy!

everybody is just beaming except
the bride’s daughter Caylee
but I think she is just worried about the responsibility of holding the rings - there she is beaming with everyone else in the group shot. just lovely. :heart:

Paige looks charmingly shy with her Dad and I love all the clothes, especially the Bride & Groom. love the sneakers!
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