Fats are not the enemy


Staff member
Dec 30, 2013
Wellsburg, WV
Based on Robs question here: http://bariatricfacts.org/threads/twelve-weeks-out.3172/page-2

Ok, so, I have the same/similar question???? I realize were all different, BUT….IS there a number that we DS’rs should be striving for or at least be aware of? I just added up all my daily totals and my fat is only about 70g a day. IS THAT ENOUGH? Now that I am FINALLY getting all my protein from food and ixnayed the godforsaken protein shakes, Im needing to look more at fat needed.

I went back to @DianaCox DS math thingy, i.e., (percentage of calories from fat calculation) and looked everywhere and I can’t seem to find that info other than the percentage calculation? I just want a coarse number, an estimate? Is it really 100g or so?

I noticed many other peeps on here have double the amount I'm getting, especially @newanatomy? Not wanting to hijack this thread, but maybe I should start anther post about just Fat.

Rob, the figure I found was 30+ grams of fat for a normal human as a minimum for brain health.
https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/11208-fat-what-you-need-to-know link has disappeared

Total fat
The dietary reference intake (DRI) for fat in adults is 20% to 35% of total calories from fat. That is about 44 grams to 77 grams of fat per day if you eat 2,000 calories a day. It is recommended to eat more of some types of fats because they provide health benefits. It is recommended to eat less of other types of fat due to the negative impact on health.
When talking about amount of grams, they always talk calorie. DSers don’t count calories but calories do count.

I AIM for major amounts of fat but honestly the best "rule of thumb" is this one:
For those who are fully healed, on normal food AND TAKING all their vitamins, esp calcium...
IF you have diarrhea (and I don't mean the soft fluffy poop of the DS'er) but watery stuff...cut back on fat.
IF you are constipated and/or dry skin, ADD FAT.

When I posted this, few had gotten the SADI-S. Caveat to this is it applies to the traditional DS because we malabsorb so much fat and we have a study stating it.

We now assume SADI patients need about half the amount as a traditional.
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Thxs Liz!!! So, great info, will read more detail later when I get some time, but just a quick question? Should I be concerned with only getting 70g or so of fat right now? I have none of those symptoms of needing more. Its just hard for me to eat anymore at this stage still. Here is what I eat in a day and was also going to post it in that other thread asking what you eat in a day..or something like that.

My daily routine is reasonably stable and doesn’t vary too much at this point, especially since I’ve just stopped the protein drink a couple weeks ago started getting all my protein from food. Here’s what I have:

1 whole large and 2 egg whites scrambled with caramelized onions and jalapeno’s with 1.5 OZ of parmesan cheese added and 1 OZ or so of pork loin steak on the side for a total of:
40g Protein 22g Fat 10 Carbs 387 Cal
I’ve just started adding a glass of milk a few times per week to get more protein and fat in, but for now I won’t count that in this equation.

4-5 OZ of either a Rib-eye or Pork loin steaks, (rotate) and either a cucumber salad or some veggie.
35g Protein 20g Fat 12 Carbs 450 Cal

Same as lunch, 4-5 OZ of either Rib-eye or Pork loin steaks, (rotate) and either a cucumber salad or some veggie.
35g Protein 20g Fat 12 Carbs 450 Cal

For snacks in between I will have 10 medium shrimps in a cocktail sauce and eat a few every hour or two.

10g Protein 0 Fat 5 Carbs 60 Cal
I also have been eating a lot of grapes. Not every day, but figuring it in for the carbs. 1 cup =
1g Protein 0 Fat 27 Carbs 104 Cal

110g Protein 62g Fat 66 Carbs 1,632 Cal
Thxs Liz!!! So, great info, will read more detail later when I get some time, but just a quick question? Should I be concerned with only getting 70g or so of fat right now? I have none of those symptoms of needing more. Its just hard for me to eat anymore at this stage still. Here is what I eat in a day and was also going to post it in that other thread asking what you eat in a day..or something like that.

My daily routine is reasonably stable and doesn’t vary too much at this point, especially since I’ve just stopped the protein drink a couple weeks ago started getting all my protein from food. Here’s what I have:

1 whole large and 2 egg whites scrambled with caramelized onions and jalapeno’s with 1.5 OZ of parmesan cheese added and 1 OZ or so of pork loin steak on the side for a total of:
40g Protein 22g Fat 10 Carbs 387 Cal
I’ve just started adding a glass of milk a few times per week to get more protein and fat in, but for now I won’t count that in this equation.

4-5 OZ of either a Rib-eye or Pork loin steaks, (rotate) and either a cucumber salad or some veggie.
35g Protein 20g Fat 12 Carbs 450 Cal

Same as lunch, 4-5 OZ of either Rib-eye or Pork loin steaks, (rotate) and either a cucumber salad or some veggie.
35g Protein 20g Fat 12 Carbs 450 Cal

For snacks in between I will have 10 medium shrimps in a cocktail sauce and eat a few every hour or two.

10g Protein 0 Fat 5 Carbs 60 Cal
I also have been eating a lot of grapes. Not every day, but figuring it in for the carbs. 1 cup =
1g Protein 0 Fat 27 Carbs 104 Cal

110g Protein 62g Fat 66 Carbs 1,632 Cal

I eat 2 or three whole eggs a day, my total cholesterol was under range at 128!
I just looked at the report on MFP for fat, I am low this week normally, it is a bit higher. I am going to aim for at least 100 grams!

I know why I am low on fat these past two weeks, no popcorn. I load it with butter and because of Atkins induction to hell, no popcorn!
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Should I be concerned with only getting 70g or so of fat right now? I have none of those symptoms of needing more. Its just hard for me to eat anymore at this stage still.
I would slowly up it as you go along. While you may not have symptoms now, either of them can LITERALLY bite you in the butt later.

But say, aim for 10 more grams of fat every few days...so that you add about 30 grams in a 2 week time frame. At SOME point you will reach YOUR magic number.

Remember, the ONLY study we have was done on a small group. Yes, it said 20% but if the group had been MUCH larger, it may have ended up at 30%. The 20% is a best guess for us. All we DO know is we malabsorb fat. How much is individual. but collectively, a good expectation is 20-30%.
Eat the whole egg. You can forget about the cholesterol crap! The next time yours is checked, it will be low!

Its not the cholesterol @Munchkin...its the taste I cant get past. My aversions to foods post-op has been way worse than I thought it would be, eggs being one of them, mostly the yoke. No Yoke :D....Thats why, I have to do it that way for now, but...its slowly getting better.
I would slowly up it as you go along. While you may not have symptoms now, either of them can LITERALLY bite you in the butt later.

But say, aim for 10 more grams of fat every few days...so that you add about 30 grams in a 2 week time frame. At SOME point you will reach YOUR magic number.

Remember, the ONLY study we have was done on a small group. Yes, it said 20% but if the group had been MUCH larger, it may have ended up at 30%. The 20% is a best guess for us. All we DO know is we malabsorb fat. How much is individual. but collectively, a good expectation is 20-30%.
Thxs SL, but again, what is the "Ballpark" number I should be shooting for?
Thxs SL, but again, what is the "Ballpark" number I should be shooting for?
Okay, assuming 20% absorption to get 30 grams ABSORBED, you need to ingest 150 grams. For 30% would be about 100 grams of fat ingested.

Start with getting 100 grams in...if you develop issues down the road, then go up OR down based on your symptoms.
Based on Robs question here: http://bariatricfacts.org/threads/twelve-weeks-out.3172/page-2

Rob, the figure I found was 30+ grams of fat for a normal human as a minimum for brain health.
View attachment 693

I AIM for major amounts of fat but honestly the best "rule of thumb" is this one:
For those who are fully healed, on normal food AND TAKING all their vitamins, esp calcium...
IF you have diarrhea (and I don't mean the soft fluffy poop of the DS'er) but watery stuff...cut back on fat.
IF you are constipated and/or dry skin, ADD FAT.
Good stuff Liz. Our bodies/bowels will tell us if too little or too much.
Yes! This is what I was saying in the other thread. Some NEED to eat extreme amounts, some WANT to eat extreme amounts, and can. I believe that 100-150 range should be aimed for if we want to keep our brains healthy.
But @robs477 you can start sneaking some in with a little heavy cream in your eggs whites, I found out I like that even better than whole scrambled eggs whe. I had a bunch of egg whites leftover from a recipe and my cheap ass didn't want to throw them away ;) and those shrimp you eat for a snack? Cook them in butter scampi style? Things like that will add up over time.
Yes! This is what I was saying in the other thread. Some NEED to eat extreme amounts, some WANT to eat extreme amounts, and can. I believe that 100-150 range should be aimed for if we want to keep our brains healthy.
But @robs477 you can start sneaking some in with a little heavy cream in your eggs whites, I found out I like that even better than whole scrambled eggs whe. I had a bunch of egg whites leftover from a recipe and my cheap ass didn't want to throw them away ;) and those shrimp you eat for a snack? Cook them in butter scampi style? Things like that will add up over time.

Thxs for the tips! I guess those are the kinds of things I need to learn incorporate to at least get that fat up to 100g for the next month or two. I guess I’m in a weird transition place were I’m just starting to be able to get all my protein from real food and there’s NO room left to add any more stuff/fat. Plus with the GD food aversions, my choices are limited….SO…..ANY suggestions you guys have for getting in that other 30g of fat for in the short term would be greatly appreciated. In the long term, within a couple months or so, hopefully I can double that.

God only knows I need all the brain help I can get!:D
Fat takes up next to no additional space if you add it right. Dip things in butter or flavored oil. Wherever you would use milk or creamer, add heavy cream or high fat coconut cream.
Yup to ^^^^ cook stuff in butter or extra olive oil and dip it dressings when eating. Or make an herb butter or blue cheese butter you can put on your meats.

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