I’m sitting in the hospital this week.

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Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
Yesterday about 2 PM, I developed what I thought was a bad case of GERD. It just wouldn’t go away. So I went upstairs to lay down after taking some Tums. That didn’t help, so I headed back downstairs to grab the BP cuff we have. It was calibrated to our PCP in Spartanburg so I was reasonably sure it was accurate. My typical BP is around 110/60. I got 173/111. Took into Charles and it goes, that ain’t right. So I go take it again. Only slightly better, 165/101, he says ER, I said yes.

So we headed off to the WVU ER, about 25 miles away. Calling an ambulance would have taken about as long. I get there and am whisked in.

Yes, I was having a heart attack. After the heart cath a bit later, and placement of a stent, they told my husband it was 99% blocked. This morning when we saw the cardiologist, turns out it was the widow maker artery! Typical survival rate of that type of heart attack is 12%. I’m damned lucky to be here.

Always know your body. Know heart attack symptoms, women’s are different from men’s.
I had GERD feeling, pain in my upper back, and pain radiating down my arms. It was only later that the elephant sat on my chest. Even if nothing is wrong, GO!
Well, if this isn't a shocker, I don't know what is! I'm so sorry this happened and so very, very glad you're ok and getting the care you need. Wishing you a speedy and uneventful recovery, as this has already been eventful enough.
I'm so grateful that you are still here with us. Thank goodness you took immediate action. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Please keep us posted - we all care a great deal about your well-being!
You’re the second person I know who has survived this in the last 3 months. It is so great you know your body and the two of you went straight to the hospital. You are a lucky person! All the best for your quick recovery.👍🏻
You’re the second person I know who has survived this in the last 3 months. It is so great you know your body and the two of you went straight to the hospital. You are a lucky person! All the best for your quick recovery.👍🏻
I’m glad the other person survived as well.

Although I absolutely abhor statins and beta blockers, I’m using them for now. The statins until I see my liver specialist in September as he has the final word on that one as statins mess up your liver, my numbers are up and a CT scan done this spring saw it was swollen.

The beta blocker under protest but at the lowest dose possible. Beta blockers have a tendency to mask hypo unawareness and when I go low, I don’t feel it til I’m super low (30-40).
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Yes, I was having a heart attack. After the heart cath a bit later, and placement of a stent, they told my husband it was 99% blocked. This morning when we saw the cardiologist, turns out it was the widow maker artery! Typical survival rate of that type of heart attack is 12%. I’m damned lucky to be here.

holy cow, Liz! I am so glad you survived and are back home!
I'd been mulling your incident since you posted on FB a few days ago. I don't recall you being a big consumer of alternative sweeteners, but I'll mention this as many of us are.
Erythritol has recently been noted as being a risk for stroke or heart attack and may affect the platelets in blood causing them to stick together.
I have used products that have erythritol as a sweetener, even without it being obvious. I use monk fruit as a sweetener, but know that it's usually blended with erythritol, even though the bag says "monk fruit sweetener" on the bag, the ingredients on the back list erythritol. I have also seen some dental care things with erythritol in the ingredients.
It's worth taking a look at your toothpaste, gum, protein drinks, coffee flavors, etc. to see if erythritol is one of the sweeteners, and if so, making an informed choice if you want to consume it.
Your heart attack had to have been the nastiest surprise and thank goodness you caught it in time. So glad you are ok.
I'd been mulling your incident since you posted on FB a few days ago. I don't recall you being a big consumer of alternative sweeteners, but I'll mention this as many of us are.
Erythritol has recently been noted as being a risk for stroke or heart attack and may affect the platelets in blood causing them to stick together.
I have used products that have erythritol as a sweetener, even without it being obvious. I use monk fruit as a sweetener, but know that it's usually blended with erythritol, even though the bag says "monk fruit sweetener" on the bag, the ingredients on the back list erythritol. I have also seen some dental care things with erythritol in the ingredients.
It's worth taking a look at your toothpaste, gum, protein drinks, coffee flavors, etc. to see if erythritol is one of the sweeteners, and if so, making an informed choice if you want to consume it.
Your heart attack had to have been the nastiest surprise and thank goodness you caught it in time. So glad you are ok.
I stopped using all artificial sweeteners about 7 years ago. Until then, my main was Splenda, I would use Sweet & Low maybe twice a year if Splenda wasn’t available and I didn’t have any with me.

But after I stopped, it was just sugar and honey, in spite of push back from doctors about my diabetes. Although they have a hard argument in their favor when my A1C stays between 5.5-6.2.

With the addition of protein waters, I’ve added Stevia but that the only other one and some can’t decide if it’s artificial or not since it starts as a plant, just like sugar.

I’m glad I’m okay too. I have found out since I talked to two of my sisters, one is my full sister, one a half sister that both parents had stents. My Mother had 3, my daddy had 5, although neither had the widow maker involved. I suspect mine was 95% genetic. I’m not obese, my fat intake is minimal for my system, my cholesterol has been great for the last five tests, my diabetes is under great control, I do eat a nominally well rounded diet FOR A DSer cause I was trying to regain some weight. I’ve been eating a reasonable amount of fruit, about 3 servings a day. Also about 1-2 servings of veggies. I don’t and never have smoked, although I spent 25 years as a passive smoker thanks to my Mother. I don’t drink, I’m allergic to alcohol. About the only thing I need to increase is exercise. That may be the 5%.

But on the plus side, my full sister now knows her increased risk (she didn’t know about daddy) and has already mentioned it to her PCP. A good friend of mine who is 4 years older has been delaying a check is no longer delaying a check. So my wake-up call got more than just me.

We are also looking into adding some home exercise equipment to get our hearts pumping, mine and Charles. I scared the bejeebers out of him.
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Oh my gosh! I'm so glad that you took action. Most of the time, it turns out to be nothing, but all it takes is once.

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