Enhanced Malabsorbtion and No Carbs

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My Labor Day cheat is now history. We decided to do it yesterday to avoid the Labor Day crowds on the holiday weekend. I had pop tarts, fritos, chips, chocolate, a burger and fries, and some DQ ice cream cake. All in all it was pretty wonderful. Now another long slog to Halloween. Yeah, I know it's not a real holiday but Halloween and Valentines are 2 day that celebrate chocolate. I can't ignore them. Just can't. Usually we do 1 meal and a candy snack of some kind. Not a full on day.

Anyway it was great. Very hard to get excited about that boring chicken that is now thawing for tonight.
Another traumatic experience in the record books. I weighed today. Down another 5 lbs. Doesn't really make any difference because the diet will never end.

Clothes are still a twilight zone type of experience. I wear everything from a small to a XXL. What size am I? No one knows.

In a few days I begin again. The cooler weather means it's time to wrangle the palms and move rock. I am determined to finish the rock pile this Fall. It has gone on too long. Must reclaim my driveway!

I am doing mostly tuna and salad for the next 2 weeks. UGH. Tonight is roast pork and a guilty carb laden squash that was given to me. Swear I didn't buy it! Tired of staying home and cooking. One of the reasons I moved to Las Vegas was all the great cheap food. I had glorious dreams of eating out all the time. And then there was 2020.
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These days are hard when I want to eat all the stuff I want to eat but can’t because I am still trying to lose. I also am struggling with what’s the point! I have a goal but what’s the point? I would rather eat some nice bread and mashed potatoes!!!! And Covid’s going to get me so I should just eat these nice home baked cookies!

But YOU just keep sticking with it and persevering! You don’t give up and I can’t tell you how much I think about your eating strictly and then your cheat days now that I am following the plan once again and tracking. Right now I have cheat says once a week and that’s the best I can and want to do. You are doing great and when it’s time for your hernia to be fixed you will be nicely deflated enough to get a taut flat stomach!!
I'm glad the season is changing for you - I can't imagine living in the real desert year round.
but I miss the Carson City climate!
Doesn't really make any difference because the diet will never end.

it's really a lifestye you have chosen. you believe it's best for you, yes?

I am back in the feast or famine mentality since gaining so much weight over the last year. (well, I gained it in the winter and merely maintained it in the summer). now it's going to be winter again and I do not like this mentality. it does not work for me.
I'm glad the season is changing for you - I can't imagine living in the real desert year round.
but I miss the Carson City climate!


it's really a lifestye you have chosen. you believe it's best for you, yes?

I am back in the feast or famine mentality since gaining so much weight over the last year. (well, I gained it in the winter and merely maintained it in the summer). now it's going to be winter again and I do not like this mentality. it does not work for me.
I don't like it either but it is an accurate statement. But did I want it? No. I just have no choice. I dream of real food but I eat tuna salad. Except for the 10 or 15 days a year I get to eat what I want. There are 'good' moments. Like when I compare myself to other women my age who look all used up. And I am happy that I have no limitations and can still move rock piles and wrangle palm trees. Even though these activities are surely not fun.

Fall/winter are both good seasons for me. I am much more active when it's under 100 degrees. And turning off the AC(which we have not been able to do yet) always makes my wallet happy!
And I am happy that I have no limitations and can still move rock piles and wrangle palm trees. Even though these activities are surely not fun.

well, not fun, but satisfying? because that's almost better, I think.

and being active and strong is no small thing. :)
....Anyway it was great. Very hard to get excited about that boring chicken that is now thawing for tonight.

Speaking of boring chicken , I Recently decided to make instapot chicken Marbella. It tastes really good, not boring at all. Alas I forgot about the net effect of all those prunes... Diner beware

Hey.. it'll add a little excitement to the apres diner activity, perhaps not the kind you were looking for.

Then again, were you not a fan of those explosive gummy bears?
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Speaking of boring chicken , I Recently decided to make instapot chicken Marbella. It tastes really good, not boring at all. Alas I forgot about the net effect of all those prunes... Diner beware

Hey.. it'll add a little excitement to the apres diner activity, perhaps not the kind you were looking for.

Then again, were you not a fan of those explosive gummy bears?
Love those gummy bears. But the effect doesn't last. You have to quit for a while and then go back to them!
I survived Thanksgiving. I cooked as usual. We did pumpkin custard in ramekins instead of pie. We realized neither of us really like the crust so why bother? But I did eat potatoes and stuffing. Very little turkey. Lots of stuffing and potatoes!

We just did 1 meal for Hanukkah. Not a whole day. Jeff wanted pot roast. IMHO, not an inspired choice. It was barely cheating. But we did have hot fudge sundaes for dessert. Since he is Jewish, he got to choose.

We decided to do our Christmas cheat from around 4pm Christmas Eve to about 4pm Christmas day. I got fake Bailey's for my coffee. Our tradition for Christmas is always snacky things. Crackers, cheese, sausage, cookies, fudge. I got some dates too. Breakfast will be bananas and coffee cake. We each get 1 banana. The dogs get bananas and coffee cake too.

'I probably won't eat much today so I have more room for cheat day!

I am getting 5lbs of gummy bears for my birthday in January. They should work again because I have gone without them for at least 6 months.
I just noticed that you have been on this diet for exactly 2-1/2 years. I don’t know how you did it! What are your results? Any progress towards getting your hernia repaired? Not that you would want to be in a hospital anytime soon ... but have you found a surgeon?
I don't like it either but it is an accurate statement. But did I want it? No. I just have no choice. I dream of real food but I eat tuna salad. Except for the 10 or 15 days a year I get to eat what I want. There are 'good' moments. Like when I compare myself to other women my age who look all used up. And I am happy that I have no limitations and can still move rock piles and wrangle palm trees. Even though these activities are surely not fun.

Fall/winter are both good seasons for me. I am much more active when it's under 100 degrees. And turning off the AC(which we have not been able to do yet) always makes my wallet happy!

Just curious.. what is real food?

For me the white starches (bread, white potatos, rice, cakes, candy etc. )are a distant memory. Is that what you mean?
I just noticed that you have been on this diet for exactly 2-1/2 years. I don’t know how you did it! What are your results? Any progress towards getting your hernia repaired? Not that you would want to be in a hospital anytime soon ... but have you found a surgeon?
Isn't that disgusting? If you weigh me on the right day of the week, my BMI is... Wait for it... NORMAL. For the first time in my DS life. Well, actually in my whole adult life. But I am intentionally not making much noise about it because I am afraid I will eat something and screw it up. Or smell something really amazing and gain 25lbs. Normal seems to be extremely stressful to me. And I never thought I would get here. Scares me to death to think I might just be visiting. I am good at dieting. I do have willpower. But the weight always comes back historically speaking. This is not my first diet that has lasted more than 2 years.

One of the neighbors sent us a tin of popcorn. And it is cheat day you know. So, I ate some. After I ate I thought wow, I have not even tasted popcorn in probably 10 years. Holy buckets. Popcorn may well be a better laxative than the SF gummy bears. Too bad it is carbs.

The hernia. The thinner I get, the more pregnant I look. Oh the irony. I reach a normal BMI once in my life and I look like a pregnant old bag wearing a skin suit that is 4 sizes too big. I have found one possible surgeon. I am not excited about him but he may be OK. Haven't talked to him yet, just found him online and did some reading. Not many choices here. Now if I wanted ****s it would be a different story. As soon as the weight was gone and I had insurance, COVID happened. I have been avoiding doctors completely. I don't want to be around sick people/hospitals unless it is necessary. Looks like I won't get the vaccine till Spring. I sort of figure, shot, wait 3 weeks, shot, wait 3 weeks and then I can actually go see him. If I see him in the Summer, that most likely means surgery at the end of summer. And of course I am ASSUMING I will find a way to play let's make a deal for a reasonable amount of money, and get him to just do a huge incision. chop off the panni, and pull down the skin from my upper abdomen. No dissection required. The hernia already did that work. I can lift up the skin. It is entertaining in a gross way. Maybe a little Mets work around the belly button but that's it. I expect the BB will just be gone and I am fine with that. Since I have lost all the weight, I can actually find the hole. I know exactly where it is and how big it is.

Now that I have hated on my hernia, it may have also helped me lose some of the weight. I know if I eat too much, I will be in pain. That makes it easier to not eat too much. Also it looks gross. You can actually see the loops of my small intestine under my skin. If I want to look human...I don't eat for a day before my event/whatever.
Just curious.. what is real food?

For me the white starches (bread, white potatos, rice, cakes, candy etc. )are a distant memory. Is that what you mean?
Yup. The luxury of a hot dog or a hamburger on a real bun. Fries. A taco. Fried rice. Toast. Fruit. Pasta. Chips. Things regular people eat every day.

It is cheat day 4:20 pm Christmas Eve to 4:20 pm Christmas day. I get to eat a banana tomorrow for breakfast. That will bring my fruit consumption for 2020 up to my 10 bite per year limit! And tonight before bed, a hot fudge sundae.

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